Chapter 22

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(Warning: Mature scene ahead!!! Enjoy!!😏)

Before a shriek of panic could escape my lips, I got shoved against the nearest wall in the hallway, my hands getting pinned above my head. As my back made a rather strong impact against the wall, I gasped for air. Regaining myself, I managed to look into a pair of crimson eyes. His gaze looked rather dangerous. I gulped nervously remaining silent. "You didn't answer my question", he spoke ominously. "N-n-no", I stuttered quietly, and felt slightly scared for the first time. "Your reckless acts will bring you in danger. And you know that well", he stated as a matter of fact while tightening the grip around my wrists. I was slightly trembling now. "I'm sorry", I managed to whisper. Crowley sighed. "This time your 'sorry' won't be enough. You need to receive a punishment", he said calmly. His eyes displaying mischief. "What punishment?", I asked fully alarmed. "You will see", he told amusingly. And before I could inquire, he crashed his lips against mine harshly. Melting into his kiss, I tilted my head to the side, deepening the kiss. He then let go of my hands, slithering them to my waist, while I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck. He nibbled at my lip, and by instinct I granted him the wish. His tongue started to explore every inch of my mouth greedily, caressing my tongue into a hungry battle of control. A sudden moan escaped me, feeling all embarrassed, I could feel how my cheeks were burning up. "Ehh~ I like that sound. Let me hear some more", he stated, amusement holding his eyes. He kissed my lips softly one more time, before slowly kissing down my neck. I ran my hands through his hair as my other hand grasp the back of his noble uniform. He continued to press small kisses all over the side of my neck, until he brushed the spot, were he bit me last time, making me twitch lightly. He pulls away for a moment, smiling to himself as excitement washes over his face. He leans in again and bites the spot again, making me gasp out for air. Chuckling against my skin, he started to press his tongue over the spot, while sucking. I started to squirm as this new sensation, sending shivers down my spine. Another moan escaped my lips as another pleasurable sensation went through me in an electrifying satisfaction. He hums against my neck before he pulled away, looking now at my panting flushed face. "I just knew that it was your sweet spot", he informed me teasingly. "S-shut up", I managed to breath out. He shakes his head lightly before leaning back kissing my newly formed hickey making me shudder in delight. He then continued to trace his lips while poking slightly out his fangs down to my collarbone teasingly allowing me lightly to throw my head back. 

Suddenly, he stopped. Confused I looked at him. "Come" Was his only command. Taking his hand, I started to follow him with my wobbly feet. Shortly, we arrived in a room. It was gigantic. Especially the king size bed with crimson red covers is something one could not oversee. 'That must be his bedroom' Before I could continue to inspect his room any further, he took me in bridal style, walked to the bed, and the next thing I knew I was thrown on it. A small squeak escaped me in the process. Without any second thought, he climbed on top of me, pinning me down like a prey. He observes my face, making my cheeks flare up again. I then notice something I never would imagine. His eyes were now a darker shade of red full of lust and desire. With one last glance at me, he starts to unbutton my uniform, leaving me only in my skirt and bra. He then kissed me roughly, making me moan out loud. Hungrily I kissed him back, my hands now travelling to his clothes, removing them step by step. I then traced my fingers along his well-toned body making him shudder in delight. His hands moved to unclasp my bra, and as soon as he removed it, embarrassment washed over me covering my breasts instantly. He takes my hands gently and moves them aside. "Now, don't be shy. You are gorgeous", he stated softly. A splash of warmness was felt in my chest, and I smiled at him. He leans then back down to my now exposed breasts, his cold breath brushing over my breast causing it to perk and a gasp escapes me. In next moment he started to attack my breast, biting and sucking roughly while with his other hand he was messaging the other one and squeezing harder. "Mmmmh! A-aahh...!", I moaned not able to contain it anymore. I could feel him smirk while doing it. After my breast were equally treated, he continued to trace kisses on my stomach while slithering his hands on my waist downwards. With one pull he took off my skirt, along with my underwear, spreading my legs before I could even react. "Ahhh~ (y/n) already so wet for me", Crowley hummed in excitement. He then suddenly pushed his middle finger through my folds making me squirm in slight pain. Crowley chuckled at my reaction. "I see you're an unexperienced one. A virgin." I nodded my head sheepishly. "Well, we are going to change that matter this night." And in the next second he strokes me deeper with his middle finger, now added up with the ring finger. His gaze never leaving mine. "Mmhh! Mhh! Aa-ghh! Ah!", I groaned and gasped not used to this new overstimulation. He began thrusting his fingers in and out at a fast pace. My breath hitched and I grasped the covers beneath me becoming a moaning mess. "Ahhh! Ahh! Nngaahh~!", I panted. He then added a third finger, causing my back to arch in pleasure. I curled my toes and was panting heavily. He was thrusting so fast now, I barely could breathe. My moans grew every second louder and echoed off the walls of this room. Suddenly, I felt a kind of knot in my stomach. "I-I can't...ahh! Nnahh! I-I am gonna cum! Ahh!" I cried out in pure delight. He pulled out his fingers and licked off my juices. "So sweet~", he said in a seductive tone, sending another shiver down my spine. He then climbed on top of me again and started to bite my neck taking very small gulps of my blood. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I moaned softly. When he was finished drinking, he started to suck on my skin again. Feeling his bulge, I buckled my hips against his, making him groan. A smirk appeared on my lips. I repeated my action, gaining the same sound that drove me even more over the edge. "(y/n) you- Ahh!", he moaned out unexpectebly as I grapped him. Him being taken off guard, I took this opportunity and managed to flip him over. Now he was laying beneath me. Before he could open his mouth, I kissed him passionately while putting my hands on his chest. My hands then traced downwards, and I noticed how a light shudder ran through his body. I began to grind again, and I could hear how he inhaled sharply. On cue, I unbuckled his trousers and allowed them to slip down. I managed to pull down his boxers, but suddenly I got flipped over. But my eyes went wide as I saw how huge it was. "Now, now, my dear. It's shall still remain your punishment." This time he began to grind his member against my clit, making me gasp for air. He was teasing me with his throbbing member at my entrance. "Mm-ahh~!", I whimpered desperately. He conntinued to tease me in the same way, smirking while driving me nearly over the edge. I couldn't take it anymore my whole body was yearning for him desperately. "Fuck me already", I snapped losing my self-control, but so was his gone completely. Without a second warning he smashed his huge dick into me, bursting my hymen in one thrust. "Ahhhh! NNGGAHH...!", I cried out in pain, tears now slipping down. Seeing my reaction, he stopped, kissing my tears away. As the pain subsided a shiver of delight went through me. I rolled my hips against him, his member going deeper. At once he took the hint, he inserted his whole member out only to pound in me again. I dug my fingernails into his back making him groan. The pleasure was unreal. "De- deeper", I managed to pant out. Crowley complied at my request, he grapped my hips and shoved himself more deeper earning a loud moan from me. "Ahh~ so tight" I could hear him moan. I could hardly breath as my body shook with an overwhelming pleasure. He lifted my legs and threw them over his shoulder allowing to go even deeper. Hearing his low moans drove me insane. Suddenly, he started to go faster hitting a spot that made me scream in pleasure. "Ahhh! R-right there!", I moaned out. Hearing it he continued to thrust in the same spot repeatedly. His member throbbed inside of me, the friction and speed overpowering my senses. "Scream my name!", he ordered in a domineering tone. "Ahh! C-crowley! Ah!" "Louder" "CROWLEY!! Ahhhh~", I screamed out. By now the whole mansion must have heard it. I was now screaming uncontrollably not able to restrain myself any longer. My nails digging deeper into his back allowing blood to pour slightly out. I could feel my inner walls clenching around his pulsing member. I could feel now a knot forming in my stomach. "Ahhh! I-I think I'm! Ahhhh! Gonna cum soon!" He started to slam harder into me like a beast. Repeating it over and over until I came all over him. I screamed out his name and pure ecstasy washed over me. He groaned out loud as he came as well. As he pulled his member out of me, he collapsed next to me leaving me in a panting gasping mess. With my last strength I cuddled up to him and put my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me bringing me even closer to him and threw some covers over us. "That was amazing", I breathed out while drawing circles on his well-toned chest. Crowley hummed in approval while playing with my hair. A sudden wave of realisation hit me making my cheeks flare up. "W-were we actually alone." He chuckled "Who knows. Besides let them know that you're mine." I giggled lightly before saying "Forever". And with that I fell asleep.

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