Chapter 16

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Again, Ferid let go of my neck and bursted out into a crazy laugh. His eyes then narrowed dangerously, and he spoke perilously: "I told you already that we are all alone. And yet you waste your last energy for calling out for him. Now how foolish is that." "Why do you care", I shot back, but regretted it immediately. Because he gripped my neck brutally and started choking me. "I don't like your tone here", he started while I was gasping for oxygen, "besides, I'm kind of curious now. It appears that he means something to you. So, I wonder myself what does he want?" "Well, I could ask you the same question, Ferid" My eyes widen as I heard this one specific voice that I was so dearly hoping to hear in the last second. Slowly, Ferid let go of my neck and got up straight giving me the opportunity to inhale the so-needed oxygen. I broke into a fits of coughing. "Ehhh~ Crowley my friend what a surprise. Never thought that I wasn't alone in my manor." "What a shame then", Crowley stated in his playful tone, "but I wonder on how you got your hands on something that belongs to me." "Oh~ I feel kind of offended, my friend, that I wasn't aware of the fact that you got yourself a new blood bag. Not to forget to mention, that she is a half-vampire", Ferid spoke dramatically while pretending to be hurt. Crowley, however, only chuckled in return. "Well, Ferid, now you are fully informed, and I hope you are satisfied with testing her", Crowley continued in his calm demeanour. 'But I wonder, this slight change in his eyes that I noticed what was this', I thought as I looked at Crowley, 'is this anger?' Though my thoughts got cut off as Ferid voice filled the corridor once again. "Yes, indeed" He then turned around and looked into my eyes one last time before he said: "I hope we will see each other again" And with that he went off leaving Crowley and me behind. I then heard footsteps approaching me but before I could react, I passed out.

"You know you were lucky this time, (Y/n/n)", Amondra voiced while viewing me. I only sighed in defeat. "You should remember that you should avoid the contact with Ferid or else you will see the afterlife in a blink of an eye."

"I'm well aware of that", I stated still in my shocked state. "He saved me again, Amondra"

"No, shit Sherlock"

'Why am I so useless', I thought to myself bitterly and closed my eyes in exhaustion.

As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was laying on my bed. Sitting up my neck stung, and I hissed out in pain. To my surprise, the spot where Ferid bit me was all patched up. I then noticed that it was still dark outside. 'Did I only pass out for a brief moment' Then the whole event that occurred a few hours ago crushed down, and I began to shiver, tears slipping down my cheek. 'If it wasn't for him, I would be dead or who knows what else Ferid would do to me', I thought fearfully. I then wiped away my tears. 'I should thank him' The decision being made, I stood up and left my room. Closing the door behind, I was left standing in the dim corridor, I was walking around still with a slight fear. As all of a sudden, I got pinned against a wall harshly, knocking the air out of my lungs. "And where do you think you are going to", Crowley's voice cooed in my ear dangerously low. A shudder ran down my spine. "To- "but I got interrupted. "You know right, that for your earlier action you need to get punished", he stated calmly but yet dangerously, "and I'm indeed in a need of some blood." I glanced into his crimson eyes with a shocked expression, but then I regained my composure. "Fine" Crowley's eyes sparkled with excitement. Not even losing a minute, he leaned in and licked the unharmed side of my neck, making me shiver. He then licked a spot and I gasped. "Ahhh~ I think I found your sweet spot", he chuckled darkly and repeated his action again. And again, a sound escaped me, and I grabbed a hold of him. Crowley only hummed in satisfaction, and I could feel lightly how his fangs were poking my delicate skin. I shut tied my eyes, awaiting major pain like Ferid did as he bit me, but to my surprise nothing alike happened. His fangs pierced through my skin so gently that I didn't even notice that he already started to drink my blood. Crowley seemed to notice my reaction and chuckled lightly against my skin. Suddenly, I felt slight pleasure overtaking me and I closed my eyes feeling all flashed up. 'What is this overpowering feeling', I thought to myself hazily as it felt so extremely good. After a few seconds, however, Crowley stopped and pulled his fangs out licking the remaining blood. Feeling slightly dizzy I still didn't dare to let go of him. "You should take some blood as well seeing you in this weakened state", Crowley stated. First, I was feeling unsure but then knowing that I need some blood as well, I obeyed him. I leaned in not leaving his hypnotizing eyes and licked his neck. And I could feel him shudder slightly. After I was finished drinking his blood, he let me down on the ground. "You shouldn't be roaming on streets right know, especially if you don't know the way around here"

My face by now had to represent a ripe tomato. I was feeling quite embarrassed and stupid at the same time. Seeing my reaction, the tall vampire started to chuckle amusingly. He then started to walk off, but before he was out of my sight, I replied: "I will keep that in mind and thanks for saving me yet again." "Be just careful of Ferid, who knows what he is going to do next." Crowley uttered, his voice holding some sorts of concern, before he disappeared in the darkness of his halls.

And again, I was left alone, but this time I was smiling. 'Crowley, I think there is nothing that is going to stop me of lo- 'And a realisation hit me, which made me smile even brighter. 'I have indeed fallen for you, Crowley.'

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