Chapter 25 ...And I Held My Tongue As She Told Me...

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🎼...And I Held My Tongue As She Told Me..🎼


The night had fallen, and I was alone. Standing outside the hospital grounds, the stray night, not a cloud in the sky. The cold pierced my cheeks and my breath hung in the air as every shaky breath fell, especially as the tears streamed down my cheeks, tiny silhouettes of liquid running from my eyes.

I slipped and collided my back against the tall brick building and allowed myself to slip and my back slid down the side of the wall.

I brought my knees up to my face and hugged them, wrapping my slender long arms around the bony form. I leaned my head forward into my knees and started to sob, tears streamed down my pale cheeks and slowly I felt myself lean my head back against the brick.

The hard brick rubbed against my back of my head and was really scratchy. I sniffled. He loves some else, especially the fact that that someone else was one of my good friends. Kenny McCormick.

A rush of adrenaline raced and pumped threw my blood like death. I squinted my eyes slowly and stood up suddenly, I punched the wall as hard as I could. The pain I was feeling internally masked the pain I felt externally.

Suddenly only did I finally feel the damage, once I remembered their was





Finally, I looked at my still clenched fist, I opened it and four nail marks in the shape of half circles were imprinted into my palm like they were mocking me. I flipped over my hand, on my fist was the rub off of the orange bricks dust.

The bloody mark of what I wanted to live for. It stung and I winced in the pain, but I wasn't crying about my battle punching a brick wall wound. It was my heart is broken and I am never going to get it back.

"Bad day?" a voice cried out from the next corner over. Quickly I rubbed my nose and turned around trying to mask my feelings.

The familiar blue chullo hat is the thing that caught my attention.

"C-craig? What are you doing here?" I asked and turned away rubbing my eyes, embarrassed I tried to hide everything, but I couldn't cover it up.

"Want to explain yourself?" Craig asked me in return "Oh and to answer your question, I'm here to see Stan, he is my friend too" Craig answered my.

I saw him protrude something from his pocket. He took the cigarette and light it with a silver lighter he also had in his pocket. He looked annoyed and briefly took the cigarette out of his mouth, blowing smoke into the opposition direction away from me, but the smell was strong. "Are you going to explain?"

I rolled my eyes "Stan got severe head trauma from the car and he has amnesia, he remembers everyone, but me. He remembers everything... but me.." I coughed and wiped my eyes a second time.

"It's okay to cry, I won't judge" Craig put up his hands defensively and placed the cigarette in his mouth again.

"So I confronted him about it, I told him I loved him and that we used to be together and everything we used to do. He still didn't remember and the thing that set me off was... he said he loves Kenny" I gulped swallowing hard the giant mass in my throat that was building up.

"Don't worry, I know how to feel. I love someone, but they don't love me back either" Craig sighed and looked up, closing his mouth and blew the smoke out of his mouth before, him still standing up, drew back and sigh and put his head away from the sky's and dream land, back down to the floor.

"Love's a bitch" Craig said seriously and stomped his feet, "Too hard, complicated and dangerous" his tone became angrier and he calmed himself down and clenched his fists tightly.

"I just wish he would remember" I sighed and we both sat in silence.

Suddenly the doors burst open and someone came into the alley "Kyle? are you there?" a familiar voice cried out.

"What do you want Kenny?" I asked snidely.

"Stan's lungs overflowed with blood, apparently he received massive internal bleeding my the accident" Kenny explained his voice trailing off because of his breathing hard.

"He is going threw another risky surgery, they don't know if he is going to survive"

I'll Follow You Into The Dark {Completed/Being Edited}Where stories live. Discover now