Chapter 30 ...Illuminate The No's On Their Vacancy Signs...

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Me and Cartman resumed our position over outside in the waiting room. Still, Shelley was no where to be seen. I sighed sadly and staring at the vacant white walls in the waiting room and taking an unraveled paper clip I poked a hole in the wall, waiting for new. Anything. Anything.

Even thought there was all these people around me inside I felt like a black pit of loneliness. If Stan dies, I will have no one. I will have no Super Best Friend, no one to ever relate to. I will have no one.

I mentally slapped myself, I am such a selfish bastard, here I am, Stan is possibly dying and I am worried if I am ever going to have a friend. I am a fucking asshole. I jerked my neck to the side and felt my hands and toes clench up. I wanted to punch to wall but I stopped myself and I closed my eyes, slowly breathing in and out.

The doors of the operating room slammed open and out barged a surgeon, he slowly walked over, as if he was scared. My heart started to pound and my mouth went dry. No. NO. Please No.

We all stood up and ran over to the doctor, he placed one hand on the back of his head and unhooked his light blue and white face mask, leaving it dangling in his hand and his ran his hand threw his shaved brown hair.

"Well Doctor?" Ms. Marsh's voice wavered and the pitch of her voice changed with ever agonizing word.

He shook his head and we stared at him out hope depleted out spirits low, He looked down, he didn't look at any of our faces. He looked guilty, scared and a little confused. he rubbed the back of his neck roughly and he opened his mouth, killing me in the process "I'm sorry, but due to the amount of blood he lost, I'm sorry. We put him on bypass and froze his blood so that you can all say your goodbyes" then he muttered a quick "I'm sorry for your loss" before he walked away threw the double doors and he was gone.

Life froze and without knowing it I had falling to my butt onto the cold linoleum. No tears came but I could see out of the corner of my eye Sharon rushing into Randy's arms and they both hugged each other close, Sharon was sobbing into Randy's chest and Randy just stood there. He wrapped his arms around her and he quietly closed his eyes and a trickle of tears rolled silently down his pale red cheeks.

My eyes watered and I was still sitting down on the ground.

He was gone.

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