Chapter 3 | But I'll Be Close Behind

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          "Boys! Come down here please!" Kyle's eccentric Mother called from the front door, downstairs of the home. Kyle shook his head, taking his green orbs away from Stan's back to face his open bedroom door, as if he was trying to follow the sound with his eyes. 

          Stan quickened his pace, quickly slipping his gray shirt over his head and turning around. At the bottom of stairs Stan and Kyle were met by Sheila, slipping a brown fur coat over her purple scarf and neatly buttoned pink blouse. 

          Gerald pulled his black leather jacket off the hook next to the front door, "Now boys" Gerald Broflovski started "Sheila and I are going to be gone for the night. We will be back later tomorrow morning" Gerald explained, fixing his gray yamaka on his head.

          "Where are you going?" Stan asked, putting his arms behind his back and sitting on the arm of the living room couch. 

          "Sheila and I are going to a French restaurant in Denver" Gerald explained, grabbing the keys off the kitchen table.

          "Are you sure you boys are going to be ok?" Sheila worriedly raised an eyebrow. Kyle's mother was very over protective mother. Kyle knew that she loved him very much, but honestly? Sheila smothered him. 

         Kyle grinded his teeth, feeling slightly embarrassed, "Yes, Ma! We will be fine!" Kyle rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly. 

          "Now don't you roll your eyes at me young man!" Sheila scolded, arching her eyebrows. 

          Kyle put his hands up in front of his chest in defense, "Fine. Sorry Ma" Kyle apologized rolling his eyes once again.

          Gerald looked down at a wrist, checking his gold watch. "Sheila! They will be fine!" Gerald impatiently groaned, pushing her out the door. 

          "Call me or your Father if you need anything boys! Love you Ky-" Sheila was saying, before Gerald slammed the door in front of her face, in the middle of her sentence. 

        Kyle turned away from the front door, relieved that his parents were finally gone, and he had the entire house to himself, well besides Stan- but that's not the point. Kyle faced Stan, who was staring off at the wall, waiting for Kyle to say something. There was a slight moment of silence between them.

         "Oh my god, I thought they'd never leave" Kyle groaned, smiling a little bit. Kyle caught Stan's eyes for a slight second, his sea blue eyes masked in a depressing state. 

         Kyle's smile disintegrated into and he took closer footing towards Stan, putting a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner. 

          "Stan, are you okay?" Stan's mood seemed to drop to a different level and he looked down at the floor, staring at the nothingness and wiggling his toes awkwardly. 

          Stan sat upright, smoothing out his arched back, and he suddenly was his normal 6'3 self. Tall, dark features, studying eyes. A dimple on one of his cheeks, showing up whenever he did his sexy crooked smile. 

          Stan licked his dry lips, not in a seductive sort, but in a tired gaze, trying to pull yourself together way. "You know- I'm never really okay, you don't need to ask that question" Stan stood up, extending the length of his arm down to Kyle's chest. 

           "We should watch a movie" Kyle suggested, pulling himself off of the arm of the couch and standing upright. Kyle felt quite small compared to Stan, for he was 5'6, which was an okay height? But not Stan's preposterous size of 6'3. 

          Stan grinned, his character changed, very different from the mood he displayed just a few minutes ago. "Well" Stan stepped closer to Kyle, crookedly smiling, "What do you have in mind, Mr. Broflovski?" Stan chuckled lightly, trying to fill the mood pleasantly. 

          Kyle felt his cheeks blaze into a light pinkish color, spotted on his cheeks. It was funny, his cheeks displayed different colors for the different moods he was in. Red blush when he was angry, pink blush when he was embarrassed, and a dark pinkish color when he was stressed. 

          Stan stepped a little closer, filling the empty air between the two of their bodies. "You're very cute when you blush" Stan tilted his head to one side, delicately raising his hand, using one finger, placed it underneath his chin in a tender manner. 

           Two sets of eyes, gleaning, staring into each other. Kyle's faced suddenly felt normal, the warm feeling on his cheeks was no longer there. Instead of his cheeks growing darker at the moment grew deeper, the warm feeling on his cheeks left him. He suddenly felt as if he was home. It was an open door, a warm hug and the gift to the future Kyle had always hoped for. 

          Stan slowly closed his eyes, cocking his head to one side and urging his head forward until his dry lips collided with the large soft lips of Kyle's. Stan's head moving closer created more anticipation, but as their lips collided, he un-clenched his fists and regained his calm nature. His mind was at peace and he melted into the kiss, slowly. 

          It was sweet, kind and their love was there. Stan didn't attempt to shove his tongue into his mouth like the eager girls of their Junior class. But instead, ran his lips over Kyle's in a protective, nuzzling manner. 

          He wanted permission to his him first and as they stood in Kyle's living room, with the lights dimmed low, Kyle gave him that permission. The permission Stan had waited for. He pressed his lips tightly against Kyle's, carefully, and not to slowly, slipping his tongue into his mouth. 

          "Kyle?" Stan asked, "Are you okay?"

          Kyle jolted, his lips were not attached to Stan's, his body was not pressed against his. Their tongues did not collide. Kyle was stuck in his living room. Stan, was not asking for permission. Stan was not his. 


          Okay, so I re-wrote this chapter. Several things were wrong with my writing when I wrote this fanfic with my 12 year old brain. 

1. Stan doesn't have his normal weak stomach. 

2. Kyle is too uke!

          Yes, Kyle is the uke, and Stan is the Seme, but making Kyle too Uke is just- *shudders*. 

          I apologize to all you Kyle fans out there if you read this fanfic when it first came out, I apologize for butchering Kyle's character. 

- Presley. 

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