Chapter 17: ...When Your...

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[🎼...When Your...🎼]


I sat there at Stan's side holding his hand. Praying for him to wake up. He was still in his coma like state when Randy and Sharon burst threw the door.

Stan's parents had divorced a long time ago, when he was in 7th grade. They finally said they had had enough of each other. They don't fight they still love each other they just didn't think the fighting was good for Stan and Shelly. Stan lives with Randy and Shelly lives with Sharon, weirdly enough, after the divorce Shelly and him became really close.

Sharon spoke first, she covered her mouth with her hand and tears dripped down her cheeks. But the only thing she said was. "Oh Stanley.."

I quickly stood up and walked over to Sharon giving her a hug. She held me right and sobbed into my shoulder loudly. I didn't think it was weird at all.

I cried silently onto her shoulder and Randy stood next to us rubbing his elbow with his other hand and he stared down at the ground, not making a sound. Just looking down at the ground sadly.

Shelly walked in next and she didn't look sad, intact she looked angry.
"Shelly..." Sharon murmured crying beckoning for Shelly to come over to embrace in a hug.

Shelly didn't do that, she marched right up to Stan by his bed side. And stared calling to him.

"Stan, get up! This isn't funny!" Shelly screamed bumped his shoulder.
"Shelly..." Sharon said again trying to pull her away.
"No mom! Leave me alone!" Shelly sharply yelled. "God damned it Stan! Get the fuck up! You turd! STOP IT"

"STAN! Please.." Shelly's voice softened and she lightly tapped his shoulder "Stan.... I mean it... Please Stan... Don't die.." Shelly sat down and put her head on his chest. "Your the best brother in the entire world.. You can't die... I love you Stan... I can't loose my only brother .. Stan..." Shelley put her head down and cried loudly into Stan's chest.

I bit my lip to stop trembling and turned around and leaned my arm against the wall and cried against it.

Randy came over and his arm on my shoulder and I turned around wiping my eyes.

Randy sniffed "I just want you to know Kyle, your the best friend Stan could ever had. You both had something special, something I wish I had had growing up, or maybe I did but didn't notice it well enough. Stan loved you, more than a friend" Randy's ears turned fuller of tears ever tears every second.

"I know Randy. I loves him too. More than a friend. More than anyone" I sniffed and hugged him tightly. He smiled.

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