Chapter 42 ...If Theirs No One Beside You...

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Kyle craned his neck to look behind him and was surprised to see the goth kids sitting in the back row, with Ike. Ike leaned his head against Firkle's shoulder and Firkle wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed his forehead, letting him know that he was safe. 

Michael looked down and Henrietta had a black veil over her face, all of them dressed in black, like they usually did. But for some reason today they blended in. Everyone was wearing black. Because everyone was mourning. A loss. A death

Kyle turned his head away from the goth kids and faced the front because up on the podium was Craig Tucker. 

He looked shaky, unsteady. Craig gazed at the crowd, not saying anything for a couple of seconds, his eyes scanned the crowd before finally they stopped on Kyle. Kyle mouthed to him It's okay, reassuring him. 

"Right now I'm standing in front of you" he began, clearing his throat "You are expecting me to know what so say" he chuckled, not looked at the crowd anymore but down, finally he lifted up his head to face the crowd again "But in truth I don't" 

A couple people in the crowd looked confused at what Craig was saying, but I somehow knew what it all mean't "I haven't cried either" he sighed and rubbed the back of his arm "It's like you hear about sad things, sometimes you break down in tears. Sob, cry. But their is another side to tragedy"

"When you hear strategy you might cry. But their are some things so terrible so heart wretching that you just can't cry. Those are the kind of things like learning you best friend it..." He paused and gulped, looking away guiltily, he couldn't say it. He couldn't say the D word. 

Without saying another word he stepped away from the stage to Stan's coffin, his red and blue poof ball hat sat on his head, his black hair not being tamed enough to be grouped into his hat, and loose ringlets fell just above his eyes, parted perfectly. 

Raising his hand up Craig carefully and slowly he pulled his blue and yellow puff ball chullo hat. He folded his chullo hat in half and reached into the coffin, slipping his hat underneath Stan's pillow. 

"It's yours now..." he leaned down and whispered into his ear. Those were his final words. 

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