Chapter 36 ...Cause We'll Hold Each Other Soon...

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Then waltzed in Kenny. 

"Hey man whore" I weakly smiled and reached out my hand, Kenny gave me a high five. I am guessing he was trying to do what no one else had attempted to do. Act as if everything was okay. But I could see behind the charade, and I knew that everything was different. 

I saw the puffiness underneath his gray eyes, his dark blonde hair disheveled and sticking up in all directions, his clothes tattered while stains. 

"You were always our leader you know Stan, you always have been, and always will" his voice cracked at the end of the sentence but he turned around and wiped his eyes quickly, trying to be brave, but it was faulty and as I said before, I could see right threw it. 

"Cartman was always the fat one, the evil one" Kenny started, turning around again to face me, hiding his true self "Kyle was always the smart one"

Then I thought of Kyle. I thought of him sitting at his desk, in his house he didn't care what he looked like, he would sit at his desk, papers scattered all over the place, text books, booklets he needed. His room always as neat as anything I had ever seen. But his desk, always messy. 

He would sit at his desk, hat less and his hair floating high above his head, his tongue stuck out of his mouth, he would be reciting words I could never remember in my dreams, waving his pencil around in front of his face, taping his nose, his lip and his forehead. Slapping himself when he mispronounced a word. 

I remember the long days when my grades were slipping fast and my parents told me they were going to cut me out of band and all my sports. Kyle had to tutor me. I ended up crying because it was so hard, but Kyle talked me threw and helped me threw the ordeal. 

"...I was always the comic relief" Kenny pointed to himself modestly. "And you Stan? You were our leader, you the bravest of all four of us, you were the wisest out of any of us, you were the best in sports, you are good looking, you are beautiful Stan, and don't let anyone ever tell you other wise" 

Kenny blinked, finally he let himself go past the masquerade and he let the tears fall, he didn't sob like every body else I had seen, but silent tears, tears the dropped out of your eyes, rolled down your cheeks, and didn't make a sound. Not a sound not even a mark. 

"I have always admired you, I have always admired you, and I will always admirer you" Kenny told me, his voice breaking with ever sound he made. 

Kenny reached forward and wrapped his arms around me neck "I can't believe your going to be gone, I'll have no role model" he whispered into my ear and he let the sobbing come, and he sobbed into my arms. 

The story is almost over, after Stan dies I am going to have a funeral scene, and then it's over. I started crying when I wrote this chapter. I don't know why, it wasn't the saddest of any chapters, the thing that gets me crying is when I imagine myself in that position, watching a friend die right in front of me. That's what gets me to cry. 

Questions of the Chapter: Have you cried so far? If yes, at what part?

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