Chapter 29 ...That They Both Are Satisfied...

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We all stood outside the operating room waiting room. Stan's mother sat on the waiting room chairs, her head leaned back over her shoulders against the wall, her hand over her eyes. Shelley sitting on a chair her hands clasped tightly together, as if she were praying. Kenny, Craig and Butters all sat together, their eyes were all closed, and their mouths moving in sync as they all prayed together. Cartman stood against the wall watching the door as if he knew that at any moment they would flood into here and tell us something. Something, we needed something. Something.

I was in the next hallway, it was dark and deserted. I screamed yelling out every curse word that I could ever think of. I picked my my foot and sent it crushing into the wall. I picked up a tray off a silver metal trolley that stood diagram in the hallway. I picked it up and flung it as hard as I could, as far as I could. It clattered to the ground, flipped over and a scalpel along with a couple of needles, scattered all over the ground.

The door opened and Cartman popped his head into the door. "Bad time?" he asked me. I sighed and rubbed my temples with my thumbs and my index finger, massaging my eye lids. "Yes" I muttered back in reply.

He ignored my remark and trudged his way over to me. I sat down on a cot that was set up, without any sheets on it, just a mattress. "What happened over their?" Cartman motioned his head over to the clattered mess on the floor, I had created.

"I was in a mood" I sarcastically groaned, I was not amused. I angrily yelled out "How can you be so clam?" I asked and I put my hands over my eyes again.

Cartman didn't answer "I know you love him" he looked down.

"Of course I love him, and I have to..." my voice cracked "Have to leave him" I cried and the tears streamed back in. I sobbed and without thinking, Cartman leaned over and hugged me tightly. His back was shaking and he was crying.

After crying we both spread apart and leaned back against the wall. We were silent for a little while, and the silence was great. Gave me a time to do some thinking.

Cartman laughed "Remember the time that Stan had that gay dog?"

"Sparky?" I giggled a little bit "Remember how he used to pinch the bridge of his nose when he got frustrated?" I smiled this time. But my smile dispersed when I thought that I would never be able to see him do that.

"I still remember the day he tried to save those baby cows, and I was cow curdling" Cartman smiled, he seemed to be enjoying this moment.

We went on, and on and on, about everything Stan did.

"When he had the stupid show whale whores..."

"When he got drunk, when everyone thought he had Aspergers..."

"When we illegally downloaded a bunch of songs and got arrested..."

"When we all smoked and burned down the school..."

"When Stan and I drove that motor boat into the beaver dam and killed a bunch of people..."

"When he shit in the urinal and got it related to 9/11..."

"When we tied you to the cross to get an erection..."

"When we had to kill his grandpa..."

"When we gave Butters liposuction..."

By the end, we were both holding our gut, begging each other to stop. But we couldn't.

Finally, we both stopped, and it was all quiet. Finally Cartman said randomly "Do you want to try praying?"

I rolled my eyes, wiping my red eyes "You know I never believed in that kind of stuff" and I bunched up my fists.

"Let's try" Cartman simply said. I nodded and he nodded back.

We both closed our eyes and calmly Cartman began "God, I know we have never ever really prayed to you before or ever believed, but right now our best friend Stan is lying on that operating table, about to die. Please... We'll do anything'

I bit back tears, and before he finished I felt a lone tear slid down my cheek.

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