Chapter 33 ...You And Me Have Seen Everything To See...

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Randy and Sharon's Goodbye:


My parents entered the room, Kyle exiting, I knew he would be back. I watched him till the doors closed behind him, and I could see him no more.

"Oh Stanley!" My mother cried, running up to my bed side. "Oh, my baby" she covered her mouth with her hand and tears ran down her cheeks. A greasy build up had formed in her hair and she had no make up on. The wrinkles at the sides of her eyes where red and her eyes were red.

My dad came over and smiled weakly at me, I could tell he had been crying too. He put a hand on my mother's shoulder to calm her down.

"Stan, you are the best son a father could ever ask for" He started, kneeling down to my bed side "I know I never said it enough, but I should of, I love you Stan, you are the best son ever" he smiled again, the corners of his mouth barely moving from the position they had been in a second ago.

"I love you too dad" I answered, trying to smile, but I had to energy "Take care of sparky for me will you?" I asked him. I remembered that I would never see my furry brown dog ever again. My eyes watered up, blurring my vision.

"I promise Stan, I promise" my dad sincerely promised and he leaned down, kissing my forehead. Closing his eyes and pressing his lips against my greasy forehead, he stayed there for a couple of seconds before reclining backwards slowly.

I kept my eyes closed still as he stood up and edged his way away from his forehead kiss. I slowly opened my eyes again and my mother had her head over my forehead.

She kissed his as well and inched her hand towards mine, she gripped it and rubbed the top of it with her thumb.

"I love you Stan"

"I love you to mom"

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