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a few weeks later

after winning the basketball game jack wanted everyone to have a good time on his yacht his parents got him as a going away present for college, "you are going!"

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after winning the basketball game jack wanted everyone to have a good time on his yacht his parents got him as a going away present for college, "you are going!". kaden yelled at irish who sat on her bed a text book in her lap. "kaden i can't i have a test tomorrow". she said making him suck his teeth "baby doll stop lying". he said rolling his eyes.

walking over towards irish kaden eyed her "irish boo your parents aren't gonna know you went to this party all you ever do is study 24/7 take a damn break we are going". he gritted making her sigh loudly as she flipped the page in her text book.

placing her book in kaden's awaiting hand he heaved the book across the floor making her laughter full the quiet room "don't be throwing my stuff meanie". she said making him bust out laughing "irish you ain't gone do nothing yo ole soft voice ass". he teased making her stick her tongue out at him.

grabbing her hand he pulled her to stand in front of him "i also brought you another outfit to wear since everything you wear how can i say this?". he said biting his lip "it's always giving grandma". he said eyeing her sweats and over sized hoodie.

"it gives grannny? kaden really my clothes are comfortable for me only". she said pulling the clothes out the bag "i can't wear this it's showing so much skin kaden". she whined gazing at kaden who shook his head "you can wear this now go put it on so i can flat iron your hair". she sighed gripping the clothes tightly in her hands. "you better be lucky i love you". she softly said making him smile "i love you more baby doll". he said kissing her cheek.


jack sat quietly outside with a beer in his hand, classmates were everywhere the music was bumping, people were dancing anywhere there was room. "baby?". addison shouted gaining jack's attention "what's up girl?". he asked chugging his beer down, "why are you sitting so far away from me jackman what's wrong with you?". she asked walking over towards him.

"you wanna dance with me?". she asked running her hand through his curly hair, jack frowned shaking his head no "please baby just this once". she whined making jack sigh in annoyance "i guess baby go grab me another beer first". she did as told interlocking their hands.

irish glanced around the luxury yacht in awe feeling kaden grab her arm pulling her alongside him "let's get some drinks". irish looked over at him uneasy kaden paused looking over at her "i won't give us any that's already made it's most definitely spiked so we'll can make our own". he said making her stare at him uneasy "b-but i'm only 19 kaden that's illegal". he waved her off "it'll help you loose up, just this once ok?". she gave in nodding "ok just this once". she promised herself.


a few drinks turned into to many to count kaden and irish danced on the floor he smiled hyping her up as she twerked on him "yes bitch roll them hips". he screamed as she giggled.

kaden locked eyes with a boy across the room "i see a fine ass dread head let me go say hi you gone be ok?". he asked glancing into her low eyes, "yes go ahead say hi to him".

jack watched irish from afar his girlfriend on his lap she smiled guiding his face towards her "hi baby". she softly said kissing his lip jack downed the rest of his drink glancing at his girlfriend.

"baby i'll be right back". he said sliding her off his lap before standing up walking towards irish who was leaning over the railing of the yacht "you remember me?". he asked by her ear irish turned around glancing up at her she smiled her dimples appearing "yes i remember you jackman". she softly said laughing.

he raised an eyebrow "what you doing here?". he asked glancing over her face "i-i'm here with kaden". she said tugging on one of her curled pigtail.

interlocking their hands jack began walking towards the stairs making irish yank back "wait i can't go anywhere without kaden". she slurred as jack turned furrowing his eyebrows.

"kaden who is that?". jack gritted at the mention of another's male name angered him, tightened his grip on her wrist irish looked over at him unaware of his anger "he's my best friend". she said leaning into his body as they walked down the stairs,

guiding them over to a quiet part of the yacht he leaned her towards the railing "it's so beautiful out here i love the water i've never been on a yacht before". she said glancing at the full bright moon.

jack smiled also leaning over the railing a few feet away from her. "hey irish can i show you something?". he asked watching her bit her lip in thought, "i-um no i need to go back". she said before jack walked over making her back hit the railing he towered over her making her breath hitch "d-don't you have a girlfriend? she's probably wondering where you are right now". she said making him laugh softly.

"it's something i want to show you then i'll help you find kaden". she gave in allowing jackman to guide her to walk in front of him he took several fast peeks at her plump ass biting his lip she was blessed.


"it's a basketball court". she said smiling turning towards him he nodded grabbing the basketball dribbling it before throwing it to her irish who easily caught the ball absentmindedly dibbling it as she eyed him. "damn so you a baller?". she blushed dropping the ball "so check this out miss irish if i make this shot i get to ask you anything i want". he said grabbing another basketball.

"follow me". he said leading her to the half court line, irish eyed his muscles watching jack gripped the basketball "and if i make the shot you have to promise to leave me alone kaden has told me about your girlfriend she's crazy and starts drama i don't want to be involved in that". she softly said glancing up at his tall frame.

holding his hand out she shook his head "okay deal". he lied making irish smiled.

 he lied making irish smiled

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