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three years later
( irish is 23, zahir is two almost three & jack is 24 )

irish glanced over at her son zahir who was now two years old despite her evil father attempting multiple times to harm him

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irish glanced over at her son zahir who was now two years old despite her evil father attempting multiple times to harm him.

"zahir". she softly said gesturing him over to her, holding his hot wheels car zahir walked over to her smiling brightly his dimples appearing, opening her arms irish lifted him onto her lap before zahir wrapped his arms tightly around her neck kissing irish's cheek zahir pulled away smiling at her.

"sweetie are you hungry?". irish asked looking over his features, reaching over she brushed his curly hair away from his face holding his car towards her face she smiled grabbing it.

"yes". he softly said laying his head on her shoulder, "ok baby you can go play i'm going to make us something to eat". gently patting his behind zahir walked back over sitting on the floor grabbing his legos.

pushing her assignments beside her irish stood up walking towards her kitchen, after her son was born irish fell into a deep depression after her sister died three years ago irish dropped out of college irish turned to alcohol & drugs as a way to cope with the loss.

the front door unlocked before william walked through slamming it loudly behind him making irish roll her eyes in annoyance.

zahir glanced up from his toys smiling at william who angrily walked over towering over him. "hi". zahir softly said holding his blue mustang car towards a fuming william. "play?". zahir sweetly asked "get this shit up out my living room zahir!". william shouted startling zahir who flinched in fear before he brust into tears.

reaching down william snatched zahir roughy by his arm yanking him upwards towards him "stop all that crying shit, put all your toys up i'm sick of repeating the same shit to you zahir". william gritted, irish quickly made her way over towards them.

"stop fucking man handing him like that the hell is wrong with you?". irish screamed shoving william back before pushing zahir behind her "he's only two william! he doesn't know any better stop yelling at my fucking son". she spat making william waved her off in annoyance, "i've told him to stop leaving his toys out here! he can't play in the living room irish!". william gritted glaring at zahir who was hiding behind irish's leg. "you should of aborted this little nigga jack living his life he don't want this little nigga you the only one who wanted his useless ass".

"your mother should of aborted yo fucking ass". irish spat rolling her eyes crossing her arms "i told zahir he could play in here while i did my work for my classes you aren't ever here anyway so he can play in here if he wants". she gritted cutting her eyes at him.

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