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a few days later

jack smiled kissing irish pouty lips watching her sleep soundly on his chest, sighing jack shook his head at his brother dying once again while the two played fornite

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jack smiled kissing irish pouty lips watching her sleep soundly on his chest, sighing jack shook his head at his brother dying once again while the two played fornite. "clay you suck ass forreal". he mumbled into the headset, "jackman shut up before i tell mom you have a girlfriend". clay whined making jack laughed making irish shift on his chest. "sorry bambi". he whispered rubbing his hand against her back soothingly.

a loud banging noise on his front door made jack eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the knocking continued getting louder by the second "clay i-um gotta go somebody banging on my front door". jack rushed off the game turning it off.

"bambi lay beside me so i can get the door". jack softly said lifting her to lay beside him. "why what's wrong?". she mumbled yawning "nothing i got it just go back to sleep baby". jack said leaning down pecking her lips.

turning her back to him jack stood up throwing some basketball shorts on before walking towards his front door "i'm coming damn! give me a second". he shouted before unlocking the door snatching it open.

charles eyed jack taking in his appearance his nose flared in anger before shoving jack out the way walking past him into the apartment. "where the hell is my daughter at?". charles gritted eyeing jack in anger "your daughter? sir you need to leave before i call security". jack said looking over at charles who ignored his threat walking past jack towards the back.

seeing a small body on jack's bed, charles rushed over glancing at his daughter who was sleeping peacefully curled up under the covers. "lord give me strength to not hurt this child of mines". he thought eyeing her body noticing the tattoo on her stomach.

reaching over charles gripped irish's hair roughly yanking her out the bed making her head slam against the floor. "j-". pausing tears welled in irish's eyes as she glanced up at her red faced father.

if looks could kill she'd be dying with her twin sister at the moment.

"get the hell up irish". charles gritted glaring at irish who slowly stood up only to be knocked back down by charles slapping her hard across the face. "so this why you haven't been taking care of your grades! over here being a hoe for this white boy". he gritted before jack rushed over shoving charles away from irish.

holding her throbbing cheek irish glanced up at her father who looked like he wanted to kill her, "don't fucking touch her". jack screamed standing protectively in front of her "stay out of this! she's my child, you aren't nothing but the devil in disguise filling her mind up with sinful things".

staring down at irish charles frowned rolling his eyes unmoved by her crying. "i just knew something like this was going to happen! you've been having sex with this boy irish?!". he asked glancing at irish who refused to make eye contact angering charles who lunged at irish making her flinch.

"irish so help me god if you don't answer me right this very moment". charles demanded, jackman cut his eyes at her father before wrapping his arm around irish's body helping her stand, "she ain't got to answer you! how about you get the fuck out my apartment". jack screamed keeping a protective arm around her trembling body.

"irish you better answer me when i'm talking to you!". charles gritted to his daughter who shook in fear as jack held her tighter in his arms, "stop screaming at her like she's a kid! she's a grown woman, bambi you ain't gotta talk to him at all". jack screamed as irish licked her lip tasting blood, clearing her throat irish gazed into her father's hazel eyes.

"yes daddy because i love him". she softly said as charles chuckled in disbelief. "i'm really about to kill you! what did we talk about!? this boy don't love you! your nothing more than a piece of fresh ass to him irish get your things and come on". charles screamed making irish heart broke, "daddy mommy told me to save myself for someone who loves me a-and i did". she whispered looking up at her father.

"get her things? hell no irish ain't going no fucking where with you over my dead body". jack spat to charles who attempted to reach over and grab her hair.

jack shoved him back before charles punched jack in the jaw making irish eyes widened in shock. "daddy stop!". she screamed glancing over at jack who was turning red in the face.

"bambi i'm sorry but your dad about it to get his ass whooped". jack softly said before he swung on charles sending a powerful hit to his face making him stumble back almost falling onto the floor irish grabbed jack's hand yanking him towards her.

"irish if you don't come with me right now i'm gone ruin this boy's life you know i have the connections he won't ever play in the nba". charles threatened wiping his bloody busted lip,

irish lip trembled as tears ran down her flustered face she turned wrapping her arms tightly around jack's body.

"b-baby i love you so much". irish whimpered into his chest, "i-i'm sorry i hope you'll forgive me one day for leaving you". leaning down jack gently grabbed her neck molding his lips onto hers making charles shake in anger. snatching his youngest daughter away from jack his nails dug into her skin making her wince in pain angering jack who wanted to kill the older man.

"stay the hell away from my daughter from this day forward if i ever see you around her it won't be pretty for you i can promise you that". he spat roughly snatching irish towards him.

"stop all that crying shit irish! you'll be thanking me soon enough i'm only doing this because i love you and only want what's best for you princess". he whispered kissing the side of her head making her stomach turn in fear.

 he whispered kissing the side of her head making her stomach turn in fear

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