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one week later

omniscientone week later

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"tank you mommy". zahir softly said looking up at irish who held two ice cream cones, with her free hand she interlocked their hands walking towards their spot at the crowded beach.

sitting on the towel zahir stared at irish who raised an eyebrow at him "you can sit on mommy's lap baby". she said mirroring his dimpled smile, helping him get comfortable on her lap irish handed him the small cone with one scoop of strawberry ice cream the same as hers.

bringing it to his mouth zahir attempted to take a big bite out of it, his face twisted up before he looked up at irish who laughed softly "it's cold baby?". she asked licking her own cone, "you gotta lick it baby like me". she said showing him how to properly eat the cone.

reaching over she wiped his messy face as he continued to lick the cone in contentment. "is good". he mumbled licking his sticky lips.

laying against irish she glanced around the beach watching as the many children played in the sand and some in the water, "ahh". zahir screamed to the bird walked closer to them, "no". he cried accidentally dropping his ice cream cone wrapping his arms around irish in fear, "zahir". irish stressed shooing the bird away making it fly towards them, zahir screamed louder tucking his face in her neck, "sweetie it's gone now are you ok?".

pulling away irish wiped zahir's tears, glancing over at the ice cream cone his face dropped "sorry". he mumbled dropping his head, irish cupped his face making his gaze meet hers "sweetie it was an accident mommy isn't mad you want me to buy you another one?".

zahir nodded puckering his lips, leaning over irish kissed his lips before he pulled away smiling brightly "mwah". she said ruffling his hair, "love you". he whispered "i love you more sweetie".


a volleyball flew over knocking zahir's sandcastle ruining it making him gasp, "who the fuck". irish gritted looking over at zahir who was pouting "damn it did i ruin it?". tyler asked reaching over grabbing the ball "yes". zahir softly said frowning, glancing over the familiar face he hadn't seen in years tyler's heart sped up eyeing irish who was talking to the little boy.

"irish?". he asked before she turned around raising an eyebrow "i-um hey tyler". she softly said smiling, without thinking tyler wrapped his arms around her small frame holding her tightly against his body. "no". zahir screamed shoving at tyler's body, "i'm sorry little man". tyler said holding his hands up in surrender, "is okay". zahir mumbled before running to grab his sand bucket "baby don't go near the water". irish stressed before tyler sat beside irish, "long time no see stranger". he said smiling "you done grew up girl still so beautiful".

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