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a few moments later

zahir gripped his teddy bear tightly, his gaze landing on maggie who flashed a small smile at him letting jack's hand go he walked over standing in front of her "hi"

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zahir gripped his teddy bear tightly, his gaze landing on maggie who flashed a small smile at him letting jack's hand go he walked over standing in front of her "hi". he softly said smiling. "hi there". she said glancing down at the small child.

"jackman when you have time you definitely need to do a paternity test on him, he looks nothing like a harlow".

zahir eyebrows furrowed in confusion "what's that daddy?". he asked gripping his ear, "it's nothing buddy come here".

making their way to irish's room, jack opened the door allowing zahir to run inside first "mommy". he screamed in glee, the older nurse smiled at the small boy who clearly was excited to see his mother.

"it's okay honey let it out". she cooed rubbing irish's back, she continued to hurl loudly into the trash can until her stomach started cramping. "may i please have some water?".

jackman grabbed the water bottle before cupping irish's jaw gently watching her drink the water, "jackman". irish softly whispers "i don't want to hear it right now". he deadpanned "i'll give you guys some privacy honey i'll be back later to check on you".

another body slithered through jack's body slamming into irish's stomach making her wince in pain "buddy be careful".

"mommy okay?". zahir softly asked, tears ran down his face making irish's heart break "yes baby i'm so sorry i-i would never intentionally leave you". picking him up jack gently placed zahir into irish's lap.

"i'm sorry but this isn't normal, jackman who is this woman and how do you know she's not lying to you! this little boy doesn't even look like you or anyone in this family".

irish flinched at the lady's harsh words, "i know he's mine because i had to give him blood a few months back". he gritted glaring at his mother who eyed irish in thought making her uncomfortable.

"i-um need to go to the bathroom". she softly said attempting to place zahir beside her, "nooooo". he whined wrapping his arm tightly around her neck. "buddy mommy will be right back".

zahir began crying making irish sigh, she slowly stood up ignoring her weak stomach "bambi he's way to heavy to carry right now especially with your stomach". jack said quickly taking zahir out her arms making him cry louder.

irish pressed her fingers against her skull, her head was pounding "just put him by the door for me jackman". shutting the door behind her irish quickly sat on the toilet peeing, washing her hands clean she heard zahir sniffling.

picking zahir up she sat him on the sink top before reaching over wiping his tears "sweetie are you okay?". she softly asked placing her hand against his face. with his own hand zahir placed his on top of hers nodding "i love you baby so so much and mommy is sorry for scaring you like that i'm going to get some help".

zahir puckered his lips wanting a kiss from his mother who gave him one without hesitation "i love you mommy". he softly said making her hug him tightly against her frame. "i love you more baby".

irish head snapped towards the door where she heard the loud commotion, what the hell was going on? looking at zahir he looked at her wide eyed clearly scared of whatever was happening behind the locked door.

jackman yelled louder at his mother making irish flinch, out of instinct she brought zahir closer to her body. picking him up she made her way towards the door unlocking it.

everyone became silent, irish could feel the tension in the room "baby what did i tell you". jack sighed "i'm fine jackman".

maggie eyed her son who tended to irish making her blood boil, she hated how this woman came outta nowhere changing everything especially bringing a child into the mix.

"tank you daddy". zahir sweetly said crawling over to irish before gently laying down beside her "who the hell are you? how do we know you aren't playing my son! i need answers". maggie demanded walking over to irish only for jackman to stand protectively in front of her. "mom not right now".

"i wonder how addison would feel after coming back from work vaction to her boyfriend having another family with this drunk! isn't she married jackman? why are you constantly bending your back for her and she's with another man i still don't believe this little boy is yours either".

jackman nose flared in anger, what he wanted to do was correct his mother he wasn't with addison anymore and she knew that but irish didn't and telling by her hurt face and maggie's petty smile jack knew the information hurt her feelings.


a few days later

jackman glanced over at irish who for the last few days hadn't said anything to him, she felt like he should of mentioned something that important especially after demanding her to come live with him. "bambi?". jack whispered grabbing her hand "she's a nobody i promise you, my mom just wanted to be petty".

"you do not have to explain anything to me". she softly said reaching for the door handle, jack reached over interlocking their hands "bambi she's a nobody to me i promise i broke up with her months back my mom just wanted to be petty".

"but she's right! i am a drunk and jackman if we never got into that car accident i'm sorry to say this but you'd probably never know about zahir i am so fucked up".

jackman unbuckled his seat belt before running over towards the passenger side car door opening it irish sniffled gazing up at jack before feeling his arm wrap tight around her.

"you are not fucked up bambi, i love you so much and i don't care what anyone says about us i'll always be here for you".

irish leaned over pecking jack's smile making him smile "how about we go on vacation as a family? i've always wanted to do that". he softly asked rubbing his thumb against her cheek.

"okay i'd love that".

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sorry for unpublishing and republishing it 24/7 🤦🏽‍♀️

more drama on the way lol

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