
838 46 19

a few days later

jack opened the double glass door holding the large pizza and soda in his hands, "can someone help me?"

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jack opened the double glass door holding the large pizza and soda in his hands, "can someone help me?". he shouting gaining the attention of a beautiful blonde curly haired girl running over she pressed the elevator bottom for him "thank you beautiful". he said making her blush "no problem can i give you my number?". he glanced over her body nodding jack watched intensely as she quickly wrote her number on the piece of paper before shoving it into his back pocket.

"call me later sexy". she said kissing his cheek before walking away with her friends, jack barely managed to press the third floor bottom he hummed eyeing the numbers as they went up until the elevator rang opening.

jack began walking to the first door before kicking his foot against it a few times ignoring the stares of nosy women who wanted to know who jack was visiting, irish unlocked her door peaking out looking up at jack.

"jack i told you we were studying not having a sleep over where's your book bag at?". she asked before jack turned around showing her his bag.

stepping back jack walked inside her dorm his nose immediately smelling the bare vanilla from the candles, "where can i put this?". he asked before irish walked over grabbing the bag of sodas placing it onto her desk "put it on my desk". he nodded placing the boxes of pizza there before pausing eyeing her as she leaned over glancing at her notebook.

jack walked over towards her before playfully tugging on her towel making her grip it tighter "jackman". she gritted, "you about to strip for daddy?". he teased making irish rolled her eyes in annoyance. "i was actually getting ready to take a shower before you came so make yourself at home here's the controller". jack's eyes widened in shock "how the hell you manage to get a playstation five!?". she smiled at his excitement "my sister got me it". jack smirked licking his lips

"wait you never told me you had any sisters". she rolled her eyes gently slapping his arm, "yes i have a identical twin sister and a older sister". jack eyed irish in thought as she went to the bathroom.


stepping out the bathroom jack paused the game looking over at irish who was drying her curly hair with the dry towel "i'm sorry for taking so long where's your homework at?". she softly asked placing her dirty clothes in the hamper, jack stood up grabbing her hand pulling her towards the couch.

"let's eat first then we can do homework". irish frowned cutting her eyes at him "this is why your grades are so low jack you told me you needed help studying not having a sleep over". she softly said mugging him.

jack laughed softly "bambi chill out and loosen up sometimes ok aren't you hungry?". he asked looking over at her before reaching up flicking her pouty lips making her smile.

"move i'm mad at you jackman". she whispered making him laugh loudly reaching over jack poked irish's exposed stomach making her jerk away at his cold hands.

irish slid off the bed before jack ran her wrapping his arms around her waist before picking her up slamming her onto the bed digging his fingers into her sides making her squeal out "s-stop jack i can't breathe". she choked out laughing loudly in his ear.

jack smiled reaching down wiping her tears. "f-fine we can eat first". he smiled helping her sit up, "you ok bambi?". he teased as she rolled her eyes, "you almost killed me". she said attempting to catch her breath.


"i'm so done with this dumb ass shit". jack shouted in frustration before flinging the notebook across the room, irish sighed eyeing jack "what?!". he gritted "go pick that paper up right now!". she gritted slapping him in the back of the head,

jack hissed in pain "jackman!". irish exclaimed before jack stood up stomping over towards the coffee table gathering the papers before going to sit beside irish.

"are you done being a baby?". she asked smiling over at him, jack ignored her scooting closer before grabbing his pencil "bambi shut up and help me". he said mushing her head making her laugh "just take your time and we will get it done ok?". she said grabbing his arm jack glanced down at her hand before nodding "ok erase that it's wrong".


"you are cheating!". irish screamed in frustration jack busted out laughing "i'm done playing with you". she said pausing mortal kombat, "let's play one more game but let's make it interesting". jack said snatching the water bottle out of irish's hand, "what?". she asked glaring at him.

"when i win you have to give me a kiss on the cheek". he said, "a kiss on the cheek? isn't that cheating jack i'm not doing that". she said waving him off, "if you win i'll let you hear me rap". he said making her smile, "you aren't lying this time are you?". she asked, "nope i promise". irish held her pinky out, "pinky promise me". she said making him laugh "fine i pinky promise bambi". she smiled snatching her controller from his lap "come on then so i can hear yo rapping white boy".


"what the hell!". irish screamed in shock as jack busted out laughing "i know bambi isn't cussing now". jack teased making irish quickly covered her mouth in realization, "i didn't mean too". she softly said on the verge of crying.

jack glanced over at her "bambi calm down god isn't going to punish you for saying hell isn't hell in the bible?". he asked hearing her sniffling.

"bambi come here". he softly said, irish wiped her tears scooting closer to jack, "what?". she asked clearing her throat, jack reached over placing her into her lap before cupping her jaw. irish's heart sped up as they gazed into each other's eyes "bambi you are so beautiful you know that right?". jack softly asked, "jack stop lying i am not". she whispered making him frown.

irish leaned closer to jack smiling shyly "since you didn't break your promise turn your head so i can give you a kiss". she softly said blushing jack sat up before turning his head to the side.

irish leaned in preparing to kiss him on the cheek only for jack to turn his head making their lips meet making her gasp in shock. "got you bambi". he whispered as irish quickly got out his lap, tucking her loose hair behind her ear she bit her lip.

"it's time for you to go jack before we get in trouble they
check the hallways". she softly said avoiding his gaze.

 she softly said avoiding his gaze

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