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a month later

charles glared at irish who stared at the plate of food placed in front of her with a look of uncertainty, the constant urge to puke being an everyday occurrence making her skip eating all together just to throw up on an empty stomach as well

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charles glared at irish who stared at the plate of food placed in front of her with a look of uncertainty, the constant urge to puke being an everyday occurrence making her skip eating all together just to throw up on an empty stomach as well.

"princess what's wrong aren't hot wings your favorite?". charles asked grabbing his fork, irish held back her gag the second she smelt the aroma from the hot wings. "i-um i'm not hungry daddy". she whispered reaching for her glass of water.

misha eyed her little sister with concern, "mommy can i be excused? i-i need to work on my assignments that's due". evelyn nodded watching irish who slowly stood up avoiding her father's hard glare.


charles stood over irish who was sleeping with her mac book beside her, reaching down he gently removed her glasses before sliding the covers off her body, eyeing her body as she slept charles reached over grabbing her before snatching her off the bed making her choke on her scream as she looked up at him in pain.

"get up irish". he gritted in anger, irish who was struggling to stand up made charles reach over grabbing her wrist yanking her upward making tears run down her face. "moving too damn slow".

shoving the bag towards her chest charles sat on her bed as irish rubbed the back of her throbbing head hoping to soothe the pain. "daddy what's this". she softly asked, "go in the bathroom and take that right now". he screamed making her flinch, opening the bag her heart dropped to her stomach before she threw the pregnancy test back at him.

"i'm not pregnant!". she screamed making charles nose flared in anger before he stood up walking over to her, "that smart mouth of yours is the reason you get keep getting hit by me irish! stop disrespecting the hand that feeds you! done went to college and lost your mind".

shoving her harshly away from him charles handed her the test watching as she slowly went to the bathroom.


"no no no". irish whispered dropping the test in fright, her heart sped up as tears welled in her eyes. a loud knock startled her, the word pregnant stared back at her, covering her mouth she weeped softly. her father was definitely about to kill her and sadly nobody was in the house at this time but him and her.

"irish hurry the hell up! it shouldn't take you that long to pee on a fucking stick". he shouted reaching for the locked doorknob, "what have i told you about doors being locked! unlock the door before you upset me again".

scrambling to her feet irish quickly washed her trembling hands before splashing water onto her pale face, licking her lips she stared at herself in the mirror attempting to prepare herself for whatever her short tempered father was about to do to her.

"irish hurry up don't make me repeat myself". he demanded, irish slowly walked to the bathroom door unlocking it before her father glanced down snatching the wrapped test out her grasp. "daddy i-". snatching her up by the throat charles slammed her small body onto the wall.

"i just knew i shouldn't of let you go to college out of state now look at you fucking pregnant with a bastard white baby". he gritted making irish cried softly "i-i didn't mean to get pregnant daddy". she whispered making charles laugh in disbelief "remember william?". he asked making her heart pound.

"h-he told me you were being fast at a house party and that white boy spiked your drink before attempting to rape you until he saved you". charles softly said gripping her throat tightly watching her face turn a bright red.

irish slapped his hands before charles let go letting irish breathe, "h-he's lying! j-jackman saved me from getting raped by william daddy". charles shook his head laughing softly, "that white boy done changed you. my sweet little girl is in there somewhere, i won't allow you to mess up your life with that demon seed".

"daddy if anything this baby is a love child! i love jackman not william it's not a demon seed so stop saying that about my baby!".

shaking her head irish shoved her father away from her attempting to walk out the bathroom away from him, reaching over charles gripped her straightened hair holding it tightly before yanking her back to him, "you fucking up the plan irish!". he shouted making her cried loudly.

"plan? what are you talking about daddy! i just told you that boy tried to rape me". she cried, charles eyed his daughter in frustration, "i-i wanna keep my baby, it's the last thing i have of jack! please don't make me get rid of it daddy". she begged before charles abruptly began dragging her through the hallways of their mansion.

"i'm only doing what's best for you princess, i won't allow you to have that demonic baby". he whispered before pulling her up to stand, sending a powerful hit to her stomach irish immediately hunched over in pain, covering her mouth she attempted to hold back the urge to throw up.

"daddy stop hitting me". she cried protectively wrapping her arms around her stomach, "this is good for you irish! i won't allow you to give birth to a child made out of wedlock". he gritted punching her harder in the stomach, dropping to her knees irish began puking violently on the floor angering her father who was attempting to calm down.

glancing behind him at the staircase, he silently prayed to god to forgive him for his sins.

noticing spots of blood in her puke irish heart broken gently rubbing her hand alongside her aching stomach, wiping her bloody mouth charles grabbed irish's hand before shoving her roughly down the stairs charles watched as she slammed hard against the floor blood pouring around her stomach.

grabbing his phone he quickly called his wife who was currently at the hospital with misha checking up on orish, "b-baby theirs been an accident! i just walked through the door and it's bad irish is unconscious she's bleeding". he cried as he walked down the stairs hovering over his daughter who was currently unconscious.

"oh my god did you call 911! misha grab your things there's been an accident".

"oh my god did you call 911! misha grab your things there's been an accident"

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