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a few weeks later

"dude why are you so quiet what's wrong?"

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"dude why are you so quiet what's wrong?". urban asked jack who sat quietly beside him on the couch, "you got all the damn baddies in yo face you'd usually be in one of these rooms by now". jack sighed glancing around the packed living room.

after winning another basket ball game bryson jack's team mate decided to throw a house party for blowing the opposite team out the water by over twenty points.

"they aren't her". jack mumbled downing the dark liquor in his cup, "isn't today her birthday?". urban asked jack who ran a hand down his face "nope it's tomorrow but i haven't seen or heard from her".

"what y'all niggas over here doing?". jonathan shouted as several girls walked over with him, hazel flashed a dimpled smile at jack who was eyeing her "what's up". she said walking over before sitting beside him "hey beautiful". jack said nodding at her "what you doing on the couch instead of dancing with me". she said by his ear making jack laugh softly.

"i'm just chilling beautiful". jack said standing up, hazel frowned glancing at her friends who watched as jack left "i can show you a good time". bryson said sliding beside hazel making her smirk "let's go then".

"fuck where is the bathroom at?". jack mumbled stumbling past the many bodies in the living room, walking slowly up the staircase jack looked around the dark hallway before pushing open the bedroom door.

jack rubbed his blurry eyes the alcohol finally taking effect "william get off me please". irish softly slurred weakly trying to push william's hands off her half clothed body, "bambi?". jack mumbled flicking the lights on the sight of william attempting to rape irish made jack see red.

rushing over to them jack snatched william off irish who couldn't keep her eyes open, "chill man i'm just having a good time with my girl". william slurred feeling jack repeatedly punched him in the face "she asked you to stop and get off her! you can't fucking hear?!". jack screamed as he body slammed william's body on the hard wood floor.

"jackman stop". irish softly said attempting to sit up, "i-i can't move". she cried beginning to panic, "what did you give her?". jack asked william who was shrugging to open his eyes,

"i-i drugged her drinks because she kept going on and on about some girl named orish leaving her ". william choked out, "i just wanted to make her shut up hell can you blame me look at her body it's banging". he smirked as jack punched him another time hearing a loud cracking of his noise which was now broken.

shoving william away from him jack wiped his bloody fist off on the blanket before walking over to irish who glanced up at him with tears in her eyes "jack?". she softly asked "baby are you ok? did he hurt you". jack softly asked, irish heart slowed she desperately tried keeping her eyes open. "i-i feel like i'm going to die". she softly said, stepping back jack pulled his bloody shirt off before lifting her body into his arms.

jack watched as irish went limp in his arms making him panic "irish!". he shouted to her unresponsive body, "fuck bambi!".


the next day

irish jerk awake wincing in pain alerting jack who was sleeping on her lap, "are you okay bambi?". jack asked glancing over her exhausted bare face, "i-i have to throw up". she quickly said covering her mouth, sitting up jack helped irish out his bed before lifting her up rushing to the bathroom.

jack cringed hearing irish puke loudly in the toilet, shutting her eyes in pain her headache began to worsen "ugh i don't feel good jack". she weakly spoke sitting on the floor.

cupping her face jack sighed before standing up grabbing a wash cloth running it under the cold water in his sink.

gently washing her face with the towel irish fluttered her eyes closed sighing "happy birthday to me". she whispered mustering up a smile, helping her stand up irish gripped jack's forearm as he slowly guided them to the sink before going to the closet grabbing the green unopened tooth brush.

standing behind her jack rubbed her back in comfort eyeing her in concern irish continued to brush her teeth watching jack stand beside her before doing the same.

"can you stay in here with me while i take a bath?". irish softly asked leaning into jack's body, "of course bambi you want some medicine for your head?". jack felt irish nod making him unwrap his arm before going to the closet grabbing two towels and the bottle of headache medicine.

after taking the medicine jack placed a few bath bombs in the water before making sure it was hot enough for her "i still can't believe you can get in the shower and bath with water this damn hot". he said feeling irish arms wrap around him from behind.

"it's very relaxing jackman". she softly asked as jack turned around his eyes widened in shock making him blush "yo bambi warn me next time you can't be walking around like that". he said covering his eyes "i have a bra and panties on". she said laughing softly "get in the tub i'm getting you something to eat real fast".


irish opened her mouth as jack fed her another grape before washing herself up with the loofah sponge she giggled making jack smile lovingly at her "let me get your back bambi". he said holding his hand out, grabbing the loofah irish turned around jack gently washed her back making sure it was clean before handing the sponge back to her, "thank you jackman". irish softly said smiling.

jack nodded playfully splashing her with the water, laying beside the tub jack ate a few green grapes himself hearing irish humming "i didn't know you could sing". he said making her blush "it's only humming jack". she said "but i know you can sing i hear it in your tone". she playfully rolled her eyes "if me being in the choir counts then i guess".

irish reached over grabbing jack's face making him pause his chewing, raising an eyebrow he looked into her warm eyes. "what's wrong bambi?". jack asked swallowing the grape.

irish leaned closer before lightly pecking his lips. "thank you for taking care of me i know you probably had something better to do today". she said making him frown "it's your birthday even if it wasn't i'd still be here with you right now, come on and get out we got places to go girlfriend". jack sassed snapping his fingers making irish bust out laughing.

 jack sassed snapping his fingers making irish bust out laughing

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