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a few days later

irish rolled over accidentally hitting jackman in the face waking him up "bambi this isn't college anymore why you still beating my ass while i sleeping"

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irish rolled over accidentally hitting jackman in the face waking him up "bambi this isn't college anymore why you still beating my ass while i sleeping". he teased rubbing his teary eye. "i told you to stop sleeping so close to me".

jack smiled wrapping his free arm around her body pulling her closer to him before placing his lips on her neck childishly blowing a raspberry, irish bubbly laugh hit his eardrums making him smile "i love you bambi". he said with a soft smile of his own "i love you too".

"mommy?". zahir shouted knocking softly at their door, "mommy!". he said again waiting patiently for the door to open "good morning buddy". jack said lifting him into his arms "hi daddy someone at the door".

zahir wiggled in jack's arms wanting to get down juno barked loudly downstairs making jack sigh, "here bambi take him for me let me see who's at the door".

irish smiled at her son who was crawled over tackling her into the mattress "buddy be careful mommy stomach is still sensitive". zahir nodded before reaching down pulling irish's shirt up placing a kiss on her stomach "mommy feel better now?".

irish nodded with a small smile "thank you mama's baby i love you". she cooed making zahir's smile brighten "i love you too".

zahir snuggled into irish who pushed his curls back kissing his forehead, "what are you doing here?". jack asked glaring at addison who had tears running down her bare face.

"i-i need to talk to you". she cried loudly making him sigh "we don't have shit to talk about addy". he dismissed leaning against the door frame. "daddy! mommy is trying to get me".

addison eyes widened in shock glancing at the small child who ran over to jackman burying his face into his leg "sweetie bring me back my phone!". addy heard an unfamiliar voice.

"jackman what is all this? who's kid is this". addison asked brushing past him to get inside "we need to talk and i'm not leaving until we do". addison declared eyeing the kid who stared at her with his big doe eyes.

a hand wrapped around zahir's waist startling him making him squeal in surprise "give me my phone back baby". irish softly said digging her fingers into his side ticking zahir.

irish happened to look over at addison who eyed her in anger, "i-um sorry for interrupting". she softly said gazing at jackman who looked pissed off "mommy can we have cakes?". zahir sweetly asked tugging on her hand "yes baby, jackman do you want pancakes too?".

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