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A panicked and squeezed my legs to my chest, whimpering as a voice outside called. "Susamaru~ you brought this on yourself you know? You wore all those slutty close and tried to get my attention. You teased me till I was ready to take you right there....... so why are you trying to hide? Isn't this what you wanted?". I crawled back as the door creaked open and a hand shot out. "I found you~".



I jerk up as sweat poured down my face. Even after years that memory was still stuck in my head. Meh. Its not like I cared anymore! Oh, today is the day I get to go to an actual school! Well school is going too far.

From Seki's words I heard that its a school full of delinquents. Yes there are teachers but they might as well be invisible. Only like 2% actually do any homework or listening. Most of them fight, smome or fight. .................... My kind of party!

Now to get ready. I put on some bad ass clothes and get ready for my first day off school. Mostly I dress like this and act kind....... but allow me to be free or anger me and I'll show you my true colours. They don't call me Diablo for nothing.

 They don't call me Diablo for nothing

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I also pack a bag. Daggers, food, a pistol, few copies and pens, food, and of course my Temari balls.

I used to be a demon, one of the 12 Kizuki to Kibutsuji before that demon slayer killed me

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I used to be a demon, one of the 12 Kizuki to Kibutsuji before that demon slayer killed me. Before being a demon I was a little girl who enjoyed playing handball. Then after Kibutsuji didn't spare me I ended up reborn in this dimension.

I learned that there were many vast dimensions that haven't been discovered but that isn't my problem. My cousin Seki is a sweetheart to be honest. He took me in after my father raped me and I ended up brutally killing him.

That memory is from when my demon abilities didn't return yet. I've never been exposed to pedophilia but one day it was the last straw and I decided enough was enough. My powers surged back into me and I transformed into my demon form.

I ended up killing him! It was so much fun torturing him to death after everything he did to me! Sadly the police came in and wanted to give me away to the orphanage, but thank satan Seki's parents took me in! We grew up together and I slowly stopped fearing men.

I took the time to experiment with my powers and realised that they were much stronger in this world. I didn't need to feed off of humans and there were so no demon slayers! Controlling my Temari balls took quite a while but eventually I got the hang of it as well as transforming back into a demon.

I liked my new human look to be honest. I looked pretty and innocent to people who didn't know me. So I used it as a weapon.

Checking the time I see that its already 7:40 I quickly dash to the kitchen, make myself a sandwich and sho e it in my mouth. After furiously chewing I take the keys to my bike and start it.

 After furiously chewing I take the keys to my bike and start it

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This was one of the pleasures of this world. Our world was still stuck in the past while this world was more modern. Technology, phones, cars, machinery and other stuff I wont name. My bike cost a lot but I just stole some from the bank. Its the least they could do after letting my father take millions just for sex trafficking. 

Hopefully this Oya High was interesting. Since I hated boring stuff........ it reminded me of Yahaba. He always complained about me wanting to see exciting stuff.  *ring ring*.

Putting the phone to my ear I hold it with one hand and drive with another. "Yes Seki I'm almost there. No need to worry". "Alright just don't be late!".

I roll my eyes and keep driving past buildings. Finally I get to a school that looked........... like a dumpster to be honest. It was in horrible condition. But who am I to complain?

I wait at the front of the school and see Murayama getting annoyed, while Furuya tapped his foot impatiently. "Why are we here?". I swallowed a lump in my throught as I haven't told them anything yet.

"Well you see, my cousin is going to start going here so I'm waiting for her". They both pause and turn to me in confusion. "Eh? A girl is coming here?". "But she'll be dead in a matter of minutes". "Its like sending a sheep to the slaughter", agreed Murayama but froze as a grin creeped onto my lips.

"Don't worry. She's stronger than she looks. *vroom vroom* Oh there she is now". We all look as a motorcycle stops on the other side of the road and Susamaru chains it to a pole, walking towards us swiftly. "Seki! Its so good to see you!". Honestly this facade of hers disgusts me. If only people knew how she actually acted. "Good to see you too even though we live togethed". A wounded expression appears on her face as she let's go of me. "Awww. Your not happy to see me? I guess I'll ju-".

"I'm joking stay. Here's your schedule". I hand her a crumpled piece of paper that sha opens up and scans, before tearing it into confetti and throwing it into the air. "Memorised it! Now who are your friends?". I freeze as I hear Murayama chuckle behind me as he smirks. "I'm the leader of this part of SWORD. Murayama Yoshiki and this is my right hand man Furuya. Let's see if you can survive the day first, and then we'll have a serious conversation. Let's go Furuya".

They head back inside as we just stand there, until a grin stretches on her face. "I like the guy. He seems like someone that will bring excitement and fun!". Oh no. Not this again.

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