Chapter 23 Blood

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The day after the fight happened was pretty peaceful. I went to school as normal and the school was full of students goading others into fighting. Shouts rang across the school as I searched for Todoroki and those two idiots only to come up empty handed. I didn't bring anything today except my phone, and I didn't want to go to class. But I somehow ran into Furuya in my walk and decided to chat with him since we're apparently dating. "Hey Furuya, you free?". "Hm? Sure I've got time before Murayama needs something". We hung out in an empty classroom, chatting about yesterday and life at Oya High in general. I know what you're thinking, me, Furuya in an empty classroom together. No. We did not fuck. I'm pretty sure if I asked him he'd turn into a tomato and never speak to me again. We continued for about an hour until Murayama called him and dragged him off to fight another school. I was pretty bored so I decided to go spray painting. There was just one problem. I didn't have any cans with me. So I scavenged around the school and found a few nearly empty cans. The basic colours such as green, blue, yellow and red were there. As well as a black and white. Not much variety but it would do. Heading to the back of the school, I searched for an empty space on the walls and settled on a small word with designs. I got to it and wrote the word fest with a flame design. I used my fingers to blur the colours and lines and observed the finished piece. I was satisfied with the outcome but if I had my own cans with me it would've been much better. Just as I threw out the cans my phone beeped with an incoming text. I first had to find somewhere to clean my hands since they were caked with paint but after that I checked the message. It was from Pookie and he told me to come over to his house. Tsuji and Shibaman were already with him and he told me the address and which bus to take. That's what I like about Todoroki. He always gives you the important information. Not a whole load of rubbish.

Cleaning up, I headed to the bus station and clambered onto it when it arrived. I was the only passenger so the 20 minute drive was peaceful and relaxing as I could finally hear myself think. In this silence I realised how loud Oya High's students were. I thanked the bus driver as I got off and observed the residential area where Todo lived. There were rows of houses, all of them in tip top shape. I followed the address and came to the last house at the back. There was a large strip of grass separating Pookie's house from all the other ones. I wrang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. Footsteps sounded on the other side and I came face to face with Todo. "Finally. I thought you didn't get my message". "It took a while for the bus to arrive. So? Why did you text me to come?". Stepping inside, I took off my shoes and waited for Pookie to close the door we walked further in. The walls were painted a nice pale blue with white furniture scattered around. Pictures in frames hung on the wall of a man and woman and some of Todoroki. I should get baby pictures of him for blackmail pur- I mean educational purposes. Yeah. Educational. "My mother and father are gone to work so we decided to smoke weed and have a few drinks. They're already in my bedroom. Wanna join?". "If by join you mean join you in bed yes but if you mean to smoke and shit then it's also a yes. But first I'ma have to raid your fridge". I was about to make a beeline for the kitchen but Todo held me back by the collar. "Not so fast. Go to my bedroom and I'll bring you something to eat. It's the third door on the left". "Thanks Daddy". I cackled while running away and headed for his room. Upon my entrance, I was hit by a scent of smoke and alcohol, a scent I was used to. Walking inside I saw Tsuji and Shiba relaxing on a couch while smoking, a can of beer in their hand. "Hey Susamaru, wanna join?", grinned Shiba as he offered his piece of weed. I took a drag and gave it back to him before grabbing a can for myself. I squeezed in beside them and made small talk as we waited for Todoroki. He came inside after a few minutes with a plate of sandwiches that I fiduciary I toas I was hangry and nobody wants to see a hangry Susamaru. The trio only took a sandwich each and I took that as I sign to devour the whole plate. "Now that Susamaru has finished wolfing down the plate". I sheepishly wiped the crumbs off my face and sat back. Let's talk business. Those first years think that they can be in charge of the full time students. So we need to make sure they realise that only we are in charge of them". We decided to hold off the conversation for the next day so we continued to talk, drink and smoke. "Here Susamaru". "Thanks". I accepted the opened can from Tsuji's hand and gulped some of it. The smoke was making me sleepy as my eyes started to droop. My vision blurred and all I heard was white noise. I was barely conscious and finally let my heavy eyelids close.


The trio looked at a knocked out Susamaru like predators looking at their prey. "She's so beautiful when she's asleep". "Refrain from touching her please. First let's test out my theory", announced Todoroki as he took out a small razor. He cut his wrist and looked at the pooling blood for a minute before lifting it to Susamaru's mouth. The trio waited with bated breath until her nose twitched. Her mouth followed until finally her tongue flicked out to taste some of the blood leaking out of Todoroki's wound. Suddenly out of nowhere Susamaru latched onto Todoroki's hand and started to hungrily gulp down blood. "Urgh. Help please?". Tsuji and Shiba wrenched Susamaru's mouth from Yosuke's hand and calmed her down, lulling her back to sleep as Todoroki bandaged his hand. "So she is what you thought she was". "Big question though, from where did you even get the idea about what she was?". "Let's just say, I got a little tip from someone".

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