Chapter 15 I was experimented on. Yup. Thats my excuse

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I didn’t go back home, no. I spent the night at Naomi’s since I didn’t want to face Seki, not yet anyways. So I had to borrow her clothes, her food and had to spend the night on a wooden floor. So sad! Now, I’m heading to Oya High. I’m questioning my life choices. I had cheesecake! Seeing the graffiti stained walls of Oya High, I felt my impending doom as I prepared my self for the Worst.


 I felt a rough fabric cover my head as I was dragged somewhere. I felt a familiar aura so I just relaxed and let myself get dragged like a sack of potatoes. Being thrown onto a couch wasn’t the best experience, but I’ll forgive them. “Now, let’s talk about yesterday’s events, shall we?”. Aw shit! Pookie’s mad at me. Having the fabric taken off, I was observed by the trio as they wore the same shit eating smirk. “Ahahahaha~ h-how about we talk later? When you’ve cooled down? We can always reschedule this”, I stutter as I start to inch to the door’s side. “Oh no you don’t. You’re not leaving till you give your explanation”, declared Shibaman as he stood in front of the door. I could take him, but I don’t want to hurt our already fraying relationship. “So. Ah~ what do you want to know?”. “Everything”.

And I spent the next hour and a half making up some random lies. How am I supposed to tell them I’m a reincarnated demon? So I told them I got experimented on. Looked sceptical but I think they believed it. “So, you want to tell us you were experimented on which caused you to acquire another form. You kept it from Seki and didn’t tell it to anyone. Did I get that right?”. “Yes?”, I say out loud, although it sounds more like a question. ………….. “Fine. I won’t ask anymore. But keep in mind that if I find out you’re lying, the consequences won’t be pretty”. I swallowed as a shadow crossed his eyes and I, a demon, felt fear. Something I hadn’t felt for a while. “Sure thing. I wouldn’t ever lie to you Pookie!”. “And enough with that! You managed to embarrass me in front of all of SWORD last night by calling me that! Do you know what it might do to my image!?”, he glared at me as I shrunk back. “No?”. “SUSAMARU GET BACK HERE!”. “HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!”. “GET BACK HE- TSUJI! SHIBAMAN! THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!”. “BAHAHAHAHA!”. “GUYS PLEASE HELP ME!!”


Rubbing the comical swollen bump on my head, I walk the corridors, trying to not see Murayama when I saw two guys arguing. A guy with rooster hair, and- OH MY DEVIL! SO MOTHERFLIPPING FLUFFY!! Leaning at the corner of the wall looking at the commotion. They were bickering about who beat up who’s people. It was getting boring so I decided to do something fun. Going to fluffy’s side, I put on my old worn coat and hid my face. Taking a rock, I threw it into someone on the other side. “HUH?! WHO THREE THAT ROCK!? I’M GONNA KILL YOU!!”, cackled another guy. And boy did I regret throwing the rock, but not for the reasons you’re thinking. He just also had fluffy hair. That’s a plus in my book. He also looks like a psychopath so he’s already got 2 brownie points. “Huh? Are you saying someone from my gang did it? Why don’t you come a bit closer…… so I can kill you”. Yeah……. Let’s just say things got messy and I booted out of there when a guy shouted that he didn’t recognise me. Pretty sure I started a war, but who am I to care? I didn’t run into Murayama and his two gay friends, and I decided not to push my luck……..I ended up getting kidnapped but that’s a story for tomorrow.


Merry Christmas everyone! Sorry for not many updates but I'll try to squeeze some in. I had problems this week since our government is shit and tried to kick me off a waiting list to see the consultant before an operation. NO CONTACT THEY SAID!! Anyways, Have a good Christmas!

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