Chapter 17 Everyone is a big fat lier

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“Cmon. Wake up”. “Ugh just 5 more minutes mom……”. ……………….



I got shocked by a deafening bang and ice cold water getting thrown on me. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”. “For not getting up, and, for calling me your mom”, sneered Takano. “Wait a sec. Why are you here?”. “I knew this would happen……. You’re still at Doubt’s place”, Takano spoke but whispered the first part so I couldn’t hear him. Too bad for him, my hearing is excellent since I’m a de- WAIT! I slept over at Doubt?! Springing up, I was ready to boot out of here but Takano held me back. “Oh no. Now that you’re awake how about we reunite properly. Hm?”. I just blinked at him stupidly as he wished I got some brain cells. “Ranmaru got out of prison”. “Really?! Why didn’t any of you tell me!?”. “You- you know what? I don’t give a fuck right now. Just get your ass up, washed, dressed and get down to Ranmaru’s study in 10. If you’re late, I’ll personally beat you up”. “Yes sir!”. He threw a bundle of clothes at me and just walked off. “So mean!”.


Sometime later I was done a headed down to Ranmaru’s office. I don’t think I took too long. “You’re late. You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago”. Was it that long already? Huh. The only people here were Ranmaru, Takano, Hirai, and Jesse. I didn’t see an extra chair so I stood, until Hirai dragged me to sit on his lap. “So. How have things been going?”. “Alright. Still sane. And Jesse! Ranmaru! Welcome back! We haven’t seen each other in forever!”, I beamed as Takano tried to ignore my entire existence. “We saw each other yesterday but thanks”. For some reason I felt as if I had missed something but I ignored it. “Anyways. Susamaru………. We want to destroy White Rascals”. “Yeah. I gathered that”. “Huh?”. Did these idiots seriously think they were unreadable? Like an open book for me. “I know you’re going after White Rascals. But I’m gonna stop you in the end anyways”.


Stop us? Stop us!? How is she gonna stop us when she can’t even stop us when she doesn’t even know our true emotions or feelings? Last night? If only she knew…….. She shouldn’t have been so vulnerable. Especially when she’s in her enemies territory.


We were all sitting in my lounge, celebrating Jesse’s return while Susamaru was already out of it. “Let’s end this for tonight. Everybody out. Jesse, Takano and Hirai stay”. The room emptied in seconds as I found it laughable that everyone else was so afraid of me. We all moved closer to Susamaru until she was trapped between our bodies. “Hmmm. Haven’t changed a bit. Still letting your guard down around us~”, cooed Hirai into her ear as he took off her Jacket. Takano took off her jeans and Jesse took off her T-shirt. Now our little dove was left in nothing but her undergarments. I licked my lips as I feasted my eyes on the expanse of pale, milky skin. Her white hair and rosy lips completed the look, making her seem like an angel. “Let’s take this to a spare room”, I ordered as I lifted her up, wrapping her in a blanket and carried her down the hallways. Getting in the room furthest from everyone, I walked in and spread her out on the bed. The room was covered top to bottom in red silk and black leather, giving it a sexual air as the lights were dim and the smell of cologne filled the space. We all spread out on the bed and claimed a part of her to indulge in. I picked face and started to kiss her passionately while Hirai started to fondle her in her lower regions, Takano played with her breasts and Jesse started to spread hickeys across her neck and legs.


It seems that she was too drunk to realise or react. But for us it’s a bonus she forgot. We can’t let her know the truth, can we?……….. One of the main reasons for us to go against White Rascals isn’t because they’re another scout group, no……. The main reason is that White Rascals and Sword are taking her away from us! They can’t have her! If we can’t then no one can!! “Anyways I need to get going boys. Tata!”. We just looked as she strolled out and probably headed back to her school. “……We can’t let them take her away”.

Sorry for the late update @maryanaPatterson

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