Chapter 7 Hyuga's a scheming bitch

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“Hello Hyuga". I sat chained to a chair in Hyuga's room. Him sitting in front of me with a lazy smile. “Its been a long time......... my little demoness”. Ha! If only you knew the truth Hyuga! You’d run away screaming. “How many times have I told you to stop calling me that? And what did you want, it had to be something dire if you couldn’t ask me across the phone”. “Still sarcastic as ever........... that’s one of the things I love about you", he whispered as he traced my jaw and lips. “Don’t be delusional. You don’t love me. You love the way I fight. And I told you all those years ago that I-". “I don’t care". I paused as I waited for him to continue. “I don’t care that you rejected me. I’ll do anything to keep you by my side". “Hyuga. Stop it. This isn’t you". “I saw the way those four from White Rascals looked at you. They’re obsessed, and won’t stop till they’ve got you all to yourself. Cobra also was in awe when he saw you....... another few from Sannoh as well............ you need me. You need me to protect you, or else who knows what they’ll so to you". Is he for real? What could they do to me! I’m a demon who travelled from one dimension to another! I’m stronger physically and mentally so there’s nothing that they could do to me! And what could those harmless cinnamon rolls do? Make puppy eyes? What a joke! “Hyuga, are you even listening to yourself? What protection? What obsession? Staying at juvie must have really warped your mind if you can’t tell reality from illusions. Get your shit together". “........ You’re right. What was I even thinking?”. “That’s what I’d like to know. Now can you untie me?”. “Sure". Seriously, this is why I cant understand men. “I’ll go get some drinks. You stay here".


Walking out from the room, I let my kind facade drop, as a feral grin took over my face. Oh....... if only you knew my little demoness. Those who try to take you away from me, will share a painful death. You’re mine. MINE ONLY!......... and if they think they can take you away from me......... they will learn what it truly means, to suffer. When you fall into those four lunatics’ trap. I’ll save you, and make you love me and see that I was right. I know those four are planning something........ and soon, I know the others will plan something as well......... because who can resist your beauty?........ my sweet, innocent little flower......


After my nice meet up with Hyuga, I went back to Oya High, and surprisingly, Todoroki was searching for me. “Where were you?”. “I was getting killed". “...... I’m not even gonna ask. Anyways, todays the day I will challenge Murayama. Ate you coming?”. Taunt the adorable leader of Oya High? Absolutely! Get Seki angry because I went against him? Done that! Get a chance to pick on Furuya? Todays the day! “Pookie! You were actually worried about me? I’m touched!”. “Its a simple Yes or No answer", he gritted out while still having a smile plastered on his face. “Of course I will! Where are Tsuji and Shibaman?”. “We’re here". Turning around I grinned as I saw they were behind me as Shiba leaned on my shoulder. “Excited for the upcoming battle?”. “Of course I am!”.

Striding through the hallways Todoroki ended up beating two students, before someone finally pointed us in Murayama's direction. Could I have easily told him where he was? Absolutely! But where would the fun in that be?!

“Good evening". “Good Evening", replied Murayama as he sat up. “Stop turning this into a bloody soap opera". I just got ignored but I could see Tsuji trying to keep back a smile. “Senpai, nice to meet you. I’m Todoroki, a full time student”. “What do you want?”. “I’m going to defeat you and become the leader of Oya High...... Well, lets fight", Todoroki spoke casually.  Todoroki claps twice before gesturing to himself with his hands. Murayama just leans back on the couch with his head tilted back as he continues to throw the baseball. “What’s wrong?”. “I won’t fight you. You’re a kid". Wait wait wait. Hold up. How old is everybody here again? Cause compared to me, everyone in this world is a fetus. “I’m going to teach you, a worthless senior who will never graduate, a lesson". All the students started to surround us with shouts as Seki fisted Todoroki's collar. “Seki! Leave it. Withdraw”, spoke the leader of Oya High as he stood up and shoved a student out of his way, before stopping in front of Todoroki. “What are you gonna do when you become leader?”. “I’m going to rise with one fist". “After you rise...... what do you think lies ahead?”. “Reputation and Glory". “There is nothing like that. Go home, okay?”, laughed out Murayama as Todoroki glanced to the side before swinging a fist at Todoroki, who didn’t even blink as the fist stopped inches from his face. Todoroki tore off his bandana and held it in front of him, as Furuya asked what did he think he was doing. He got ignored as Todoroki smiled and waved the bandana back and forth before dropping itself, causing Murayama to let out a sigh. “I’m telling you, kids should go home". “How boring", stated Todoroki as Murayama sat back on the couch. “We’ll be back". “See you again". “See ya". “Bye bye!”. I just grinned and waved at everyone, before following the three out of the hall. During Todoroki’s talk about lions and cuckoos, I didn’t pay much attention. That was, until Todoroki called for my attention. “Susamaru. I know that your cousin is Murayama's left hand man. Are you willing to go against him, and come with us, till we defeat Murayama?”. I saw Tsuji and Shibaman looking at me intently, as I just grinned and spoke “Of course I will! This is the most fun I’ve had in years! And its all thanks to you Pookie!”. “.......................”Now lets go and celebrate with some ramen!”. “Yes! Food!”. “........ I hate you". “I know!”.

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