Chapter 22 Headache

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I hurried to the place where Ranmaru was supposed to fight Rocky and White Rascals, but it seems that I arrived a little bit late. It’s not my fault, I had to sprint here! “Hey, you look pathetic!”, shouted Hyuga from a platform as Ranmaru turned to look at him. What is it with SWORD leaders and them wanting to be dramatic? “Hyuga, you’re finally here”. Hyuga took a hold of a chain and swung down, taking down a few members of Doubt while at it. By taking down I meant choking them half to death. “To get in your way”. “What?”. “I can’t trust someone who dumps his men like garbage”. Shouts came from behind him as Kato, Ukyo and Sakyo drove a vintage car, pieces of wood attached by rope at the back like snowboards and shit and allowing more members to go with them. I doubted Hyuga’s sanity then but right now I’m definite that he needs to go to a mental asylum.

“What are you taking so damn long with this scumbag for. This is a SWORD matter. We’ll handle it as we see fit”. “Hey, you picked a fight with Rascals”. “That means you picked a fight with SWORD”. “In other words..”. “This is….”. “The SWORD alliance!”, shouts Hyuga as Kato continues, “GET EM!”. The Daruma members instantly get to work and even manage to topple a billboard on top of Doubt members. I took out my newly customised Temari balls and bounced two for a bit, before shifting into my demon form and multiplying my arms. Now, six balls bounced merrily while I relaxed my tensed muscles. Cackling madly I rushed the closest group of Doubt members but for some reason they were wary to attack me. If they did it was just a light kick or punch, nothing too damaging which was weird since Doubt is known for its ruthlessness.

It finally came to the point where others had surrounded Jesse and Cobra. “What? We’re in trouble?”. It’s then that shouts could be heard where Mighty Warriors broke through our allies and toppled them to the ground. “Sup bro”. “I thought you had a job”. “So here we are”, gestured Pearl at the place as my dumbass cousin came closer. “That’s Ice! You bastard!”. “Come on”. That’s when things took a turn for the worse as all of them were experienced fighters and took down regular members with ease. I was still kinda ticked off because I still remember them capturing me. It wasn’t pleasant and not something I’ll forget easily.

Rocky and Ranmaru were still going at it as well as Cobra and Jesse. I was left to help the other members as the amount of people became overwhelming. Then there was a loud shatter as Ranmaru threw Rocky through a train window, laughing while doing so. I walked over and gave him a nice few punches across the face, walking away when Rocky got up and Ranmaru threw a hissy fit. He started throwing punch after punch at him at a rapid speed. Most which Rocky still avoided until it came to the point here their fists collided, Ranmaru screaming from the pain. Even though Rocky got hit in the face multiple times, it was no use as Rocky’s will to win was stronger. He ended the fight, with a single punch. Ranmaru fell down and didn’t stand back up as Rocky also lay in the ground to rest. “Man I’m beat”. “Don’t worry you’ll have time to rest after this!”, I laughed  as I rolled my shoulders before swinging my arms back, and let all my Temari balls fly. Everyone paused what they were doing and dodged the balls, barely escaping as they rammed into the walls and cement columns holding the station together, cracks webbing out and creating instability in infrastructure.

Most were looking at me like I lost my marbles but I just shrugged my shoulders and put away the Temari balls that I had caught. The fight continued into the night as if nothing happened. “Jesse!”. Rocky showed a sign that it was over and we’re starting to walk away, until limos came driving in that is. People separating a path so they wouldn’t get crushed.

Men in suits and formal attire stepped out, as everyone stopped to watch their next move. There was around 50 of them, if not more. All of them ancient and loaded with money. “Hey!”. Then the door opened to let one final man out. This one different, as instead if full black attire, he wore dirt coloured pants. He was also tearing into an icicle, while glaring at everyone. “Fighting over business like you think you’re adults”. A few men dragged over Ranmaru, the man crouching down and asking “Did you cause this fight? You have a pretty face”. Ranmaru only smirked at him, only to have his head thrown back down and his whole body beaten up by the man. Bro they’re killing one of my therapists! “Listen. You shouldn’t be making trouble for us. This commotion you created is messing things up for us”. “Stop it!”, shouted Cobra as he couldn’t handle anymore of the beating. “Acting tough, are you? When you antagonise the bad guy… you have to look more miserable. You’re lowlife scumbags who think you’re worth something by bunching up together. Stupid brats. Do SWORD losers have to die before they understand? The cocky leader of Mugen… we snuffed him out to set an example. But it didn’t stop the infestation of worms like you guys. So… he died for nothing. No matter how many of you die, I suppose it won’t change a thing”. “You bastard”. “What? You want to fight us? Do you want to know the difference between your fights and our fights? We can cover ours up. No matter how many of you guys die, we can make them disappear. The entire Kuryu group is going to come down on you! Flee or suck up to us! Make your choice!”. Doubt members ran away like roaches while Cobra took the opportunity to kick the leader in his back, sending him into his men. “This is our answer”. All of SWORD gathers behind Cobra as they make their stand. “Tch. You chose this and brought it on yourselves”. “Hey Oldman! Remember me!?”, I shouted as I waved madly at him. “Ghh! What are you doing here!?”, he snarled with visible fear as he flinched back. “Hm. That’s none of your concern. But know that if I find out someone gets hurt because if you, I’ll hunt you down and kill you. Anyways! Have fun!”. He quickly got in the car and all the Kuryu staff members drove off quite quickly. “Do you know him Sumaru?”.


I sat beside Ranmaru’s bed, watching him sleep. I was the one that brought him back to Doubt’s hideout as well as clean him up and tuck him in. His bruises from the Kuryu Boss were all an unhealthy colour when I treated them with some ointment. He had to get his head bandaged up as well as a few of his fingers, but that was nothing compared to the pain he had to endure all the time.

“Susamaru~  You’ve been one naughty demon”. I felt shivers along my spine as I heard the familiar voice of Muzan taunting me. Then was the familiar sound of strings being plucked, although they were faint I could clearly tell it was Nakime on his Biwa. “Don’t think that you’re safe from me. You may be in another dimension, but I am still the King of Demons”.

The pressure I felt surrounding my head was released as I planted quietly, as to not disturb Ranmaru’s sleep. “I need to keep my guard up. Who knows what he will do”. Ranmaru was listening intently as he pretended to sleep. He loved the feeling of his love’s hands on him as she took care of his battered body. But he was riled up by this he that Susamaru was talking about. What was his connection to his love? Was he a past lover?… no that can’t be. His people gave every possible account of what Susamaru had been doing for the past few years, and they never mentioned this. So who was he?

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