Chapter 12 You were all lying bitches

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I grumbled as I woke up bright and early in the morning. A day of school and pain. The day that everybody hates………….It’s………….MONDAY. I make myself a quick sandwich. Well, appalling it a sandwich is stretching it. Just a piece of stale bread and a thin slice of ham. But it’ll do. I pack my spray cans and a change of clothes before heading to my bike. Hopefully Pookie has a plan to sate my boredom. Or else I might end up killing someone.


Getting to Oya High, I park my bike and head inside. Most people avoid my gaze, but some dumbasses glare at me with hatred. Dumb bitches. Getting to the room me, Tsuji and Shibaman claimed with Pookie, I throw my bag into an unused drawer I head to the so called ‘maths class’. The room we claimed was a mixture between a storage room, and a music room, but we were fine with it. Getting inside, there was another fight which was too interesting for me to end. Seeing that there would be no class, I decided to head up to the roof. Getting up, I was surprised to see a blonde boy, who lay asleep on a sofa. A black haired boy beside him, reading a magazine about motorcycle’. Deciding to have a bit of fun, I carefully and quietly, creep around and behind him before……………… “Watchu doin?”. “AHHH!”.I snort as he gave a shrill girl scream and fell off his seat. “Who the hell are you?”. I gasped dramatically and pretended to be offended. “Who am I, you say. Who am I? Why!, I’m the female student, Susamaru of course!”. “The demon lady of Oya High?”. Demon lady? Demon. And lady. Do. Not. Mix. And. They could’ve also come up with something more terror inducing. That is now another name for myself I guess. “Hmph. You don’t look anything like they describe you……”, drawled the golden haired boy without opening his eyes. To be honest he reminded me of a sleeping lion. “And what do they describe me as?”. “They describe you as the ugliest woman ever made. A woman with blood red hair and pitch black eyes. That she drinks men’s blood…………”, trailed off the black haired guy. “I’m Fujio by the way. The guy lying on the couch is Tsukasa”. “Nice to meet you both! Home to see you two around……… bu bye!”, I wave before walking off. Looking for another part of the school to cover in graffiti. Stopping by our music room, I grab my bag and change there quickly, dragging on paint stained clothes before heading off. The second class was on so only a few of the students roamed the halls. Ignoring them, I settled for a  nice dim corridor that led outside, at the back of the school. Taking out my black spray paint. I started with the outline. Five men were the focus of my project. Black silhouettes didn’t show any facial features, but there was a spark of colour in each silhouette. The person in the middle, had a bright red scarf, the one on his left had metallic silver teeth. On the other side, the person had a neon blue bandana while the other two had a green parka and a blood red umbrella. Putting away all my cans,  I grab my bag and head towards the bathroom. It only had male ones since almost no females came to this school. Walking in, I ignored the people taking a piss and scrubbed my hands raw from all the paint, walking back out, I heard commotion coming from outside and decided to check it out. There, stood a few people that fought against our students. The one in the lead………….. was Ice. Glaring fiercely, I ran and jumped, before aiming a kick to his head. Momentarily stunned, another person took me on. This guy having a white cap and not much of a fighters body. “Susamaru. I must admit……….. I didn’t expect you to be here”. Jumping back a bit, I steadied my breathing as all of them looked at me. “I must admit……….. I didn’t think you’d be a liver, Sarah”. “You also didn’t tell me you were part of SWORD”, she spat out venomously. “What do you all want”. There was a silence before Ice gave a smirk. “We want to take over SWORD”.

Most of the Oya High students were beaten up. Not even Todoroki, Shibaman or Tsuji were spared.

“Todoroki. What happened?”, asked Murayama as he, Seki and Furuya approached the bloody, battered students. Todoroki sat next to the old car, clothes askew, hair ruffled and blood pouring from his mouth. “They took her…………”.

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