Chapter 21 What the fuck?

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After that shenanigan happened, we made our way to our classroom. The whole place was trashed, litter scattered around the floor while furniture was practically shattered. “There is not as much full time students here", commented Shibaman as we all found a place to stand, Todoroki lounging on his usual leather sofa. “There’s no evidence for Kiyoshi's stabbing, right?”, asked Tsuji as he and Shibaman looked at us from the wire parting separating both sides of the room. “But I’m certain it was Nakagoshi? What do you think?”. But for an unknown reason Pookie sprung up and shuffled out of the room, Tsuji and Shibaman giving chase while I sat in the ground, wanting to think over what I accepted from Furuya.


“Oh, its Todoroki-kun!”, greeted one if the part timers as the rest greeted him with pats and walked out of the room. Todoroki found Murayama reclining on a chair while reading a newspaper. “Wow, you’ve gone viral". “Where are the part timers going". “its none of your business”. “Whatever. It’ll be troublesome if I don’t take you down soon”. “Now?”, asked Murayama in confusion as he leaned back to take a look at Todo. “I’m busy. Well, I don’t plan on fighting you anyway. You’re quite boring now. Todoroki-chan. Seriously, you have to pay attention. You heard the kids on the radio broadcast the other day, right? Have you fought them yet?”. “I’m not interested in the lower ranks”. “No,no,no!”, berated Murayama as he stood up while looking at him. “That’s your weak point. Before you target me, you should do what you have to do first. We’re fully grown part time students so we can’t do much, but you’re a recognised full time student. Instead of this, wouldn’t it be better to use this to show your Oya High spirit?”, he asked while putting his fist into Todoroki's chest. “Murayama-san!”. “Coming", spoke Murayama as he followed after Seki. “What were you two talking about". “He wants to fight me again". “Murayama-san, all of SWORD is gathering today”, warned Seki as Murayama began to feel excited. “What? What does Cobra-chan want to talk about? Maybe we’ll be able to decide who’s number one!”. They both ran of a screaming in glee like little kids as Todoroki was left deep in thought.


I decided to leave Oya High for once after being there for a few days. It was tiring and stressful just listening to a bunch of morons. I also couldn’t find Pookie which was depressing. How dare he leave me! So I decided to accept an invitation I got from Tetsu and headed towards the bathhouse. After arriving, I just headed for the changing area, fully stripped and just tied a towel around my hips. Yeah, hips. I need to breeze out my tits once in a while y'know? Getting to the right one I just stepped inside, relaxing from the steam and warm air rushing towards me. ”I’ve heard your situation from Dan-san and Chiharu. You should’ve consulted me first, I mean I invited you to Sannoh”. “We were really worried", said an unfamiliar voice as I entered further in. “You don’t follow me around anymore, do you?”, Tetsu mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. “No, that’s not it". “But honestly, after you got rid  of your dreads, you lost your charm", admitted the brown haired guy while the other hissed ay him about not being polite. “Have to agree with them Tetsu. You look too different and dull after losing your dreads", I admitted as I sat opposite them. “Eh? Susamaru what are you- EH!? WHY ARE YOU PRACTICALLY NAKED!?”, he screeched as he tried to cover the duos eyes. “Hm? Are you saying I can’t breeze out my tits? Are you sexist? Well?”. “N-no but just warm us next time!”, he stuttered while blushing furiously, avoiding my gaze. “Who is this?”. “This is an old friend. And anyways, Ken. Its just as you said. Those dreads were my charm. But if I keep wearing them, I’ll be known as the dreads guy. I’ve entered the next stage!”. “I don’t know what you’re talking about but it sounds cool!”, said the guy who’s name I still don’t know as Tetsu still continued to rant. “If this is my level  then you guys still there!”. “Maybe some of your charm will rub off on us!”, said Ken hopefully as I held in my laughter at their ridiculousness. “If you can stand on the same level as me, then that’s another story. Well, yeah. I him its time to think of a trademark appearance”. “We haven’t thought of one". “Do you have any ideas in mind". “Wait a minute". “Does he mean CM?”. What the fuck is cm?

We lounged around for a while, making idle talk when Tetsu returned. “Is your cm over?”. “Huh? You guys know about cm?”. “Chotto matte, right?”. Ohhhh. Now it makes sense. “Its an inside joke between Chiharu and me... what were we talking about again?”. Oh boy we’re gonna be here forever. “We were talking about creating a trademark appearance from scratch". “Oh, right". “Fashion is created by imitating others. You have to gather everyone’s good points”. “For example?”. “Like Cobra-san's red scarf?”. “Exactly”, Tetsu snapped his fingers as I didn’t like the direction this conversation was headed in. “Or Daruma's red cape?”. “No, that’s on the leader. Oh right". “That works”. “It does?”. “Instead of fashion, you can call it a move". “A move?”. “You guys, give up motorcycles and start riding on cars”. “That’s dangerous!”. “And they’d know we’re copying them". Really, that’s what they’re worried about? “You won’t know until you try. Or you could climb onto a truck and sit there”. “That’s also dangerous!”. “It’d be a miracle not to fall off!”. I like these two guys. They’re funny. “And move your hands like this while you’re there". “That’s Oya High's Seki's move”. “We'll pass". That was the cheapest imitation ever. “Or wear round sunglasses and put some silver in your teeth”. “You mean Rocky from White Rascals?”, asked Ken as I tried to keep myself from rolling on the floor. How come I feel like they forgot about me again? “Where do they sell that anyway?”. “No idea, maybe its from silver dust". “How messy". To be honest... I was also interested in this. I never found out where he got those teeth or where they were from... maybe I should research a bit more. “Oh yeah, can you guys do parkour?”. “By parkour do you mean RudeBoys?”. “Tetsu-san, don’t compare us to RudeBoys-SHUT UP!”. “Listen, lets combine them all together. Wear a red scarf, round sunglasses, put some silver in your teeth, sit on a truck, move your hands like this, do some parkour and then look at the sky with an evil look on your face". “What a trainwreck". “FUHAHAHAHA!!”, I cackled as I well onto the damp floor, tears coming to my eyes from Tetsu's stupidity. “Well, I’m done here. Good luck, guys". He rushed out of the room not even sparing me a glance as I finally calmed down enough. “He's not even taking this seriously. Are you listening?”. “Maybe we don’t ned to stick to Sannoh”. “What are you talking about?”. They both sighed out loud as I decided to give them a proposition. How bout you join me at Oya High?”. “HUH?”.

Walking through the halls of Oya High, I was just finished with the headmaster signing some documents. Those two said they’d think about my proposition and get back to me, which I knew they would. I heard a commotion from upstairs and rushed over there. I found Tsukasa clutching Jamuo who sported a new hairstyle, him and a few others all bloodied and beaten up. “Who did this?”. “Those guys... You handed over the leadership to me and I brought shame. Everyone came to help me. I’m in so much pain, but I’m so happy. That fight wasn’t about victory or money and simply about pain, but this pain is a reward of honour that we can only feel at this moment. Everyone feels the same. That’s what makes me the happiest”. “Yasushi isn’t a big deal. Idiot”. “With this, Kiyoshi is going to step up his game”. “We have Tsukasa-san!”. “That’s right Tsukasa-san". “Everyone. Can you give me some time?”. I smiled at the lions voice, it looks like his mind is already made up, he just wants to strengthen that resolve. I strode away, and went to another roof, lounging on an armchair I recently brought up here. Looks like things about to get more interesting... which reminds me. I need to go help Murayama and Rocky.

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