Chapter 3 Cold as Ice, Hot like Fire

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Walking through the streets the next day I bought some groceries before school and took them home.

Realising today would be my fight with Murayama I groan out from the realisation and try to hold off the urge to stay at home.

Was I worried that I couldn't beat him? Hell no! I could take down that kid in my sleep!

The problem, is that I could defeat him so quickly that it will put doubt into other Oya High students. If there was a girl stronger than Murayama, is he really a good leader? That's why I'm gonna try and save him the hassle by avoiding him.

Checking the time I realise that I was gonna be on time, so I hurry and run around to the back of the school and enter from the back door. Walking through the halls most of the people avoided me, but there were a few dumb individuals who rammed their shoulder into mine.

On the outside I was smiling and being kind, but on the inside I wanted to rip his head off. *ring ring*. Awwww! I didn't even get to find Pookie or that LGBT haired guy! Tch. Looks like I'll just pester them later.

Getting to my classroom I sat down in the corner and slowly dosed off since it was religion class. I didn't need religion anyway. I was a demon so I don't need to know about human pigeons and stuff. Falling asleep I had some strange dreams.

One was of Club Heaven. A bald guy was talking with...... wait isn't that a guy from Hoodlum? Dan was it? Anyway. He was handing a gold case but just when the bald dude was about to take it a guy in black jumped in, threw a glass of water, and took off with the gold case.

Another, was of a rundown building, in it were people mixing things and putting packets full of powder into different objects. On the label it said 'Red Rum'. Aren't those drugs?

It quickly flickered out as I saw a young man walking to the Daruma Hooligans meeting place. The crowd there turned to the man and bowed, as they parted to let him through. He took a place between Ukyo and Sakyo as he put on the Daruma coat.

Only one guy can command Daruma's loyalty like that. And that is Hyuga Norihisa.

Just as something else was about to come up it was interrupted by a- *ring ring*. Fluttering open my eyes I could hazily make out the figure of people leaving the classroom.

So I guess that means class is over huh? Well......... guess its time to annoy Pookie then! *crackle crackle*. I look up and for the first time I see that there are speakers for announcements.

"Everyone we've got all of Sannkh heading towards us so let's give them a welcome they'll never forget! That is al- Oh! And if anyone runs away from the fight they'll have their teeth pulled out. That is all".

I hear the shouts and cheers of Oya High students as they make their way to the balconies outside. But me, hearing some grunts and fists hitting flesh I decided to check it out and saw it.

Some Oya High kids beating up the kid Chiharu. Is he dumb? Why would you go back to a place where your death is almost certain?

But hearing the shouts in the corridors it seems Sannoh already entered, so its my job to hold them back. Taking out my Oya High Temari ball I start throwing them at peoples legs arms and any other place I could reach.

That was until someone threw me into a wall. Fading out, my vision returns as I see that the halls were empty, the sounds of Yama's laughter coming from the room next to me.

Standing up I shove open the doors and see the room full of two groups. On the left were all of Sannoh and on the right were most of the part time students. In the middle was Cobra holding Murayama in a choke hold.

Walking up to them I give them a nice punch to the face. Pulling them back up by their ears I ignore the stares and opened mouths of the two groups and start hissing to them.

"You fools! Starting this petty little argument, just because of one measly kid? You both are pathetic! If you want something to fight about find an actual reason. And don't act like spoiled brats!".

Letting go of their ears I send a quick flick to both of their foreheads and glare menacingly at both of them. "Have I made myself clear?".

"Yes Ma'am". I watched as both of them sulked but I couldn't care less. "Good. Now off Sannoh goes. If I ever hear of another petty fight I'll personally come over and beat the ever loving shit out of ye. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be".

Leaving both groups awed and confused I put on my headphones and start up my moto. Driving in the direction of the ports I relax as I think of meeting my friend. I met her not that long ago actually.

We both were looking for the same group of scumbags for money and fought them. In the end I gave her the money, but we kept in contact and occasionally met up. Hopefully there would be no more surprises...

I was wrong......... now sitting in front of Sarah I felt small as two men sat beside her.

A male who wore a checkered jacked with a small smile, and a male who had black hair and wore black clothes with a metal chain with a blank expression I suddenly wanted to walk away and never see them again. But....... I...... Just couldn't give up the chance to make new friends! ........ yeah just joking.

I haven't left yet only thanks to Sarah. I haven't sen her in a while and was looking really forward to this. "Susamaru! Nice to see you again. How are you?". "I'm good and you? I see you've brought company with you this time".

She smiled as she gestured to the boys. "Ice and Ryu have wanted to meet you for a while. They are interested in recruiting you". I shake my head sadly as I sniffle a little.

"Sarah! How dare you give me away! I thought we were friends........ and anyway I'm already part of a group". The corners of her lips pulled down as she pouted sadly.

"Awwww. And here I thought I'd get to see you more often". "No can do Sarah. I've got an idiotic cousin to look after. Anyway let's get some food shall we?

And that's how the demon got closer to the two leading males of Mighty Warriors. Soon though...... those two won't be the only ones on the lookout for the female.

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