Chapter 6 Women........ are psychopaths

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“SUSAMARU!! GET BACK HERE!”. I huffed as I dashed into nameless street. To be honest…….. I don’t even know how this happened.


After leaving the four White Rascals’s house, I made my way onto Sannoh territory as I wanted to see how they were doing after the fight. *ding!*. I made my way inside Itokan as the few heads inside ignored me. I saw Yamato, Dan and Chiharu looking at a plate of pancakes, muttering about how unusual it is to eat pancakes as Itokan for breakfast. “Ready, set go!”, singsonged Tetsu as he rang a small bell. Yamato and Dan decided to go first as Chiharu decided to observe the two. “Good……… So good!”. “Delicious!”. Naomi and Nikka smiled as the three decided to dig into the pancakes. I, being the hungry being I am, walk over and steal one from Yamato. “HEY! W-Oh it’s you Susamaru”.

That single sentence caught the attention of the whole diner as everyone looked at me, but I didn’t give two fucks about the attention as I continued to devour the pancake. “Naomi these are delicious! How did you make them?”. I was met with silence until I decided to face her.

“Nao- AAHH!”.

Quickly dodging the knife thrown at me I looked over the edge of the table to see Naomi holding a bunch of kitchen knives, a scowl on her face as she prepared to launch them at my face.

“You! You told me you didn’t belong to a gang! You didn’t tell me anything about Oya High!”. I felt sweat roll down my cheek at her words as I saw Yamato try to get her to calm down. “Naomi calm down! She was probably just trying to protect you”. “To be honest I just didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want you to hate me so that’s why I kept it a secret from you. And about joining a gang. I’m not part of a gang, I’m just part of Oya H-……….. oh shit”.

“You’re only realising that now?”, mused Tetsu with a playful grin. “N-Naomi! Let’s talk this over, you don’t need to get angry over something so little!”. “YOU!”. “Susamaru. Run”. I didn’t even get to thank Cobra as I dashed as quickly as possible, away from Naomi.



Oh………… now I remember. *thud*. Quickly turning around, I was met with an empty street? Oh yeah……. I forgot about the fact that I’m on RudeBoys territory. “Listen just come out and let’s get this over with. I don’t have all day”. It was quiet for a moment before multiple people jumped down from the rooftops, came out from side alleys or just walked over. “What do you want. Do you think that you can provoke us into a fight with Oya High?”. “What? What the hell are you talking about blonde? I’m just here because I tried to run away from a deranged female who wielded an army of knives. I just went into nameless street on accident”. “Takeshi. What is going on?”. I saw a male with black fluffy hair, dark eyes with bags beneath them and wearing a warm green khaki coloured jacket. “Smokey. The female from Oya High has stepped onto our te-”, “Excuse me? Female for. Oya High? I have a name you know. It’s Susamaru, and just like I said I don’t want anything from you. I just stepped on nameless street by accident!”. “Smokey. I think she may be telling the truth”, interjected a red haired guy. Seriously why is everyone in SWORD so fine looking? “We’ll let you off this time b- UHUH! *COUGH COUGH COUGH!*”. “Smokey!”. Everyone crowded around Smokey as he started coughing up a large amount of blood. “Move aside”. “You have no right to get involved in RudeBoys business!”. “I’m trying to help your commander so move aside!”, I shouted at Takeshi as I got to Smokey’s hunched figure. Lying him down on the ground, I concentrate my demon abilities on his body, trying to find the source of his problem. I am shocked at what I find, since I didn’t think it could be true. But even then, I tried to subdue the sickness for now, and Smokey finally stopped hacking up blood. “W-what……… did you do?”, whispered Smokey before his eyes rolled back in his head. “Smokey!”. “He’s fine. He just needs rest. I’ll be on my way”. Getting absolutely ignored, I walk straight out of RudeBoys territory as I head back home. But it seems, that fate has other plans for me. An old car drove up, as someone swung a bat at me. I didn’t resist though, as I knew only one person who would want to talk with me……………. 

“Hello, Hyuga”.

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