Chapter 2

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I woke up bright and early since I wanted to go for a stroll around the 5 districts. I know I already walked around them but now I'm allowed to go out in Broad daylight! I decided to start with Hoodlum since they were the closest. Even though I wasn't let out in the day by Seki I still went out at night. One night I was ambushed by a few drunks who wanted to defeat the 'Diablo'. Thankfully we were near Itokan and their asses were kicked by Naomi. She treated my wounds and even gave me a free meal. I returned her kindness when she was cornered in an alley and almost raped. We've been best friends ever since. "Hey Naomi!". "Susamaru! Its good to see you!", she embraced me as I patted her back gently. "Why are you out during the daylight?". "Oh. My cousin lets me go out now and even put me into a school. So how has your business been?". "Been going well. Although Yamato has some beef going with Oya high and a guy named Chiharu is now joining". "You don't say", I smirked. I never told her who my cousin was or where I go to school now. *ding*. "Hey Naomi. Who's this?". I saw a broad guy enter the place as I remembered seeing him once. "Oh Yamato. This is my friend Susamaru. Susamaru this is Yamato". I wiggle my fingers as I eat my omurice in greeting as he smiles. "Didn't know you had a friend that is a girl, ugly". "Shut up baldy. Susamaru saved me once from getting raped. You should be thankful that you didn't have to murder anyone". He freezes and pales before he suddenly bows. "Thank you! If I'd known sooner I would have thanked you earlier. I can never repay you for helping my childhood friend". I lat his shoulder and push him up into a straight position. "Don't mention it! Anyway I've got to go. Bye Naomi!". "Bye Sus!". I roll my eyes and leave the diner, heading towards my next destination. White Rascals territory. I was a regular so the doors were opened immediately. I even work there sometimes as a bartender. During the night it was a club, but during the day it was a bar. I bought a quick bottle of whiskey and poured it into my flask. Thanking the guy I quickly run out and check the time. Crap! It was already 7:50. I fix my clothes and start my bike. Did I mention that I was urging my bike all this time? Well now you know. I check the time as I see the school. Damnnnnn. I'm late. Which means I'll have to fight Murayama. Oh well. It is what it is I guess. I hop off and try to go in unseen but that doesn't work. "You're late". I pout and turn around to see Yama standing there with his signature bandana. "Fine. I'll fight you but tomorrow kay? I'm busy after school". "Fine. But meet me here at the end, we have a quick job to do". I nod and start heading inside to search for my favourite to- I mean friend. Searching around all he regularly place he didn't turn up so I headed towards the roof. Slowly opening it I saw ....... Pookie! But there was another guy with...... rainbow coloured hair? Is he part of the LQBTQIA+ community? ...... Meh. "POOKIE! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!". I see his eyes widen as he lunges past the guy to escape. Too bad I was quicker. Jumping on his back, he collapsed under my weight as the guy with rainbow hair just raised an eyebrow. "Pookie! I've been looking all over you! Who's your friend?". "I thought. I told you. Not. To call me........ POOKIE!". I sulked and help him up as he glared at me. "And that's the thanks I get after helping your sorry ass? Rude. Anyway who're you?", I send the question towards the rainbow on the left. "The names Tsuji. Former leader of Oya High's full time students". "Susamaru. Just a psychopath. Who's the leader of full time students now?". "Its the person you call 'pookie'", he stifles a laugh. My eyes become as wide as saucers as I turn to look at Todoroki. "You? The leader of the full time students?............... I'm so proud of you!". "W-what?". "My baby's all grown up! Wah!". I pinch his cheeks and climb onto his back as he looks sickly and pale. "Now this is a sight. What is a girl doing at Oya High anyway?". I continue to snuggle into Pookie's neck as I reply tiredly. "I've been home schooled all my life, and my cousin didn't want me going. Thank God I'm allowed to now". "Who's your cousin?". "Seki". "Oh right...... WHAT!?". "You don't mean Seki who's a close friend of Murayama do you?". "That's exactly what I mean. And if your scared of him then your a bunch of wimps". *ring ring*. "Its time to go to class", I wave to them in farewell and head towards my classroom. It was a free period since there was no teacher to teach us science. I mean what kind of sane person would teach here? Opening the door I once again saw the typical fight in every corner of the school so I just ignored them and sat down at the back. I put on my headphones and put on the song 'Lets start a riot'. Half an hour went by in peace until someone ruined it. "You think just because you beat up a few guys your some hot shit?! We're gonna prove your nothing but a scared little girl!". I tilt my head back and saw that half the classroom was standing in front of me as I grinned. "You really think you can defeat me? That's hilarious". "Why you-". "Now go away. I don't deal with weaklings like you". "RAARGH!". I jumped off of my chair as a fist bashed down onto it. "You should go for anger management sometime. Maybe it will help your tiny brain!", I jeered with a smirk. "......... KILL HER!!!". I laughed in glee as I took out my newest Temari ball.

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