Chapter 25 Turning

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The next few weeks was total chaos for SWORD with Kuryu doing everything possible to get rid of SWORD. I on the other hand was stuck at school and monitored to prevent me from interfering with the fight. It pissed me off but on the other hand I understood their concern. If Kuryu got their hands on me who knows what they would do to me.

I mean I could kill them but that's too much work. So I was stuck in school not being allowed to go anywhere to beat people up. Class or graffiti were my options which was getting boring lately.

Talking to people wasn't an option as Jamuo was shitting bricks whenever he saw me, Tsukasa is always either sleeping or moping, the trio I stupidly love... are questioning life. Nakagoshi and Nakaoka were always tearing into Yasushi and Kiyoshi so they were out as well.

The only options were left were Murayama, Seki and Furuya who were all busy with SWORD leaving me a lonely twenty something year old virgin. "-And that is how you solve using the -b formula". Damn you Mr Bingchilling. I kid you not, someone hated their child that much. "See you, tomorrow".

As the bell sounded I snatched up my bag and rushed as fast as I could to the exit. Going insane already happened to me so I don't even know what will happen next if I stay here. What's after insanity? Psychopathy? Sociopathy? Pretty sure that also happened to me.

Getting on my bike I drove away from the school, maybe hours, maybe mere minutes passed by but I'm pretty sure I wasn't in SWORD anymore. Unfamiliar shops and buildings covered the area as I just kept driving.


That's not good. Oh never mind I'm just running out of gas. Lady luck was on my side as I was right next to a gas station. The down side was that I forgot my money, the bright side was that I already memorised the details on Hyuga's and Rocky's credit cards. So everything was peachy!

The store was crawling with students in blue school uniforms with plaid pants. They could've been mistaken for Oya High students except for the fact that Oya High isn't civilised enough to even have a uniform.

They were a bunch of rowdy fucks who talked at a hundred decibals and ate like pigs which made the whole floor become covered in filth and trash. "That will be 23,680.22 yen pls". "The fuck? Inflation's bat shit crazy these days. Governments fault, damn rich bastards. Credit card pls".

After also buying some snacks I headed to the exit before it was blocked by some of those lugs. "Hey girly! Why don't we have some fun?". "Let's", I grinned as I cracked my knuckles. Getting some exercise after all these days is just what I need. Finally someone's too much of a dumb bitch to challenge me.




Let's just say those guys weren't gonna go back home today in one piece. There were a few nasty cracks along the way but I'm pretty sure they'll all live... probably. Hopefully. Maybe.

Deciding that since I was here then I can at least see what this place has to offer. Also the fact that if I return to SWORD at this time of the day everyone will be on my ass for interfering and trying to make something go awry. When have I ever done that? NEVER!

So I'd better stay here for another few hours. Hopping on my bike I revved the engine for dramatic effects and sped off. There were many intriguing shops along the way and I stopped by a quaint antique store.

Treading carefully inside and pushing aside the woven curtains I was awed by the amount of trinkets settled on the shelves. Bone china tea sets, ceramic statues, raw gems and even magnets filled the area. Perusing the aisles I selected a few items for my growing collection of old items.

"Hello Missy, would you like to buy those?", asked an elderly voice which slightly startled me as it was dead silent mere seconds ago. Seeing a little old lady calmed my heart as she smiled at me, her skin crinkling with smile lines.

"Uh, yes please, if you don't mind". "Come with me, dearie". I followed her to the counter as she scanned each thing. "That will be 14,000 yen". Giving her the money she handed me the paper bag and waved goodbye as I left the store.

What I wasn't expecting was a sticky note on my seat reading 'Tomorrow at 10am meet me at the harbour'. Not even an introduction? Rude schmuch. At the same moment my phone began buzzing with a stupid ringtone I put. "Hey who is- SUSAMARU! YOU NEED TO HELP SMOKEY OR ELSE HE'LL BE KILLED BY KURYU!".

And that was that. Not having enough time to drive, I picked up my bike and started using my demon strength to quickly get to where Smokey was fighting. Hiding on a nearby rooftop I decided to first observe how this would go. Smokey had little time himself already. Sacrificing himself right now would be better than being near his dear friends as they bawled their eyes out.

The Iemuras second in command eventually found Smokey staring into the sky with a peaceful smile. "Get him!". "Truly, I've lived the best life.". Smokey faced the rushing Kuryu members with a smile on his face, knowing that Lala and the other RudeBoys have escaped.

He took every single beating with a smile with the members just leaving him after beating him to near death. After all of them left I jumped down and took a seat beside Smokey. "So this is the end for you huh?". Of course he didn't answer but slightly moved his head so he could look at me, blood trickling out of his mouth.

"You're leaving behind your friends, your family, all the kids that adore you here, all of your acquaintances...maybe even a girl. Don't you want to live? I can give you another chance if you want. Blink twice if you agree".

It took a few seconds but he managed to blink twice. "Nice! Now, I don't know if this will work because I never tried before. But if it does I can tell you that it will be the worst pain you have and will ever experience. Now drink my blood".

It was probably due to him being on the brink of death but he swallowed my blood willingly. I had my doubts about this working but it was worth a shot. Maybe I could make demons without Muzan's help since I was in a different realm now. Or maybe not and he will die. But there can't be a bad outcome because he will die either way.

He drank the blood slowly at first, little by little increasing his pace until his teeth were clamped around my wrist as he gulped the blood ravenously. "AARRGH!!!". So it does work! But that's not what I need to think about right now. I clamped his mouth shut and offered him more of my blood as he screeched like a banshee from the pain. It went on like that for a while but eventually he became silent.

Poking him a few times I almost thought him to be dead before I saw a slight hint of life. DAYUM! IT WORKED! I kinda expected him to be dead though.

Hearing footsteps I went back to hiding on the roof.

Lala fell down next to Smokey, sobbing on his lap. Takeshi sat beside him barely keeping it in. While Pi and the other guy were crying. All while Smokey lay there, with the same peaceful smile on his face, creating the illusion that he is still alive.

The only tell tale sign of his death is the stillness and the colour of his face, the colour of parchment. The blood splatters on his face were crusted over and there were some scars from his battle. Is what they thought. Damn idiots didn't even check if he's dead.

He's gonna wake up soon, and he's gonna be awfully hungry.

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