Chapter 11 I have a fiancé?

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It was another day of resting and I just had to get a message to go to work. It was later on in the day so a I could rest and do anything else for the time being. I started with getting some mocha and boba, buying some knuckle dusters and was about to head back, until I was interrupted by a voice. “Hey! Aren’t you the one, who everyone’s talking about?”. I turned around, crumbs on my cheek as two men in white, stride over. Wait a sec………. White clothes……… fuck no. “See ya”. I turn around and sprint for my life as I didn’t even care about resting anymore. I ran around the corner but was pulled back by my jacket . “Heeeey. It’s not nice to run from people who just want to talk, hmm?”. I was spun around and dangled off the ground as I looked the two men in the eyes. Both were unfamiliar, as they examined my features. One had short, black curly hair with a smirk, fingers holding his chin. The second, held a lazy grin as one part of his hair was longer than the other. “What’s you name, sweetie?”. “Susamaru. And you two?”. “I’m Kaito. This is Kizzy”. Why do a lot of people in White Rascals have a name starting with K? What, we’re their parents eating Kitkats while giving birth and decided to name their child the first letter of KitKat? “As much as I’d enjoy talking to you, I need to go home. My parents would be sooooo worried about me”, I emphasised as I slowly made Kaito uncurl his hand. “Oh really? Can’t have that can we? How about we lead you home”. Shit! Fucking mind your own business! It’s bad enough I’ve got those 4, now 2 more? Fuck nah. “No no! That’s okay! You really don’t need to!”, I stressed while praying they’d disagree. I do t even have parents any more. Where the hell am I supposed to get some? At the supermarket? This ain’t build a bitch. “No no cutie-cha~n. We insist”, Kizzy bared his teeth while I mentally gave up. “Kay. Let’s go”. I felt everything leave me as they lumbered behind me, casually whispering while clouds hung over me. I have an option, but it’ll probably end well.

“Hi mom! I’m back!”! I greet while I entered the door, respectfully removing the shoes. “What do you mean your back, you never left!”, shouted Yamato’s mom, Hisako as I took off my shoes. “Mother that’s so cruel! Have you forgotten your dear old daughter who you sent on an errand!?”, I dramatically stated while she raised an eyebrow at me and the duo behind me. Please understand. Please understand. I’m begging here! “………… Ah yes! How could I forget my daughter in law! What took you so long?”, she frowned while I died on the inside. Why………. Why me………….. what did I do to deserve this cruel punishment……………….Why…………

“I’m home grandmother”. ……………… OH COME THE FUCK ON! I’M SERIOUSLY GONNA DRAIN YOU OF BLOOD FOR THIS! “Ah! Well if it isn’t my idiot of a son. Why don’t you greet your fiancé. She did come back from an errand”, she smugly stated while Kitty and Kaito stood there confused. “Wha? What the hell are yo-”. He broke off as he saw Hisako holding me in an embrace. I was also mouthing ‘play along’, even though this will probably bite me in the ass. “Ah yes. Of course. Welcome back sweetheart”. He kissed me on the forehead and wrapped me up in a hug as Hisako smiled at the both of us. “Now, what can I do for you two, Hm?”. “Oh nothing. Just escorting back the lady. Good day”, Kizzy waved goodbye before both walked out and slammed the door closed.

……………………………………… “So. When’s the wedding?”. “Mom!”. “What?! Susamaru’s the one who came in and said I was her mother”. “WHAT!?”. They both turned to me while I squirmed on the spot from the stairs. “Well. I was in a pinch so I decided to come here. I actually meant my actual mother. Not an in-law one”. “Yeah I know. I just wanted to see how you’d look together. Now get out of here”. “MOM!”. I left those two to their arguing and took that chance to go……. Through the back door. I didn’t trust those two so I took the safest option to leave. All I wanted was to enjoy my mochi. Now I have to go and eat to make myself better. Haiyaa.



The lights are flashing, music thumping, hips swaying as Club Heaven. Some eyes were on the single bartender, who served drinks at break neck speed. “Funny thing, me and Kaito heard”, started Kizzy as he sat with some other White Rascal members. “Met Susamaru on the streets and decided to escort her to her ‘parents’. Turns out she’s engaged and has a Mother in law”. Silence fell over the table as tension increased. “Oh really? Any idea who the future husband is?”, asked Shimura nonchalantly,  us on the inside, he had the intention to kill. “You’d be surprised. It’s the second in command of Sannoh”. “Hmmmm. Looks like we’ll have to get rid of him”, muttered Aizawa to Bito as both agreed.


I sat in the side room to my main room, taking a smoke until Koo came in. “I overheard the others have quite the interesting chat. About that female bartender. It appears she has a ‘fiancé’”. I didn’t give a reaction on the outside, but on the inside, I had the intention to kill. “Oh really. Why should that concern me?”. “The fiancé........... is Sannoh's number 2”.

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