Chapter 14 Yeah Ive got 6 arms, so what?

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While I was sitting in this small dark room, I had a lot of time to think. So, I made myself a name in Oya High, I’m probably gonna die. What else? ………………….. My love life is nonexistent. I’ve only dated once, and that guy turned out to be a jerk. He who shall not be named, well, let’s just say wasn’t the best person. I’ve saved a large amount of money and can buy whatever necessities I need. Im fortunate I guess. Does Pookie and the rest of those jackasses miss me? Nah. Probably not. Well. That’s enough of that. Now, I need to get out. Just as I was about to break the chains a wave of pain hit me. Specifically targeting my head.

“Found you!”.

Shivering at the familiar voice, I prayed that it was not who I think it was, since it wasn’t possible. Breaking the chains that bound me, I headed towards the window and melted the glass. That’s why magical powers are important people, you can escape unnoticeably. Squeezing through, I thanked the whatever powers out there that I was able to squeeze through the hole. Dropping down on the other side, I saw that I was at the port. Large containers littered the area, creating a maze as I heard noise in the distance. Climbing up, I ran from one container to another and arrived at a brawl. I just blinked for about a minute, as I saw SWORD being allies, and fighting against Mighty Warriors. Ice, you son of a bitch. Couldn’t even bring me to watch the fight? What are you? Scared? Although, for some reason I didn’t see Ryu which made me deflate a little. I thought we could have had some fun! Seeing some Mighty Warrior’s climbing up the containers to attack some SWORD members, I smiled at the sacrifices and summoned my Temari balls. Bouncing the two, they jingled before I threw them at the opposition, envisioning the arrows that would carry them. I watched with bated breath, before grinning as I watched the members trying to dodge, before the two balls bashed into them, making them,

A.      Fall off the containers

B.      Break something

C.      Lose a limb

Although the last one applied to only one. Hearing their screams, more Mighty Warriors members ran at me, making me feel exhilarated as adrenaline pumped through me. But this time, I decided to finally show my true colours. Feeling some of my bones shift and crack, I transformed into my previous form, my demon form. My hair shortened as it turned black with orange ends, my body grew shorter but leaner, as my demon strength kicked in. My feet were clad in sandals as an orange kimono wrapped around me. Giggling childishly, I saw the Mighty Warrior members eyes widen and pause as they saw me as a completely different person, but I didn’t stop what was about to happen. “This is fun! Play with me!”.  Bouncing the Temari balls, I jumped into the air and expertly threw them, making them panic as they scattered, but my toys always found their mark, and they lay on the ground twitching and in pain as I celebrated. “Ahahahaha!”.


Me and my brother Sakai, we’re sitting in the forklift, enjoying the shouts of the Mighty Warriors and Doubt until we heard another laugh. “Ahahahaha!”. The voice was like music to our ears as we glanced to the side and saw a strange looking lady with yellow eyes and black hair with orange tips. She was grinning ferociously as Mighty Warrior members lay at her feet, covered in blood. She was revelling in her victory and love of bloodshed, just like me and my brother do. She, was the ideal person for me and Sakyo, although I don’t know who’s side she’s on, that doesn’t matter. All I know was that she’s meant to be mine and my brothers.


Laughing as I took down more people, I was looking around the place as I saw my cousin Seki get surrounded by Doubt members. Seeing they wanted to die, I let my other four arms grow, as I let my kimono fall down and let my now 6 arms space. Now I was in a black sports bra, six arms protruding and very angry. I cackled as I ran towards Seki, letting my arms throw 6 Temari balls and causing a full on assault. I didn’t leave any survivors as I made sure they suffered a painful fate. Turning around, I saw Seki already gone which filled me with worry. Would he accept me for who I was? But that question flew out of my head as cheers rung out around me. It seemed that Kohaku had submitted to Cobra, and SWORD was now celebrating. Seeing that everyone was heading to an area where all of SWORD wad gathered, I went with them and sat separately. Grinning as some people looked at me in horror and tried to get as far away from me as possible. Watching as Sannoh approached, grinning and happy if their victory, I took out the popcorn as I watched Murayama approach Cobra, Seki and Furuya behind him. “Cobra chan. Can I leave Oya High and join Sannoh?”. “WHAT?”, asked Sannoh as Cobra just smirked and gestured to Chiharu. I just choked in the popcorn and started hacking, tears coming to my eyes as I couldn’t believe my ears. “Chiharu?”. “I...... Never". Sannoh laughed as Murayama covered up his disappointment while I wheezed. “I wasn’t serious anyways. Say hi to Smokey for me", said Murayama to Takeshi as he walked to the back with the other two. “Now. Next order of business. Who are you?”, asked Cobra as everyone’s attention turned to me. “What the hell are you!?”. “Hideous”. Wha!? Now that’s hurtful. I saved your pathetic life and this is what I get?! “Pookie! They're being mean to me!”, I wail as tears flow from my eyes. “Wha?”. “Who?”. “Pfft! Who the hell got that misfortune!?”. I saw Todoroki coming towards me, Tsuji and Shibaman following as his eye twitched behind his black frame. “Susamaru. Please don’t tell me that’s you”, he gritted out as I saw Tsuji and Shibaman checking my new form out. “Are those real?”, asked Shibaman as he poked my extra arms. I lifted them up and waved to answer his question. “What do you mean Pookie? Why are you gla- EEP! TSUJI HELP!”, I shouted as Todo lunged at me, jumping onto Tsuji’s back for cover, I let this worlds form appear on me again. “WHA?!”. “SHE JUST TURNED DIFFERENT?”. “Where did that weird looking kid go?”. For a sec I wanted to cry as someone called me a kid but froze as Seki stomped over and wrenched me from Tsuji’s back. “Susamaru. Want to tell me something? To your cousin?”. Everyone almost lost their eyeballs as they popped out from their sockets, looking between me and Seki in disbelief. “No?”. “Susamaru. Your walking with me tomorrow as punishment”, shouted Murayama as I internally cried. What did I do?! And that’s how the day ended.

With Oya’ disbelief, Daruma’s interest, Sannoh’s wariness, RudeBoys intrigue and WhiteRascals anger. But mostly Oya’s disbelief. I feel like Seki wants to carve me bit by bit.


After WhiteRascals returned to club Heaven, Rocky got Koo and the 4 clowns up to his private room. They wordlessly followed, and got only a few words. “Find everything you can on Susamaru”.

At a certain school, a trio met up in a music room. “Tomorrow, make sure Susamaru is brought here. I don’t care how. But we’re gonna have a lo~ng chat”.

At a shrine, four men were smoking, while conversing. “She fought well”. “Hm?”. “That girl who had 6 arms”. “Ah. Susamaru I believe”. “Mmm. Dig some stuff up about her. That personality could come in handy in Daruma. Much more than in Oya High”. “Whatever you say, Boss”.

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