Chapter 9 Setting up a date

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I was strolling down the schools halls when I saw Murayama heading out, some piece of paper in hand. Raising an eyebrow, I decided to follow him, and observe from above. Seeing him sit down on some furniture, I put a hand over my mouth as a pretty lady walked towards him. How dare he…….. Have a girlfriend and not tell me!? I-I need to start planning the wedding!”. Listening in on their conversation, I glowed with happiness as I realised Murayama took some of her advice. Deciding to give them some alone time, I sniffled as I walked to my motorbike. How beautiful………. Maybe I’ll get loved like that someday too! “Hey, Susamaru!”. Wiping my eyes I shakily breathed out as Shibaman ran up to me. “Jeez, I’ve been calling you forever. Do you want to second with me to see my sister?”. Almost rejecting his offer, I melted at his adorable face and pinched his cheeks. “Awwww! You’re so cute that I can’t resist………… alright let’s go”. Holding his hand, I dragged him to my bike, unaware of what I did to Shibaman.


S-s-she’s holding my hand……… why is my heart beating so fast? Still feeling the sting on my cheeks from her fingers, I stare at her face. Her glistening hair, to her plump, luscious lips. My face heated up as she let me wrap my arms around her waist, getting a whiff of her scent,  I fully relaxed as the smell of smoke and fruit took over my head. It might sound like an odd combination, but it was delicious. Leaning my head on her shoulder, my stomach dropped as she took off. “H-hey, slow down!”. “Hahaha! What’s wrong Shiba? Scared of a little speed?”. “No”. And that’s how I came to like Susamaru. At first, she was a little annoying but now………… now I need everything of hers.


Finally arriving at Shibaman’s address, I felt him wrapped around me like a koala, panting hardly as his eyes were glazed over from the high speed. Ruffling his short hair, I started to detach his limbs from me one by one, before I put him down and patted his shoulders. “Aniki!”. Turning around I felt my eyes light up as I saw a cute girl standing there, having features similar to Shibaman.  “Did you finally get a girlfriend?”. Keeping my grin hidden I wrap my arms around his waist and smile angelically. “Yes, I’m Susamaru. It’s so nice to meet you!”. “W-what?! N-no! She’s not my girlfriend! She’s a friend from school!”, he stuttered out as his face turned as red as a ripe tomato. “Haha! Anyways………. Why did you fight Murayama? You nearly hurt Oshiage because of it!”. My ears perked up at the name as Shibaman tried to apologise. Was Oshiage the name of Murayama's girlfriend. “Sorry, I didn’t know your friend was involved in this”. “Because of you, Oshiage and Murayama are getting along well”. “Huh?”. “I want to fall in love. You understand right?”. “About what?”. “Introduce me to a great guy. I’m serious", wailed the girl as I hugged her from behind. “Don’t worry~ I think I know who could go out with you", I smirked mischievously as a sweat drop rolled down Shibaman's face. “Hey, do you think we look alike?”. “Well-". “You guys really look alike", Shibaman hissed in as we heard the barbers talk about themselves. “Do you really know someone who’d go out with me?”, she looked up at me with teary eyes. “Mhm! Now, how about we set up a date on Saturday, hm?”, I wiggled my eyebrows in suggestion as she hopped around in delight. “Really?! Thank you thank you thank you!”. After chatting for a bit more, I ruffled her hair and set off. “Your sister is so cute! Reminds me if you". “Don’t just go and call people that! And anyway, who’s this person you were talking about?”. “That’s a secret". “Hey!”. “Haha! Try to catch up to me Shibaman!”.

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