Chapter 5 Its time....... for your punishment

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I sat uncomfortably on the school chair in front of Seki, Murayama and Furuya the next day in an abandoned classroom. I didn’t come home last night and slept in an abandoned house, not too far away from here. To be honest I dreaded coming here, but I knew I had to face them anyways so I might as well do it now. “Nathan you want to tell me Susamaru?”, Seki spoke in an emotionless tone as he glared at me. I nodded quietly as he asked the first question. “How long have you known Hyuga?”. “For a few years now. About three years before he went to jail”. “And when were you going to tell us, that you had........ acquaintances........ outside of Oya High?”. I swallowed a lump in my throat at Murayama's tense voice as I prepared to get a few hits on myself. “I didn’t think....... it was that important?”. “Hm? We cant hear you, speak up!”. “I didn’t think it was important! I only know some from Hoodlum because I’m a friend of their friend. And I only know a few from White Rascals, just because they decided to bug me!”. “....... I didn’t say anything about the White Rascals or Sannoh. I thought you knew more members of Daruma....... but thank you for the information”. I felt my eyes widen at this. They wouldn’t use this information against me right? “As punishment........... you get to spend the day with us....... isn’t that nice?”.

Let’s just say I had a very tiring day. Now what was I doing? Well I was at interrogation number 2! “Sumaru........ why did you lie to us?”. To be honest, if I thought Murayama, Seki and Furuya were bad, now I know that these 4 are much worse. Right now I was cornered in a dim street as they made sure every available exit was cut off. “Aren’t you supposed to be a gang that don’t hurt women? If that’s the case then let me leave". “Don’t think that this has anything to do with the White Rascals.......... you lied to us when you said you were telling us the truth........ we should punish you for your behaviour........”, trailed off Bito as his predatory gaze locked onto me. “I have nothing to say. You have nothing to do with my life. We’re acquaintances at best. Its you four who got this deranged idea of me being your friend”, I hissed out as I saw their gazes harden and them starting to close in on me. “Oh Susamaru........ we’re gonna make sure you never say something like that again..........”.

This......... is not what I was expecting. Right now we were at their shared house, for drinks and food as they decided to show me the instruments they played. “This is not what I thought would happen”. “What did you think would happen?”, Shimura smirked with a raised brow, but I just rolled my eyes at his typical behaviour. “Nothing good anyways. What song are you going to perform?”. “We’re gonna play Resistance by Skillet”. “First of all…………….. you guys know how to play?”. “Yeah. We’ve been playing for a while now. We’re even thinking of going professional and starting a real band”, spoke out Enari. “But what about White Rascals?”. They stayed silent for a moment until Bito whispered “Its not time yet. We’ll tell Rocky when we are sure we want to go pro". “Now enough with the moping! Sumaru sit your ass down as your about to hear the most greatest song ever!”. I sigh as I prepare for the ‘most greatest song ever’ and watch as they start.


“That was amazing!”, I cheered while clapping for them. To be honest, any other band paled in comparison. “Aww! Thanks Sumaru! I knew you loved us"; teased Shimura as they cane over and he wrapped his arms around me. “Shimura........ get your arms off me or else you’ll never see your future children”. “So mean!”, he cried as he slinks off to stand next to the other three. “So, how about a sleepover? Its already dark outside and I doubt you want to listen to Seki in the evening". Blinking stupidly at Aizawa's words I look out the window and it was indeed dark outside. “Fine. But can you lend me some clothes?”. “On it. Come with me". I followed Aizawa to his room and waited for him to hand me the clothes. A pair of shorts and a tshirt was handed to me which I accepted. To be honest J didn’t care for modesty really so this was enough. Making sure the door was closed I quickly slipped out of my clothes and into Aizawa's ones before heading downstairs. “Lets get this party started!”. That night, was a night that I will never forget............


Susamaru's footsteps slowly retreated before the trio's eyes darkened again. “Why didn’t we just knock her out? Then we’d have her helpless in our hands", scowled Enari as Aizawa came back down, also wearing dim eyes and a stoic expression. “You know as well as I do that Rocky will find out........”. “We’ve got to play out cards right if we want to keep her with us forever. And for that to work, we need to get rid of all possible opposition”, Shimura sneered at the rest as they all talked about how to get rid of their competition. “We need to get Hyuga out of the equation. Also Hoodlum squad and those few from Oya High”, suggested Bito as the rest agreed. “It’s settled then. Now let’s get back to normal so we don’t make Susamaru suspicious”.

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