Chapter 16 My therapists say a lot about me

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So where was I ?

Oh yeah! I was getting to the part where I told you where I was kidnapped. Well then, I was walking down a path in Oya High territory, minding my stuff where out if nowhere, someone drugged me, stuffed me in a bag and drove me away.

Waking up, I had a pounding headache as if I drank about a gallon of whiskey. The smell of smoke, booze and sex filled my nostrils as I felt carpet underneath me and faint giggles were in the background as I came to. “Glad to see you’re finally awake". The voice woke me up in seconds, as I knew he was an impatient man, what really made me happy was that I wasn’t tied up or anything which filled me with joy. “I knew you loved me Takano!”, I jumped up and tried to wrap my arms around him but he moved to the side and let me face plant into the floor. “What did I say, about physical contact?”. “Sorry", I whispered as I stood up. We were in Doubt's club, the place being familiar to me since I came here to drink from time to time.......... also to use Takano and Hirai as therapists. Don’t know what that says about me, but all I care is that they’re great drinking buddies and they also give me info and stuff. “So, why did you kidnap me?”. He just wordlessly left the room and I took that as a sign to follow him, ugh baldass bitch. Egghead. All those are fitting names for a person with a nice shiny head. The club was full of unknown faces, and there was a full out brawl on the dance floor with guys trying to get coins. We entered a room which was forbidden from entering, unless...... my suspicions were confirmed as I saw an old smug face, lounging on a sofa with a girl on each hand. “AWWWWWW! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!? I would’ve brought a gift!”, I pouted as I stared at Ranmaru while sulking. “Now now sweetheart, no need to get sad. I did invite you here to make up". “If by invite you mean kidnap, the yeah you ‘invited’ me”.

We spent the next hour catching up as I found out about his time in prison while getting slightly tipsy. Another familiar face came in during that but I was too drunk to remember who it was. He was with some other guys who reminded me of Mighty Warriors who got brought into whatever gang, and I got too drunk to think straight as well, so Ranmaru let me stay with him! How nice of him! Now all I need is to make up with Seki......... and find out.......who that other

So sorry about the beginning short chapter but tomorrow schools starting, and I've got a recap exam. But I'll try to rest edit this and make it longer for all of you. And for those who don't know, I'll only be updating by request until 11th of February, since I've got v important exams coming up. After that, I'll be back to updating every week.

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