Chapter 18 Place your bets

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I decided to go home that night but Seki didn’t even spare me a glance and outright ignored me which made me sulk. The next day was a school day, everything felt normal. I had breakfast, visited Smokey and then went to school.

I skipped any class that was harder than religion and made a new spray painting on one of the walls near the back entrance. “Hey, Susamaru!”. Turning around, I saw Seki heading towards me.

“Oh? Look who finally decided to acknowledge my existence", I sarcastically stated but he just rolled on. “I need help to stop Murayama from leaving Oya High!”. Wut?

After he explained to me Murayama's increasing boredom I realised the direness of the situation. “Alright, I’ll meet up with you later but for now I’m going. Bu bye!”.

Walking down the hallways I heard a few shouts coming from a classroom and opened the door. Inside, I saw a few people picking on a........ is that a guy who actually wears his uniform? Did I discover Todoroki 2.0.... Nah. Todo would never let himself get belittled like this. “

“OI!”. Heads flew towards me and immediately half the classroom scrambled to the other side of the room. “Huh!? Who do you think you are girly!? Get out of our class!”.

Wow. Who knew there would be someone this moronic? Oh wait, that’s most of Oya High's students. Getting closer I saw the poor kid shaking in his seat as he kept his head down. “Didn’t you here what I-". I cut him off with a sharp kick to the gut, sending him down.

Sneering at his friends, I tried to contain my anger. “Are you picking a fight with the full time student vice leader? Or do you just not value your life?”. “W-WE’RE SORRY MA'AM! WE DIDNT REAL-".

“I don’t want your apology! Just get out of my sight and take your buddy with you!”, I barked as they got out of their 90⁰ bowing position and booked out of here with their unconscious friend.

Patting the head of the poor boy, I walked out of their calmly, not realising what was going through the boys head. “Baka. You should be more careful firstie".

While walking out, my shoulder crashed into....... omg its the fluffy guy! “Sorry", I grunted out as he just nodded at me, scanning my face and just walking away.

I wish I could touch that hair...... I need to know his hair routine. I then heard the intercom sound and heard Tsuji's voice. “Can Susamaru please come to the office".

I almost burst out laughing at his professional bored tone. He could be an announcer in the future. Jogging through the halls, I met up with them halfway just as he kicked a guy into a  few tables. “Ouch that must’ve hurt".

“You’re late. As for you, I don’t need to greet you. Let’s go". I grumbled as Shibaman slung his hand over my shoulder but I just let him be and followed Todoroki's lead.

I haven’t met that Fujio guy in a while but I still se Tsukasa to annoy him. He sleeps a lot. Like A LOT. No wonder they call him the Lazy golden lion. Or maybe just the golden lion? I forgot.

“The season has finally come! Introducing our whole day stakes!”, Nakakuki shouted while wearing stupid glasses as the all the people in the room cheered.

Why did I agree to help again? “What, what, what is the whole day stakes?”, asked Murayama as he stood up and pointed at us four. “Every year we get new students". “Like last year". Bud, I don’t know how to tell you this but ....

You need to go back to kindergarten if you don’t understand the meaning of ‘every' year. “What will happen this year? Will anyone be able to defeat Todoroki?”, Nakazono questioned as everyone started to get hyped up.

“We can use Whole Day Stakes to make our predictions". Seki looked so happy while saying they made it but I snickered as Murayama slapped his bald head for not telling him. “Who will be our candidates?”, I asked.

“Lets decide then". Nakazono flamboyantly gestured at the boards while Nakabayashi started to speak. “The first one is our first year, Nakagoshi-kun. Nakagoshi-kun!. He’s from middle school".

No shit sherlock. How you think he get in here? 🤨 .“He likes hiphop. You can bet on the other first years". I finally took a look at Nakagoshi's picture and was surprised that see fluffy.

So that’s his real name? Nah, I prefer fluffy. “I wonder who will be able to escape?”. “Next is the second year, Takajo Tsukasa". My interest was piqued now as I prepared to get blackmail material on Mr golden lion. “But he’s currently asleep".

“He’s asleep?”. “He’s asleep”, I confirm since he usually naps around this time of the day......... like any other time of the day. “Once he’s awake, he might be able to take down Todoroki”.

“Hurry and wake him up!”, shouted Murayama in urgency as Nakabayashi lowered his enthusiasm. “But there are always conditions”. “That’s true", Murayama agrees whilst sulking. “Todoroki is still the most popular".

“And always will be I yawned out while Nakakuki hit me. “Rude bitch”. “I’m betting everything I have on Todoroki-chan!”. I shook my head in disappointment as everyone else followed his lead. “Okay okay okay. Then you can only bet on Todoroki", smiled Nakazono....

“One time". “Pfft", I slapped a hand over my mouth as Murayama blew a fuse. “What the hell!? What is this shit!?”, he grabbed a chair and was about to make it see jesus until the others stopped him. “I shouldn’t throw the chair....”.

After a while everyone placed their bets. “Well, what is the verdict?”, I mysteriously asked. “Everyone bet on Todoroki. Is that fine?”. “What do you mean if that fine? There is no outcome!”. “Wait, the conditions...”, started Seki.

“Ugh... my cousin finally grew a pair of braincells.. uhuhuhu", I fake cried. “You placed your bet on Todoroki.....”. “You can only bet once", Nakazono said. “You’re not really making a profit”, finished Nakabayashi.

“You’re right”. “The conditions...”. “What the heck!”. Everyone started to leave in outrage until Nakakuki asked if it was okay to quit like this. “We’ve got more candidates for you". We took out more record disks with photos on them as he continued to be the spokesperson.

“Second year, Ishikawa Yasushi-kun. And we have Yokoyama Kiyoshi-kun. A perfect duo has been decided", he clapped his hands together as everyone came back when Murayama became more interested.

“How about the bets?”. “They are four each". Everyone sounded their approval but I had to ruin their parade. “However, if you bet on both of them you can only bet twice”.

“What can we get out of this", questioned Seki as Murayama fed him a cardboard coin as I looked on in disgust. I know I eat paper sometimes but cardboard? Who knows where those coins have been.

Sorry for the long wait 😭. I had important exams and I didn't want my parents to shout at me if I get bad grades so apologies. I'll try to get some extra updates in but who knows.

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