Chapter 4 What do you mean you know Hyuga?!

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Today was just like any ordinary day, wake up, do everything, go to Oya High, annoy Pookie, fuck someone up, go home and eat. That was until I got a message saying that I could work at club heaven. Would I accept? ................ Of course I would! "Seki! I'm gonna be back later okay?". "Okay just don't kill anyone!". I grinned and dressed formally before going out to my bike. Hearing the purr of its engine I start speeding towards the club in search of alcohol, pretty faces and........... money.


Arriving at the club they straightaway opened the doors since they knew me and I went inside. Getting to the bar I enter through the side door and put on my professional face. "Hello ma'am. What can I get you?". After a few hours I finally got a break and sat down, observing the crowd as a familiar male sat beside me. "I haven't seen you for a while, and when I do, you're always working......... how about we go out some time?". "No Shimura. I'm only here to work, not to get any friends". "Awwwww. Sumaru doesn't want to spend time with us? I'm hu~rt", whispered Aizawa into my ear as he pulled me onto his lap. "Nice to see you again Aizawa, would you kindly remove me from your lap?". "No can do Sumaru, you might run away! Bito! Enari!, we found Sumaru". The two mentioned males strode towards us and made sure I was hidden from everyone. "Sumaru. Let's catch up shall we?". I then proceeded to tell them a made up tale of my day, since I couldn't tell them the actual truth. To be honest it was boring, but they intently listened as if it was as precious as gold. "It seems as if we didn't miss anything, but you would tell us even if we did right, Susamaru?". I nodded along as the quartet smiled at me. "Good. Well we need to get going, so be good and behave yourself okay?". Shimura kissed my cheek while Aizawa careered my other cheek, I wrinkled my nose at them as they left and was about to get back to work when I heard a shout. Looking at a scene I saw a person in a dark Hoodie grabbing an sd card from Dan? Wtf was he doing here? But to be honest, I was more worried about the person they threw the drink at. He paid money for it so will he demand the money back? I need it to survive man. I just went back to working and thankfully, I wasn't interrupted again. I went home with sore hands but a heavy pocket.


The next few days were quite calm. I heard Rude Boys and the White Rascals git into something with Sannoh, even though it died down rather quickly. Today however, I felt dread in the hallways and students not being as rambunctious as always. Feeling the morbid atmosphere I decided to look for Seki, since he's almost always informed. "Hey, Seki". He turns around at my voice and grunts in greeting. "Are you an animal? No? Anyway, what's going on that made everyone so depressed?". "Hyuga is out". I froze in my tracks as memories flooded me. We used to be such great friends, a strong bond forged by our love of beating people up. He asked me one day to go out with him, but I rejected, and told him that I didn't want to be in a relationship. He said he understood, but I felt waves of sadness coming off of him whenever he saw me. "Well then, what's gonna happen?". "Murayama is having a meeting, come with me if you want to find out more". I trudged along with him until he opened the door to the former religion room. Now, it bared the Oya High symbol. It seems a lot of people came so I had to find a place to squeeze into. Some of them started to get into debates whether or not Hyuga was actually out. "But is Hyuga still inside?". "I'm not too sure but everyone seems to have gathered". "Its better to not get involved with Hyuga. If you fight against him, its over. It'll be over until someone dies", Murayama's lips twitched as he looked around. *BANG!*Everyone including me looked up as the doors banged open. Kato walked in with a shit eating grin a parasol in hand. "If you don't study, you're going to flunk". "Have you come to visit?", asked Murayama as we all stood up, getting prepared for a fight. Kato let out a war cry without answering as Daruma was met with Oya High students. Taking out my Temari balls which had the Daruma, and Oya High symbol, I start smashing it into Daruma members faces while laughing like a demon. Not too far from reality. This continued for a bit until Daruma decided to call it a day and left. I just went out of the room without a word and headed up onto the roof. There I saw a blonde guy with a buzz cut, Tsuji and~ "POOKIE!". Sighing out loud he gave up and just caught me in his arms. "How many times, have I told you. Not. To call me......... POOOKKIE!". "Hey, are you the girl who defeated some of the strongest students from the school". Turning to the buzz cut I scan him up and down before speaking. "It could have been me but it also could not have been me........ who are you by the way?". "I'm Shibaman, former leader of the full time students". "Oh so you're the second guy who lost to Pookie!". "Get off me you're heavy!". "Anyways! I get that you want to defeat Murayama yes?". Silence overtook the space as I just grinned in delight. "Well! To defeat a strong opponent you need to become as strong as him!". "That's impossible. He's on a totally different level". "Never say something impossible! We are having hard-core training starting....................................... NOW!".


"Get yo ugly ass up! 10 more pushups!". "Please! No more!", begged Tsuji as he collapsed onto the floor. "Don't be a pussy! When your as old as I am you'll be doing twice as m-". "Lets go!". The four of us glanced at each other before making our way to the edge of the roof. There we saw Murayama, Furuya, Seki and a crowd of part time students as they made their way out of the school. "It seems Hyuga actually did plan an attack on Sannoh. The rest of Sword will probably be there to watch", explained Todoroki with sweat dripping off his forehead. "Bah! Who cares about a crazy asshat? You've got more training ahead!". "Ugh!".


"AAAAHHHHH!". "Suck it up buttercups! You should be running twice- no three times as fast as me!". "I wish I never met you!". "I love you too Pookie!". What were we doing right now? Well nothing much but running away from rabid dogs. Well, technically Tsuji, Shibaman and Todoroki were running away from them. I was running behind the dogs and supervising. Right now we were running through an abandoned parking lot with the three screaming for help. "Susamaru please stop them!". "Don't be a pussy!". Seeing some light ahead they turned a corner and saw a high pillar that they could climb. "Quickly get up!". "Hey! What did I tell you about skipping your training!". "We just want to live!". The dogs surrounded the pillar and started trying to climb up it. Seeing that they couldn't they began jumping up high and trying to grab them with their teeth, or just bark and growl at them. "Hey, Susamaru, what are you doing here?". I paused and turned around. "Oh shit".


We were sobbing as me and Yamato hugged Noboru. That was until shouts and barking was heard from one of the entrances. "What's that?". "I think I know who that is", grimaced Seki. "Susamaru", trailed off Hyuga as he got a lovesick expression. I was honestly confused because Yamato, Tetsu, Dan, Chiharu, a few from White Rascals and all of Oya High seemed to know who it was. "Who?", asked Smokey dully. We all quickly found out who it was as three guys came rushing in and climbed up a pillar. Chasing them were some slobbering dogs and then we all saw her......... she was like a goddess with white hair and blood red lips. Dark eyes that looked pure black and dressed in a leather jacket, tshirt, checkered shirt wrapped around her waist, black jeans and black High heels on her feet. None if us could take our eyes off her as she didn't seem to notice us and headed for the boys on the pillar. "Hey! What did I tell you about skipping your training!". Her voice sounded Heavenly as well. "Hey, Susamaru, what are you doing here?". She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw everyone looking at her. "Oh shit".


I stared at all of the people who looked at me with curiosity. "Its been a while......... Susamaru!". I froze before looking to the side. There stood Hyuga with a grin as he tugged me towards him. I felt the glare of Seki on me as I gulped and looked to the side. Sadly that didn't help much because I saw the quartet from White Rascals staring at me with a hungry glint in their eyes. Oh yeah......... I told them I'd tell them everything........ haha whoops! "Hyuga........ Nice to see you too....... how are you?". "Don't think you can get away with a 'how are you?' I've been waiting for a while to see that pretty face of yours....... and I'm not gonna let anyone stop me from claiming what is mine", he whispered into my ear. I gulped as sweat started to form on my forehead from Seki's glare. "Susamaru......... care to tell me something?". "Ugh no? Oh would you look at that time?! I need to get the other three back to training, bye!". I quickly grab the dogs, drag the three down and make a run for it. "SUSAMARU!!". "SHIT!".

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