Chapter 10 Good luck Seki, you'll need it

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Yawning awake, I lazily got up since it was a Saturday which meant no school. Checking my phone, I saw a message from Naomi telling me to come to her diner in a few hours. But before that, I needed to set up that date with Shibaman's sister and also meet with Sarah. Walking to the kitchen, I made Seki's favourite since I needed to butter him up. “He~y. Seki~ Get up", I spoke normally as I tried to wake him. Seeing it wasn’t working, I took out the latest megaphone and turned it on. “SEKI! GET UP YOU LAZY ASS!”. “MY EARS!”. After waking him up, I went downstairs and put the food on his plate. “Why the hell did you wake me up so early? Its a Saturday for crying out loud", he grumbled as he trudged into the room. “How about you eat first, and then we’ll talk things over?”, I suggested as he looked at my wife smile with discomfort. “Sure. Whatever you say".

“So? What did you want?”, Seki raised an eyebrow as I twiddle my thumbs before deciding to go with a fake story. “I want you to meet with a friend of mine". Not technically a lie since I do want him to meet with someone. “Why?”. “You’ll see. You’ll see. Just go and put on something that’s not covered in blood or full of holes". “Fine fine. I feel like I’m going on a date". “Whaaaaat? Don’t be ridiculous! Just go and get dressed, I’ll be waiting on my motorbike”, I beam while he goes away. That was waaaaaay too close! I better go and start my moto. After Seki came out, he wrapped his arms around me and I drove off. The place Sonya texted me was a park, so I drove there. (I don’t know Shibaman's sisters name so let’s g with Sonya). After arriving there I got off the bike as Seki followed my lead and walked after me. “Susamaru! So good to see you!”, cried Sonya as she wrapped her arms around me. “Good to see you too Sonya”, I smiled before lowering my voice. “This is my cousin Seki, he may not be the sharpest crayon in the box, but maybe you’ll get along". “Okay! Let’s go Sir!”. “What!? SUSAMARU I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS!”, shouted Seki as I quickly jumped on my moto and drove off. “Have fun!”. Laughing as I saw a vein bulging from his forehead, I drove to a club where Sarah said she’ll meet me. Although something was off about that text....... Meh. Not like I care.

Getting to the club, I raised a brow at the name ‘Funk Jungle’. Who brought the English? But ignoring fhat, I walked inside and saw that everything was only getting organised as no one was here. “Susamaru!”. Turning to the bar, I walked over to Sarah as she smiled in a child like way as she unloaded bottles of liquor. “Fancy seeing you here Susamaru. Didn’t know that you knew where I was staying". “What? But weren’t you the one who asked me to meet you?”, I questioned in puzzlement as the smile got wiped off her face. “No? Maybe? I don’t remember. Anyways, how about we grab a bottle and go to my place?”. “Sorry Sarah but I need to go and get something done. Maybe next time?”, I asked with sadness as she nodded in understanding. “Okay, see you next then!”. Waving in farewell I headed back to my moto deep in thought. If it wasn’t Sarah who sent me to meet up, then who did?


“Did you get the pictures?”. “Yes. I did. It seems that both don’t suspect a thing". “That’s good....... wouldn’t want our poisonous flower knowing that we were the ones who sent the text, would we?”. “Fufufu. Of course not, I’ll get to printing those pictures and finding every but of information I can on her". “Excellent. We need to see who’s side she’s on. And even if she’s with the enemies....... we can always use something to make her come to our side". “Indeed”.


Arriving at Itokan diner, I opened the door and was met with a joyful atmosphere. “Ah! Susamaru you’re here!”, greeted Naomi as she came up to me. “So, why did you call me here?”, I asked as I looked at all the people in here. “Oh, I just thought you’d want to celebrate with us, since Noboru's back from the hospital!”. Feeling butterflies in my stomach at the though of her caring about me, I patted her on the head and sat at the large table. “Well, I don’t have any gifts to give, but welcome back Noboru. Move aside you fatass! You’re not the only one here!”, I glare at Yamato as I try to get to the food. “Thanks Susamaru", thanked Noboru with a kind smile on his face while me and Yamato were fighting over the last vegetable roll. “Who said you get to have it, ugly?”. “Ugly!? I’m not the one who’s as large as a building! And I just got here! Have a bit of consideration for others, will you?”, I smeared until Cobra snatched the roll from the both of us and ate it slowly in front of us before swallowing. “Problem solved. There’s other stuff to eat", and went back to chatting with Noboru. I ignored the crying man baby beside me and went to town on the other food. Naomi’s cooking is always delicious! Chomping away happily, we were ignorant if all the other hardships we would face in the future.

I'll be on Hiatur till the 21st of November cause of exams. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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