Chapter 26

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Today looked like a promising day as Smokey should awake by now and I also had to meet those mysterious creeps who left me the note yesterday. The morning was kinda dull as Seki wasn't home, he was busy with other things. I missed making jokes about his bald head...egghead, baldie and how I would always wipe his head with a cloth to make fun of him...

Oh well! The alarm for school brought me out of my mantra so I got ready. Not for school though because why would I go there for a few hours only to leave? That's just stupid.

So after getting ready, I went to my baby and headed for the harbour. You'd be surprised how many people set up shop over there, and I decided to buy some snacks as I waited, since I was early. Popcorn, crisps. candy and of course, bubblegum!

I was determined to learn how to blow bubbles a while back, and after I did it became like an addiction. Wanting to blow bubbles anywhere and everywhere became kind of a problem so everyone made sure that I never had any on me.

Fuck you bitches! Here, you can't tell me what to d- "oy!".




Who dares to interrupt my me time? Cue a raised eyebrow. Glancing to the side, I could see three figures in the same pants as those jackasses at the convenience store from yesterday.

And dayum! Is that their leader? Cause he be looking kinda fine... Oh. Wait. I'm still in a relationship with Furuya though, right? We haven't really been spending too much time together. He's always out with Murayama and is solving SWORD problems... I don't think this is working out. Why is this only surfacing now?

Now, back to the checkered guys. "Are you the one who beat up my men yesterday?", asked the leader straight off. "Hm? No, must've been some other girl with orange highlights". I rolled my eyes sarcastically which set off the guy with the mustache and bad wardrobe choices.

"Hey! Show some respect you bitch! Nobody dares to disrespect our boss". "Shut it Rajin" .Then he looked towards me. "You, I propose a one on one. You lose, you join me".




I was still waiting for what I was gonna get for winning, but it seems like I'm not gonna be given an option. "And if I win?". "That won't happen". "Think you've got balls huh?".

But at that point, I didn't particularly care as my fantasies got the best of me. I was thinking about a different kind of proposal. Him, me, some dinner, some candles... a bed. But I snapped out of it.

"I've got a better idea. You three versus me. I know I can take on the three of you and still get bored". I was not expecting them to go straight at me before I even finished. We exchanged blows and kicks, they took some, I took some. And eventually managed to knock out Rajin and Fujin.

But I had to admit, they were tough. Me and their leader tussled for a bit before we separated, panting and gasping our asses off. "Do *hah* you give *hah* up?". "Not a *hah* chance girly. How about we put this fight off for now?".

"Chicken?". "Hungry". Collapsing onto my bike with a laugh, I agreed. "Sure. Let's agree on a truce and go and get patched up". Hiding my bike in a secure place, I took Fujin while the other guy took Rajin and we dragged them to the nearesr convenience store.

He went inside after the supplies while I made sure the two weren't raped, or worse pickpocketed. "Here, you do Fujin and I'll do Rajin". Grabbing the bandages and cloths, I worked on cleaning Fujin's wounds before working on mine.

Me and Sameoka agreed that he would contact me when we would be seeing each other. Walking back to the harbour I had to drag my baby out from a ditch. If she was human she would be cursing me to the high heavens from the state that she is in.

Heading to a car wash, I tried to get her squeaky clean, but the dirt had some kind of super power since it just wouldn't rub off. Hour, two hours went by before my baby shone like a diamond.

I headed home as the sky started to turn into a painting with swaths of pink, red, purple and other colours. After arriving back home, I took a well deserved bath, had dinner and even got some down time. Then I grabbed a couple of raw steaks and headed down to the basement.

It may seem sus and trust me, it is. But that was where I kept Smokey as to not travel far. I kept the lights dim as to not hurt him and there were no windows so that was covered. The steps creaked horribly, like the bones of an old lady as I got down.

It was dark as fuck down at the bottom, and it didn't help when I saw the empty chains that were holding Smokey. "Here Smokey, Smokey, Smokey. Come on out now".

The shit was scared out of me as Smokey lunged at me, fangs bared with succulent green eyes and horns protruding from his head. He was trying to tear a piece out of me and eventually did.

Now imagine this, he's on top of me, trying to bite me while we're both in the basement. Put that out of context and you can get a whole bunch of stories. Back to this story.

"You godamn MOTHERFUCKER!". I hit him across the face before throwing him the bloody steaks. "You could've just asked! God!". He chowed on the steaks with immense hunger until he finally regained his senses".

"Susamaru?". "The one and only".

I told him about my life, what happened and how he will live the next years of his life". "I have to drink blood?". "Yup. Welcome to a brand new hell".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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