Chapter 24 Plotting

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I woke up with a pounding headache the next day, although I felt oddly full and much stronger. The last thing I recall is talking with Shiba, Tsuji and Todoroki.

Did I seriously fall asleep on them? How embarrassing. Opening my eyes, I almost didn’t make it through the day alive as I was met with Shiba’s sleeping face.

I was positively horrified as I choked back a scream.

I’m never staying over again.

Turning over to my left side I saw Tsuji, already awake trying to keep in his laughter from my reaction.

“Nice to see you’re alive and kicking”. “Haha very funny. Did I fall asleep?”. “Yup. We had to carry you to the bed. We’re still at Yosuke’s house”. I was mystified as I didn’t think Pookie would let us stay.

Huh. Maybe he’s warmed up to us after all. “Ugh… it’s too early in the morning. Go back to bed”, muttered Shibaman as he groaned and snuggled up to my side.

“No thanks. I need to use the bathroom”, I announced as I wriggled out of his strong hold and went to find it.

I tried opening different doors but I still couldn’t find the bathroom. I opened the last door, and tada! Found the bathroom. As well as a dripping wet Yosuke.

He probably just got out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Susamaru. There’s this thing called knocking”. “Oh yeah? Well there’s this thing called locking the door also”.

“So are you going to leave?”. “I need to use the bathroom”. “Fine. You can have it to yourself then”. Yosuke grabbed his spare clothes and passed me on the way, his bare shoulder brushing mine.

I tried hard not to pay attention to his body but I just couldn’t resist catching a glimpse. And oh was I not disappointed!

But let’s talk about Yosuke’s muscles and chest at a different time. For now we need to use the bathroom. I then decided to take a shower myself and only when I was wrapped in a towel did I realise I did not have a set of spare clothes.

“Looks like I’ll have to take Pookies then!”. I made sure the towel was secure before taking a trip to his room. He was fully dressed and let out a loud girly screech when I walked in in just a towel.

“WHAT THE HELL SUSAMARU!?”. “Hm? Sorry. I need to borrow some clothes. I’ll be out in a jiffy”. I basically raided his closet and had to take one of his boxers since I didn’t have anything. “Bye bye!”.

I didn’t notice his gaping mouth as I exited, my only thought being about what was for breakfast. I still felt satiated for some reason, the same way I felt back when I was in the other dimension. But I never drank any blood so that wasn’t possible.

I got dressed in the bathroom and came out in a pair of shorts and a hoodie over a T-shirt. I have to admit that Pookie has some nice soft clothes. Maybe I should permanently borrow them from him…

Entering the kitchen my eyes immediately honed in on the fridge. Grabbing some eggs and bacon, I went to the stove and started heating up the pan. Today we were having omelette and bacon and nobody was going to stop me.

I saw some frozen veggies in fridge and decided to cook them as well. Who doesn't like a good omelette with bacon in of morning, am I right?

After fifteen minutes the trio came in to eat with Yosuke still refusing to meet my eyes. “This is good!”. “Of course it is, I made them after all”.

“You’d make a great housewife y- OW!”. “Not another single word out of you”. After finishing, I grabbed the plates and quickly gave them a rinse before joining them at the door.

“Hey Susamaru, where did you get the clothes?”, wondered Tsuji as he eyed me closely. “They're Yosuke’s”. 1.. 2.. 3.. “HUH!?”.

We continued with school the day as usual, and I was right to wear Todo’s shorts as the heat outside was blistering. None of the teachers even showed up, making the students more rowdier than usual.

Skipping school was now a routine for me as I took my paintcans and myself to another wall that was empty of graffiti.

I decided to spray some logos from different schools since I lacked some inspiration.

"Hey look who it is". Looking over my shoulder I saw it was Nakagoshi and Nakaoka, I think. All I know and care about is that they've got real nice hair.

"Hey, listen to us when we're talking". "I am". Although I was mainly focused on spray painting at the moment.

"We've got a proposition. We want you to help us find out who stabbed Kiyoshi. We think it's someone from our group but we need help to find out who exactly".

"Interesting interesting... what do I get for it?". "Well what do you want?". "Pfft! Are you sure you want to give me free reign over what I want? Okay, have it your way! I want...".

I held the pause for some dramatic effect until I calmly announced "I want to pet your guys' hair!".

"W-what?", Nakagoshi furrowed his brow as I beamed at them. "I just want to let your hair anytime I want. That simple. I'm not a monster as people make me out to be".

"Um. Okay. Can you do it?". "Sure can! I'll find the traitor for you by the end of today so don't worry bout it. Guess I'm off then!".

"Huh? Where are you going?", Nakaoka questioned as I turned back to them with a deadpan face.

"To change. Duh".

After dressing in attire similar to their faction, I tried blending in and listened in on conversations.

"Her ass was-".

Not it.

"The book was so good!-"

Bruh wut? Since when does anyone here know how to read?

"Had to pay the bitch quite a sum to do it. At least she gave him a nice jab".

Ho? I am intrigued, please tell me more.

I got closer to the people discussing this and was quite shocked to find out the people responsible were Nakagoshi's third in command and lower.

"Yeah. Nakagoshi's grown weak. He didn't even try to fight Kiyoshi and Yasushi!". "Heh! At this point we'll be able to overthrow him!".

Well well well. Looks like I'm getting those petting privileges much sooner. These guys aren't even trying to hide the fact that they disobeyed their leader.

Quickly leaving the room, I attempted to find the two before I was stopped by a voice. "HEY!". It belonged to Kiyoshi who was followed by Yasushi ad they strolled towards me

"You're Nakagoshi's faction, right? So deliver this message to him". Bitch didn't even let me answer him.

God these rude ass motherfuckers.

"Tell him, we're going for him next for what he did to Kiyoshi. He's gonna pay for what he did!".

Running away, I faked being scared and finally ran into Nakagoshi and Nakaoka. Literally.

"Ugh. Did you find him?". "Yup. It's the blonde haired guy. Your third in command". "You're lying. He'd never do that". "Hey now. I'm simply the one who's telling the truth. Him and a few others were talking about you being weak and were planning to overthrow you".

"So that's how it is...". "Now as for my payment... fluffy!". "What the-!?". I somehow clambered onto Nakagoshi's shoulders and began touching his hair inappropriately.

"Um. Nakaoka. Help?". "Good luck boss!". "You traitor!". "Fwuffy".

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