Chapter 19 Thoughts

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I strode through the halls, wanting to avoid Murayama’s lectures. Ever since the container fight I’ve been avoiding him as much as possible. So far so go- “SUSAMARU! WAIT UP!”. Ah shit! I ran for my life as I tried to escape Murayama. Dodging people and corridors, I knew I had to lose him so I entered through a random door. Thankfully it was the fire exit which led to the rooftop. Climbing up the stairs, I arrived at the top and saw Tsukasa dosing on the couch. Over him stood the kid I saved from his classmates. “OI! What are you doing, watching over Tsu like some kind of creep?”, I asked as he jumped out of his skin. “Y-you! Y-you’re the o-one that saved me!”. “Y-yeah! N-now stop being a creep!”, I stuttered out while he shamefully looked to the side. “I-I just want to say thank you!”, he declared while bowing at a 90 degree angle. “No need. Just make sure you don’t make it a habit of getting bullied. There are times when you’re going to have to stand up against a bigger enemy. But when that comes, you need to hold your head high and fight, even if you think you’re going to lose. Now, see you around you sussy Baka!”, I waved in farewell as he tried to call me back. I sadly ignored him and just continued on my way. I decided to go and start a new spray painting piece, but only got halfway done as my paint ran out. So I decided to stroll through the corridors for a while. While walking around, I encountered a brawl in one of the classrooms. Yasushi and Kiyoshi leading it. “From today on, this classroom is ours”. I dodged a kid getting thrown out of the class as the principal just watched on nonchalantly. He doesn’t care what anyone did to the school unless they paid their fees. So I can kill him and he won’t care as long as I pay for the fees? Good to know. While passing by the student filled corridors, I heard whispers of what just occurred. Pfft! To think Yasushi fought third years just because he was too lazy to climb stairs, how weak and petty can he be!? I got a text from Tsuji saying to be at the classroom as soon as possible, so I quickened my pace. Hopefully nothing bad has happened.

I spoke too soon since when I got there, the place was full of Kiyoshi’s students with him at the front. I robotically moved to stand beside the leather couch Todoroki was sitting on, not even displaying a single flicker of emotion on his face except his usual confidant smirk. “You’re kidding! This is the full time leader?”.  Now this struck a nerve as Todo stood up with a roll of his eyes. But before he could say anything he was interrupted by Tsuji and Shibaman as they entered from the other side of the room. The room was split into two parts, so no wonder Kiyoshi didn’t notice them. “You’re still noisy”. “You’ve aged”, sneered Shibaman as he leaned on the doorway and gestured towards Kiyoshi. “Tsuji and Shibaman”, spat the first year at the two while they smirked with confidence. “Aren’t you happy to see us?”. “Oh, it’s Yokoyama”. Kiyoshi had to hold back his people as he gritted out the next sentence with unrecognisable rage. “With you guys, it’s a different story. I’ll be back with Yasushi. Let’s go!”. After they all left, the two came to sit in front of Todoroki as he sat back down and flicked open his book, wearing a calm expression, the same one he had before the interference. “Is he someone you know?”. “Yeah, we know him very well”. “Todoroki, you might be able to meet some full time students real soon”. I got shills down my spine at their interaction and smirks filled with malice. Why do I feel as if they’re talking about that as well as something else? I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite us in the ass.

We were walking near the school courts outside, when a shout rung out across the area. “Are you okay!?”. One of our students pushed past us and went to aid the two battered ones as they limped towards us. “What happened?”. “It’s the new guys”. “Todoroki, what should we do?”. “Why did you fight with them?”, he asked as he waited for their answer. If they were attacked first then they’re dumbasses and everything’s okay. “There’s no reason! I just attacked them because they attacked me!”. Wow. Now that a new low. They should’ve had the bigger balls and walked away. Now pookie’s flipping mad! I followed Todoroki as he walked away, uncaring, unfeeling as he ignored them. “Aren’t you the full time leader?”, called one of them, but we just ignored him while following Todoroki.

When the two were out of sight the injured guys spoke. “Why do you guys follow him?”. The two thought about it for a moment before another one spoke up. “Yeah, and that who’re as well!?”. Now that ignited a fiery rage inside both of them as Shibaman struck down the one who had spoken with a single blow. “Say that one more time, and we’ll kill you”, glared Tsuji as both of them shoved past the trio and went to catch up with the two. While the question ‘why do you guys follow him’, played on repeat inside their heads like a broken record. Why did they follow him? The same question still played on repeat while they were working out, the silence secluding them and giving them time to think and mull over it.

Later when they finished working out, they sat outside while Tsuji threw Shibaman a can. “Take this”. “Why are we following Todoroki?”. “I mean, we lost once”, trailed of Tsuji as he also thought about it. “I guess it’s because he’s the strongest among the full time students”. “It’s not just that, right?”, Shibaman asked as he slung onto he hope that they weren’t following him just because of his strength. “Yeah”. Todoroki’s fight against Murayama flashed through their minds as they saw Todoroki’s determination to win and keep fighting. “Todoroki. But it’s not only that. It’s the fact that he holds the same interests, right?”. Tsuji hummed in agreement as he spoke. “Indeed. He also would do anything to keep Susamaru by our sides and that’s not something we can find in somebody else. Now let’s go find those two. Who knows what Todoroki will do to Susamaru while they’re alone”l he joked while Shibaman let’s out a huff of amusement and follows Tsuji.

“So, what will you do?”. “You’re the only ones who haven’t bet”. “Todoroki is still the most popular”. WHAT THE HELL!?”. “More people are betting on Ysushi and Kiyoshi”, garbled Seki as Nakabayashi went on. “Nakagoshi has taken over the first years. You better hurry”. “Nakagoshi has the most people, Tsukasa-Kim is sleeping and Todoroki is the most popular”. “But what will Tsuji and Shibaman do?”, wondered Nakazomo as he examined the disks. “What do you mean?”. “”Alright, do you want to buy this?”, asked Nakabayashi as he held up a magazine, turning everyone’s attention to him. “All the information about our contestants is written in here”. “I’ll buy it!”, roared Seki as his voice grated on everybody’s eardrums. “That will e ten thousand yen”. “So expensive!”. “Here”. “You’re buying it?”. “What?”. “Yasushi, Kiyoshi and Tsukasa are from the same area?”, asked Seki as everyone grew confused. “Are you serious?”. “They could form a team”. “If it were me, I would form a team, take down Todoroki and then decide who’s the strongest between us”, smirked Nakabayashi as everyone mourned their loss. “Then, Todoroki-chan is in big trouble!”. “I don’t know who to vote for!”, Seki screeched as he looked at the sky”. “I don’t know!!”.

At another school, Tsuji and Shibaman stride in through the entrance gates, joining Todoroki and Susamaru as he turned to look at the two. They all headed towards the building, Todoroki leading the group as the duos trust in him grew.

Meanwhile, Furuya is about to do something quite drastic.

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