Chapter 1 Pookie

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As I walked down the hallways people looked at me and whispered. I took a look at my schedule making sure not to bump into anyone and walked to room 5.

Walking inside I was met by a cloud of smoke and cheers. Most people were watching a fight between two students except one of them. I went over and took the only available seat, which was next to the glasses guy. "Alright class settle down", droned a tired lady as she walked in. The students didn't even listen to her, but she wasn't making an effort for them to listen either.

"Take out your copies and start doing the sums I'm writing on the board". It was only me and glasses as we quickly took down all the sums and started to do them. (9pr - 24pq) After solving the last one I looked over glasses shoulder and saw that I was right, but he made a wrong sign there. "Psst. Glasses".

He turned to look at me with a small glare. "Can I help you?". "No. But you can help yourself. That last minus in question 4 is actually a plus". He blinks then turns to check the sum. Realising I was correct he quickly fixed the mistake and turned around. "Why did you help me?".

"Because I was bored and you seem like the person to stress over every little mistake. Your welcome Glasses". He scowls as he fixes them. "Its Todoroki little girl". *gag* "I'm not little. I'm probably older than you. Age?". "27". I stare at him in confusion. "Damn you look pretty for your age, old man". "Don’t call me that", he grits out.

"Woah woah woah. Calm down Pookie. I'm not bullying you or anything........ you just seem like someone who will bring excitement into someone's life". He zones out before he just puts everything away and walks out the door, the teacher not even caring. "Awwwww. Pookie left me!".

I was walking through the halls with my bag and into the canteen when an ugly gorilla stopped me."HEY! Do you think just because your a girl you'll get spared?". I innocently smile at him and speak. "I'm sorry sir, can I help you?". "I knew you were just a dumb bitch!". Dumb bitch. Dumb bitch! I’ll show you a dumb bitch if you say one more word!

"I'll beat the shit out of you, you dumb whore!". Thats it! I'm sending this guy to the hospital! I take off my bag and rummage around it until I take out a Temari ball. "Hey ugly. Play with me!". "What!? Are you deaf? Maybe you really are a dumb bitch". I giggle as I throw my bag away and take a few steps back. Bouncing the ball in one hand I grin as I say "You shouldn't have called me all of that, now you have to repay me by playing with me!".

Everyone just quietly looked on as I bounced the ball over and over. "If you want to fight then I'll beat you black and blue!". He charged at me but I just laughed and threw the ball at him. He dodged it but it bounced off the wall and rammed into his head. "ACK!". Arriving back in the palm of my hand I giggle at the sight of blood and prepare to toss it again.

"You think a ball will defeat me!?". Throwing it in the air it turns and heads straight towards him. Not dodging in time it crashes into his knee. "AAAGGHH!". He fell to the floor clutching his now bloody and unrecognisable knee. I think he might not be able to walk anymore!

Walking up to him I smile and pat his cheek. "Next time you call me that I'll make sure your dead after playing with me!". After the euphoria wears off I walk to the small shop and order some lunch. "Can I please have a spicy chicken sandwich and a bottle of cold water? Thanks Miss!".

I take my food from the horrified woman and start to look for a familiar face. Everyone averts their eyes as I look over the place. A smile comes over my face as I see glasses in a dark corner. Quietly coming in from the other side I sit next to him and greeted him. "Hey Pookie! How was the other class?". He jerked and almost fell out of his seat as I just happily munched my food. "What do you want?".

"Oh please. Don't think I didn't notice you watching my fight. I can always tell peoples desires. You want to become stronger don’t you? Bullying or abusive fam?". "Excuse me?". "Do you want to get stronger because you were bullied or do you have an abusive family?". "That. Is none of your business", he spat at me.

"Why do you care anyway?". "Because I know what it feels like. I was also bullied as I kid. Something about being the most innocent kid and childest. Meh. Not like I care anymore". ............ "Looks like we're much more alike than I thought. I'm Todoroki Yosuke". "I'm Susamaru. Nice to meet you Pookie! What's your next class?". He sulks for a few before replying.

"PE". "Oh goodie. What do we usually have?". He smiles a bit with a raised brow as I come to realise what he means. "Oh! Right! Delinquents and fighting kay. From now on! You, Pookie, will be my friend!". "Wha?-". "Now let's go to the roof!", I cut him off and start dragging him out of the canteen.

Damn who knew school was so fun!? In PE a guy called me ugly so I broke his nose by throwing a basketball at him. Another guy tried to throw acid in my face but it 'accidently' spilled all over his hand. After that it was mostly quiet.

Well, until a guy by the name of Chitsu? Haru? Oh! Chiharu! Tried to stop a fight between two guys. He ended up getting chased by a 1/3 of the school. It was a surprise to see such a cinnamon roll here. Most of these guys are jerks. I didn't see Seki, Murayama or Furuya but I got to spend time with Pookie! I get the feeling he wants to kill me for putting him through all that torture.

And by torture I mean that hour of PE where I made him do different stretches and teach him some techniques. But I know he'll need it one day. Just as I was about to hol on my bike a voice e stopped me. "Wait a minute". I smirk as I faced Murayama. "Well little leader? Did I pass your test?". He remained quiet until he smirked. "Indeed you did. Im surprised since not a lot of women would meet a guy twice their size head on".

"Are you saying you, Murayama Yoshiki are surprised by a girl beating up a bunch of guys?". He chuckles as he shakes his head. "I'm saying that maybe you'll rise to the top faster than I thought. I'll meet you at the front gates tomorrow morning. Don't be late or else you'll have to fight me. Later Princess". Princess? Gag. I don't wear pink or a crown. "Buy Yama". Chuckling as he shows me a finger I get onto the bike and drive back home. Day 1 went without a hitch. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same.

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