Chapter 20 Districts

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It was another day and I finally made up with Seki. For the first time in ages I woke up in my own bed and had a proper breakfast.

I took my skateboard and rode to Oya High, enjoying the misty morning as dew clung to the plants and tree branches. Finally getting their, I put my skateboard into my locker and grabbed my small bag.

Strolling through the corridors students greeted me while others glared. In the time I've been here I acquired quite the reputation. Some feared me while some people thought I was just a weakling.

While walking through Yasushi's and Kiyoshi's class, I overheard them talking. "Tsuji and Shiba?". "Yeah, they're following Todoroki around. As well as the girl Susamaru". "The one everyone calls "Demoness of SWORD?"

"Tsuji and Shibaman from the murder district". "What's Murder district and Burning district?", questioned an unknown student as I leaned against the wall while eavesdropping.

"Yasushi and I are from the burning district and Tsuji and Shiba are from Murder district. We've fought with them several times but they never admitted defeat".

"What about Tsukasa?". "Why're you so obsessed with Tsukasa?". "Ever since we met him he's been quite annoying. Kiyoshi and I can easily corner him, but he has that guy".

"Hanaoka Fujio from the Hangong district. He's always there when we fight. He's wicked fast. Together, they're damn strong". "We were defeated for the first time". "Hanaoka Fujio?".

So, the black haired guy isn't as weak and dumb as he looks. I wonder where he went. I walked off and decided to look around for Pookie and the two dunderheaded dummies, but I was stopped by the intercom crackling.

"Uhh. This is the Yasukiyo team that just transferred to Oya High. Tsuji-Kun and Shiba-Kun, come to see us soon. If you're scared of coming alone, you can bring your friend Todoroki-kun. Oh, right. If you want to come as a huge team to make things easier for us, feel free to do so. Starting from today, the examiner is...".

I didn't listen to the rest as I rushed to find the other three. How did those two manage to get to our room so soon?

When I was just listening to them a few minutes ago. Or was it half an hour ago? I forgot what time it was. "The Yasukiyo team won't run away or hide. Anyone who wishes to die is welcome to come. Thank you for your attention".

Did I miss something important? I saw a glimpse of Todo's proper uniform and made a dash for him. Luckily, we were near our room and Kiyoshi and Yasushi bursted out of it.

"So, you're Todoroki". "Let's settle this!", growled Kiyoshi as he clenched his fists. "You want to become the leaders?", questioned Todo in amusement as he stepped forward. "Huh!?". "Obviously!". "Then you can be the leaders".




WHAT!? HAS POOKIE LOST HIS MIND!? Didn't he want to be leader!? Isn't this why we're fighting against everyone?.... IS HE GONNA FIRE US!? AGHSBGHSGHCBMH!!

While I was having an internal crisis, Tsuji and Shibaman grabbed my arms and led me after them.

I was still in a paralysing state of shock as they led me away, putting me down only when we arrived in a more secluded area, which was another classroom.

"Why did you...?". "Because it was necessary. Don't worry, they won't be in power for long", smirked Todoroki as Tsuji and Shibaman held a similar look, although they tried to hide it while comforting me.


The next day, I was walking through the yards in the back while humming slightly. I hid when I heard voices and decided to do a bit more eavesdropping. It proved to be a useful skill. "Geez.. you idiot!.. why would you be popular with women?".

"Shut up!". "It's raining because of you!". "It has nothing to do with me!". "Yasushi-san". "Sorry". "What are you looking at!". "Don't start fights with your stomach like that", teased Yasushi as I took a glimpse and saw him tracing Kiyoshi's wound. It looks like somebody stabbed him.

Either that or he's into some freaky knife play. "We still don't know who's behind this", he finished while punching the wound. Ouch that's got hurt! "That fucking hurt!".

"Oh, senpai. What happened? Did your appendix get cut out?", cackled fluffy as his group cackled like a pack of hyenas. "Looks like yesterdays attack was a big success. What happened?", questioned Todo as he popped out of nowhere and scared the bejeebies outta me.

"It's none of your business". "You've gotten busy ever since you became the leaders. Let's go. Susamaru stop warming your ear and let's go". I stepped out and sheepishly rubbed my head to everybody's surprise. "Sorry. It's a habit". Tsuji handed me another clear umbrella as I followed them.

"You can't live up to your name". "Hahaha! I see! There's still so much things to do!", Yasushi yelled in the background as we walked away. I'm pretty sure he got the wrong meaning but pop off I guess. We walked for a while until a voice called out. "Hey! SUSAMARU!".

I turned around and saw Furuya coming towards me. I haven't seen him in a while. "Hey Fu. What can I do for you?". He thought for a moment before he strengthened his resolve. "Susamaru... will you go out with me?".




"HAH!? Why the hell are you here?", sneered Shibaman with an irk mark as he and Tsuji stepped in front of me protectively as I stood back from the shock. "Huh? Who're you to stop me from asking me? Last time I checked, you're just a friend of hers", Furuya growled back as tension began to rise. I have to diffuse this quickly. "Wait. That's enough Tsuji, Shiba". I walked forward and dragged them back while facing Furuya. Putting on a blank face, I couldn't keep it for long and broke into a smile. "Of course I'll go out with you!".

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