"you look exhausted sweetie" frances said once i gave her her normal coffee. i let out a sigh, leaning against the table. i was exhausted, me and august didn't go to sleep until 4 am yesterday. and i woke up at 7.

"yeah, didn't get much sleep last night" she signs for me to take a seat, which i gladly do. i love talking to frances, she tells me all sorts of stories, and she's just great to talk to in general.

"why didn't you sleep? beauty sleep is very important kjære deg" i smile at the nickname, although i never asked what it meant, it meant a lot to me that she even gave me one.

"it's not important. but, i did see you with someone here yesterday" i smirked at her, which only made her smile back. her hands wrapped around the white cup as she brang it to her lips, taking a sip of the coffee.

"oh yeah" she took another sip, before she sat the cup down on the table. "my granddaughter, lilith. she's moving here to take over the company since i'm retiring. if i'm honest she's much better than me" she chuckled while taking another sip.

frances owns one of the most successful companies in la, it was just a moment of time before she was retiring. i mean she's in her 70s, and she has made millions.

"you should meet her, i have a feeling you'll like her" she gave me her well known smirk. "she'll be here on monday, and she's single" her smirk grew. her blue eyes lightening up.

"frances, how many times have we been over this, i don't need a girlfriend, i'm doing good on my own" frances was one of the first people i told i was lesbian, and honestly it felt great.

although i don't like the concept of "coming out" i don't owe anyone to tell them who i am attracted to, and what gets me horny. i don't owe anyone anything.

"billie!" evelyn yelled at me, making me look up. "coming" i mumbled back, giving frances a small smile.


"thank you everyone" i smirk, blowing the crowd a kiss just as i walk off stage. not mentioning the fact that i have barely slept for 28 hours, today has been great at the club. i've made more today than what i did yesterday, or the day before that.

and seeing as that was my last show for tonight, i can finally go home. when i walk into the dressing room, august is already there, which is weird since i have my own.

"so..? did you see her?" oh, that's why she's here. to be honest, having this conversation is the last thing i need right now. of course i didn't see her, i'm probably never going to.

"no, and i don't think i will. now get out so i can change" august snorts at me, her lips turning into a smirk. i only shake my head, putting the bag with money on the table.

"like i haven't seen you naked before" my head turns to her, my eyes glaring into her skull. "that was a one time thing, now get out." august gives me a small smile, walking out of my dressing room. with a loud sigh, i sit down starting to take off my shoes. god i can't wait to go home.

it didn't take long until i reached the front door to my apartment. the first thing i thought of was my neighbor, and how i hope they aren't loud today.

i found out it was just one person that moved in, a girl. the moaning was probably from some hookup. although i don't know where the kid was or why the kid was there.

with a loud sigh, i locked my door. my bed looked so delicious right now, sleep.

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