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"this better be good, i do not want to see you nor do i want to talk to you ever again. what you did was cruel"

she gives me a nod, lilith doesn't sit down. she stands beside me in the kitchen, maybe she doesn't have all the time i imagine her having.

she lets out a breath, there's dark circles around her eyes. maybe she hasn't slept in a while, that's at least what it looks like.

"my grandparents have decided to move back to norway, and the company is all over the world. they want me to move in with them, or at least get out of the us, they don't like the idea of me staying here. which means i'm probably never coming back"

that's a lot.

and the thought of actually never seeing her again is, weird. i know i said i didn't want anything to do with her.

but that doesn't mean the feeling in my stomach disappeared. i don't do love, i don't fall in love. but somehow, i ended up falling. and i fell hard and fast.

"why're you telling me this?"

why did i decide to be such a bitch about it. maybe it's weird how i can't get over the fact that she was basically spying on me?

lilith sighs, giving me a weak smile. "just wanted to let you know i guess? and that when you pulled off my mask that night. the only reason i didn't answer was because i was in so much shock.

but, at first when i came her i just wanted to see what the place looked like. one of my friends said she worked there, but i never told her i was in la, which is why i had that outfit on.

i don't know why i didn't tell her, i guess it was the fact that she was in love with me, and i didn't feel the same way.

somehow you intrigued me, so i just took care of you. then i found out who you were, but i couldn't get myself to stop. and you seemed like you needed it.

i know it was selfish not to tell you, i should've. and i am terribly sorry. and i don't know if my excuse will ever be enough. but i wanted you to know the truth, and from me, before i go."

this, is a lot.

and i'm not really sure if i want to accept her apology. but the feeling in my stomach tells me i should.

i'm glad she even came and told me. and even though she probably hasn't slept since that night. at least that's what it looks like.

she's still attractive as hell. and makes me want to do things i don't do. which is scary, even dangerous. i swallow hard, looking into her eyes.

"when do you leave?" lilith gives me a faint smile. and i swore i could see small stars in her eyes. is she on drugs or is she in love?

"friday, my grandmother just texted me and said she changed the flights" today's tuesday, which means she leaves in less than three days. and maybe some part of me isn't ready for that.

"you could come with me if you want, but that's a huge commitment. and i know that it'll probably be a hard choice, and you don't even know me that well. and hell i don't even know where i'm moving yet-"

"i'll come with you" i cut her off. a smile playing on my lips.

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