chapter 17

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Anamika's pov

Tomorrow is the party that nirvaan is hosting.  He is really busy and doesn’t really have much time for me.  I wonder if he Doesn't miss me. I wish that if i could Just read his mind so i Don't have to Over think. I have to get ready for the day i am meeting some of my friends.

I wore a cute little outfit

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I wore a cute little outfit. God i love wearing dresses.
After i got ready i left the home.

And after some time i entered the restaurant.

I meet some of my friends and we had lunch together after spending the day with them. I said goodbye to them.  Then i Had to go to the designer place for my outfit for the party.

The designer was really good. I buyed some really pretty saris but one sari that caught my eyes was a really beautiful white sari and i decided that i will wear that sari for the party.

When i left the Designers place it was pretty late at night.

After entering the our home. I Didn't see nirvaan. Is he not back yet.

When i entered the room i saw nirvaan drinking his whiskey.

So you are finally back anamika. Nirvaan asked in a cold voice.
Do you even realize how many times i Have called you. Where the fuck is your phone anamika. He said angrily.

I am so sorry my phone was in a silent mood.  I didn’t check my phone.
I am so sorry.

It's fine if you are out late but atleast inform or i will be really worried aboutparty 

I know i am so sorry baby. I am really sorry. Forgive me

Okay i am forgiving you for the last time.

And then we had dinner together and we slept cuddling with each other.

The next day nirvaan was really busy because today is the party. I was busy too. After checking Out the details of the party. I started getting ready for the party

I wore a beautiful white sari with delicate kundan jewellerys and nirvaan wore a black suit.

When entered the party every eyes were on us even after attending this parties my whole  life i still get intimidated.

I felt the his hold on my waist getting tighter

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I felt the his hold on my waist getting tighter

Relax Mrs Singhania he said
Then he left my side to talk with his guests and i also started interacting with guests. 
And then i spotted that women kashmira i knew it was silly for me to think that she wouldn’t be here afterall she and nirvaan were friends for so many years and still she is the wife of his nirvaan's closest friends it is unavoidable that she would be here yet i wished That i wouldn’t have to see them together .

Anamika how have you been kashmira asked
God she looks soo bold and gorgeous right now yet i hate her so much

I am fine how Have you been i asked

Good. She said

And in that moment nirvaan came.

Anamika Where have you been i Have Been looking for you.

I was just busy talking with the guests baby i said

Come Let's go i want you to meet some people Let's go.

Nirvaan it’s been a while since i last saw you kashmira said

Oo really i Didn't realize nirvaan said coldly.

Come Let's go we are getting late

After talking with some of the business mens i was quite thirsty .

I came to the bar to have some drinks can i have blue Ocean mojito?  I asked the bartender.

Yes of course mam.

I was waiting for my drink when i heard someone say.

You look gorgeous tonight anamika and it was none other Than karan mehra.

Thanks when did you come? I asked

Just now he replied and ordered a whiskey for Himself.

You look bored Mr karan. I said

I am bored i am not someone who enjoys this type of Parties

Ooh really are you not interested in business i asked.

No i Don't find business Interesting.
I love art and i like to write but you know my family doesn’t approve of me Being a writer.

Do  you like being a princess Anamika he again asked

Do i like being a princess i Don't know i was born as a princess i was born into royalty i have fallen in love with a king i Have been married to him and my whole world  revolves around it so yeah i am used to being a princess i replied

You are soo young just 20 years old do u like Being bound to a men who is 12 years older than you who have much more experience than you he asked in a curious tone.

I have loved him even when  i couldn’t have him loving was never a choice it was my destiny and even if i Didn't marry him i would still love him.
I really admire you anamika for being so brave he said

Thanks i replied

Will you dance with me he suddenly asked

But before i could even Denied his request nirvaan came and said

She can't go she will go dance with me he said it quite calmly but i could sense the anger in his voice.

Yeah i can't dance with you i said and took nirvaan's hand

Let's go Chand

After we came to the dance stage a soft romantic song was playing

I think you are forgetting something my lovely chand

What am i forgetting nirvaan i asked

That you are my wife that you belong to me and i am one who will ever touch you.

I am not forgetting anything nirvaan
And he suddenly pinched my waist

Ouch it’s hurting me nirvaan

It also hurts when you give attention to someone else it burns my heart

You are mine anamika nirvaan Singhania.

I am yours and he kissed me softly in front of everyone.

You are soo adorable how could i ever live my life without my chand nirvaan said

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