chapter 49

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Anamika's pov

I Don't know how much time has passed but i am feeling scared.

I dont even know why am i here and where is rana sa. When he is gonna come just as i was thinking this the door of the room burst open and that man from earlier entered the room.

He came running towards me and grabbed me.

He pulled my hair and said your husband is here Princess and i must say that he is here even earlier Than i expected.

Rana is here. He is here to save me
Don't be so happy princess because even if he is here. He wouldn’t be able to save you.
It's a pity that i have to kill you. After all you're one of the beautiful princess in the world.

I Couldn't even understand everything when i felt excruciatingly pain in my chest and when i looked Down i found out he stabbed me in the chest.i could feel my myself loosing my consciousness. That man was still holding me. And i heard someone call me. I know who that voice belongs to.

My rana sa my nirvaan the love of my life and that man left me pushed me and i fell straight into the floor.

The pain was unbearable. My baby was hurt too.i could feel it but my eyes were closing.

Suddenly i heard a gunshot but i still Couldn't open my eyes.

Someone was picking me up and kissing my forheard. I knew who that person was but i still Couldn't open my eyes.

Anamika baby pls wake up pls open your eyes he was pleading me and i wanted to open my eyes but i Couldn't it.

I am sorry jaan. I am sorry i got late he was saying i wanted to tell him that it was not his fault.

But i slowly sliped into darkness.

Nirvaan's pov

The moment i got anamika's call.i was going crazy i immediately flew back to Mumbai.

It took a fair amount of time to find her location whoever planned this is going to get punished so badly for kidnapping my wife but first of all i need to go and save her. They kept her in a abandoned house. I entered the house with my team but when i went to the room where she was kept my soul left my body.

My anamika was hurt all i could see was red.
Pls baby wake up i picked her up and ran towards the car.

She is not waking up. I kissed her forehead. My tears were Falling in her face.

My eyes fell on her belly. My baby i touched it but it was not moving.
My baby moves Everytime i touches him but now he is not moving.

I hold her against my chest.

Pls Don't leave me pls baby.i can't live without you.

But she is still not responding. In the mean time we reached hospital. Dad and anamika's parents were already in the hospital.

When i entered the hospital and they looked at her and they burst into tears.
The doctors took her from me i wanted to hold her hands but she left my hands. I fell on the floor.

Nirvaan my son pls Don't be so disheartened. Everything is gonna be Alright.

She is gonna be fine. She is a strong girl

I heard dad saying.

I knew she was sad because i Didn't attend the baby shower.she was upset i knew it but i still Didn't attend.

I was so self centered maybe that's why she is punishing me right.

She was already so weak so fragile there were so many complications. But she was carrying my child all she ever wanted was my support but what did i do?

I broke her heart. I stayed away from her. I made her miserable. If only i was there then she wouldn’t have to go Through this pain.
There were so much blood when i found her. Even the baby is not responding.

I am gonna loose her dad. I am gonna loose her.
Nirvaan pull yourself together. You can't be so weak right now.
You have to hold yourself together for the sake of Anamika.

And the doctor has asked you to go to his room so pls go now.

Yess i am going now.

When i entered the doctor's cabin. He was nervous i could feel it.

Rana ji pls sit down.
No need to be this formal.tell me how is she?

Kuwar rani sa is not well rana ji.

What do you mean by that?
There has been a lot of Internal bleeding. Her chest wound is also very deep.

And what about the baby?

The baby's position has moved as well and he is not responding too.

As you know she previously had a lot of issues with the pregnancy. Her body was already very weak and now with all of these she has became even more fragile.

I am sorry to say that in operation theatre we could loose her and the baby as well.

I Couldn't control my rage hearing that i  grabbed the doctor's coller.

What did you just say? I would kill you bastard.if you can't save my wife and hearing all that dad entered the cabin and he held me back.

Nirvaan behave yourself and he asked the doctor if i could meet her before the operation.

The doctor hurriedly said yes but Only rana ji can meet her and only for 5 mins.

More than enough doctor and then he took me outside.
Nirvaan you can't loose your cool okay.

Remember anamika needs you.

And then pushed me into the room Where anamika was.

When i entered and saw her my heart broke into pieces. She was looking so fragile in that hospital bed attached with so many tubes.

Her face had lost colour. She was not my anamika. My anamika Didn't look like that.

My anamika always had so much joy in her face. Seeing her always made my heart full.but today she is looking so tiny.

It must have pained a lot right baby i said holding her hand wishing that she would hear me. 
You must have been so scared. I am sorry jaan i couldn’t save you. I am sorry that i Didn't come earlier. You can give me any punishment you want but pls Don't leave me. I will not be able to survive without you.

I will give you anything you want but Just stay here plss.

Mujhe itni badi saza mat do.tumhare bina jeena ka matlab mere liye narak hain. Tumne humesha tumhare rana ji ki har baat mani hain to pls yeh baat bhi maan lo. [ Don't give me such a big punishment. Living without you will be hell For have always kept my words so pls keep this word as well]

And the doctor's came too take her and i kissed her forehead.

Pls come back Jaan

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