chapter 50

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Nirvaan's pov

I was holding her hand when the doctors were taking her the moment they took her inside her hand slipped away from mine. I could understand anything. They could have hurted me but they hurted my wife and the consequences will not be easy for them but now my first priority.

I was sitting alone when dad sat beside me.

Everything will be alright beta Don't be scared.

I Don't know dad It's all my fault. I Was one Who left her alone when she was so vulnerable. My anger got the best of me.
I Couldn't handle it.

You Didn't knew that something like this would happen.stop blaming yourself beta.

Suddenly i heard a voice and when i looked up it was my great mother.

What happened to anamika she was asking by holding my hand.

I took my hand out of hers and asked.

Why the hell are you here.

Nirvaan beta you are son of course i had to come to meet you when you are going thorough such a hard time.

I scoffed when did you ever treat me like your son

Nirvaan i am very sorry for that but i had to come for Anamika. She helped me so much.
You must be so happy right. You wanted me to suffer Have always wanted me to suffer right.

You wanted to destroy my life and now your wish is getting fulfilled. My life is getting destroyed.

Nirvaan pls Don't think like that.

Dad pls tell her to go.

Rukmini pls go nirvaan is not feeling well.

Then i will go from here but pls let me stay until the operation is over.

Okay you can i heard dad saying that.

My heart was breaking for her.she was so pure so nice than why is this happening to her.

She was always there always accompanying me in my pain. Giving me a family when i Didn't even deserve it and what about my baby. What is gonna happen to him.he is also suffering with her.

Suddenly the door of the operation room opened and a nurse came outside.

What's happening. Is everything Alright?

She was hesitant a bit. But then she opened Her mouth and what she said shook me to the core.

Her condition is not that good.infact the condition is getting worse. She is loosing to much blood.we need more blood.

Take my blood her mother said.pls save my daughter. Auntie was breaking Down and what i was feeling was something i Couldn't describe.

I fell in the ground. My hands were shaking. I Couldn't describe it.
But i manage to get a hold of my emotions and asked what about my baby.

How is he?

The heartbeat is very low but It's still there.we are trying our level best but now we need blood. Pls now i have to go and get the blood.

The nurse left and i was left waiting for her to come back. She loves me right she will never leave me.

Why is this happening dad.why is she suffering so much like what's Her fault.she was so happy so excited for this baby but now i Don't even if she or my baby is gonna come back to me.

All my life i Have suffered but now when i was finally Being happy. I got deprived from that happiness as well. Like why?

Don't i deserve to be happy dad. Even if i Don't deserve to be  happy but she Does right?

Then why is she getting punished dad.

I should be the one who should have gotten punished.

Yet she is the one who is suffering and i can't do anything about it.nothing at all.

Be brave nirvaan be the nirvaan raj Singhania you have always been

Don't loose Hope and be strong.

Do you know who did this?

I know everything now dad and now Isn't the time to go there.

Just let her come back to me then i will everyone that who exactly is nirvaan raj Singhania.

I will show them hell dad and Then they will me to give them death but i will not kill them.
They will know what pain is.

Suddenly the door got opened again and the doctor came forward to me.

What happened to my wife i asked fearing the worst.

She is okay for now Her condition is still to critical but she is a brave girl.

The operation was very complicated. She losed way too much blood. She even had a mild stroke. I thought i will not be able to save her but she proved me wrong.

And what about my baby?

How is he?

The baby is fine now but It's a premature delivery so the baby will be very weak. We are shifting the baby in the special care unit.

I want to meet him.

No sir we can't let you meet him. You can meet him after Some time.

I told you right beta that everything is gonna be okay.
Our child is a brave girl and most importantly she loves you so much that even god can't separate you both.

Pls in the meantime go and freshen up a bit.

I was feeling relived That both her and my baby is fine so i went our home and freshened up.

It was 3 hours after the surgery when i could meet my baby boy.

When i went to room Where he was my heart broke.

My baby was so little boy had to endure so much pain. He was soo many needles were poking him.

My eyes turned watery on their baby.
I am sorry bacha that you had to suffer all of these. I promise you will never Have to go Through this again.your mumma gave her best to give you this life.she was soo strong for giving you to me.You're the best gift that papa could ever get.i love you so much beta.

Both mumma and papa love you. Be strong beta

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