chapter 40

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Anamika's pov

From the night of the party he has been fucking me very brutally but from the past few days i am feeling very bad.

And my periods are late too. What if i am pregnant. I am scared to be a mother. I am barely 21.

Maybe i should talk to mom about this and i hurriedly got ready in a Hot pink sari

Maybe i should talk to mom about this and i hurriedly got ready in a Hot pink sari

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Anamika's look

In  an hour i reached rajgarh mom was already waiting for me as she saw me she rushed forward and hugged and in an instant i felt peace in my heart.

My baby how are you she asked.

I am great mom i really missed you.

I missed you too my baby.

Mom i wanted to talk about something important.

Yes tell me bache i am here for you.

Mom i might be pregnant.

This is Such a great news Anamika but you Don't look that happy.

I Don't know how to feel mumma.

I Have not tested yet mom but my periods are late and i am feeling sick too.

Let me set you up a appointment with my friend. She is one of the highest rated gynecologist and she delivered you too.

Thanks mom pls set me up with the earliest appointment.

I will baby you Don't have to worry about that okay.
If the result is positive will you be happy anamika she asked.

I dont know i feel i am too young to be a mother and  we are just gonna Have our anniversary next month.

Listen Anamika if you are pregnant it means you are to going to Have a responsibility of a child.

Don't worry we are all here baby you Don't Have to fret about it.
Yes i know mom. I think i should go nirvaan might be back.

Your appointment is tomorrow okay baby.

Yes mom i will call you after the appointment.

Then i left for devgarh but to my surprise rana was already at the palace

Where were you anamika he asked.

I was meeting with mom i replied.

You Didn't say anything.

It must have slipped from my mind.

Okay then Let's have Lunch together he said.

Yeah Let's Have that.

After dinner rana sa left for his study
And i fell asleep.

The next day i again left for rajgarh.

When i reached the hospital someone came and took me to the doctor

Hi Anamika how are you dear the doctor greeted me.

I am fine sheetal auntie. How Have you Been.

I am great too.

Now Let's talk about your problem.

Yes auntie i think i might be pregnant but i am not sure yet.

Okay if you think you are pregnant Then why Don't we do some tests.

Then she made me do some tests.

The reports will come tomorrow dear.

Okay no problem i can come tommorow.

Then i left the hospital and stayed in rajgarh informing Rana sa that mom wanted me to stay with her.
That's why he Didn't doubt anything.

The next day when i again went there.

Sheetal auntie was seeing my reports.

Hi auntie i said.

Anamika dear seat here and congratulations you are indeed pregnant. The pregnancy is only about 4 weeks.

I was feeling happy but i was scared too.

But there is somethings that you need to know.

What is it i asked feeling a bit scared by her tone.

Anamika your pregnancy is a very high risk one.

It might be life threatening to you.
Your womb is to weak to carry a child for nine months.

I was feeling so shocked by listening to this.

And anamika i think it would be best if you decided to terminate the pregnancy.

What do you mean its my baby why would i terminate my child.

Listen there is another thing to your nani and you mom had fertility issues.
You have them so this baby might be your last chance of becoming mother.

As your doctor i Have to tell you all the things.

I can't do this. I will not abort my baby.

I will come to you again. I have to go.

As i left the hospital my mind was in complete chaos.

What's gonna happen. What am i gonna do.

Just i entered the palace i saw rana sa sipping coffee with mom and dad.

Anamika i was missing you that's why i came to get you he said to me and then he noticed the hospital files in my hand.

Why are there medical reports in your hand.what happened he said getting agitated.

Let's go to my bedroom and talk then we went to my room and i locked the door.

Tell me now what happened to you?

Rana sa i am pregnant i said.

What anamika you are pregnant i am so happy chaand. You have made me the happiest man alive he said.

I already love this child when i heard that sentence i felt shocked. It was the first time i have ever heard him say he loves someone.

But you are okay na baby. There is no problem right in your pregnancy.

I was swallowing my tears and said everything is fine. I hugged him tightly.

What happened baby he asked.

Nothing i love you you know that right.
I know meri jaan he replied the entire day he was soo happy. It was the happiest i ever saw him.

Rana Let's stay at rajgarh today i am feeling a bit sick.

What happened baby should i call the doctor.

No no nothing that Serious.
Okay then Let's stay here today we will go back tomorrow.

I will go and meet mom i replied and went to meet mumma.

I went to the library where my mumma often spends her time.

I went to The library and mom saw me and said sheetal called me and said everything to me.

This pregnancy can be life threataning to Shouldnt have told nirvaan about it.he will never let you abort the baby.
Mom i Don't want to abort this baby.It's my baby.

Anamika think rationally It's about your health.

I Have thought about it mom pls Don't tell anyone about this.

I am a Rajput death Doesn't scare me.
She Didn't say anything and hugged me

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